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About Concodroid

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    what's a sarcasm

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  1. I can still hear the ringing of "It's a GAME, not a sim" in my head. I saw some pretty wild justifications for that too, ranging from xplane's faa certification to the user interface being too nice to use. I'm glad they've gone away, it's a lot nicer around the flight sim parts these days.
  2. Actually... As it was recorded on (presumably) high-quality film, it would be... high quality. Take this movie, for example: Grand Prix - 1966. To me, this looks better than quite a few modern movies, and that's saying something. Something like that happened with 90's TV shows that recorded on film - they were preserved, and can be enjoyed in high quality today, as film had a resolution of something approximating 6k, but not really, as each and every single silver halide crystal that makes up film was a different size Essentially, it was analogue downscaling.
  3. I know that game devs have the right to remove gameplay from youtube - some companies, famously nintendo, fiercely pursue legal action (DMCA takedowns) on their soundtracks (for example). But gameplay is fine - it's news if a company decides to take action against a youtuber. I can't remember it ever happening, and the reason is - like other said here - it's free advertising. It doesn't matter how much gameplay it is - by virtue of being an interactive medium, games aren't like video, you get different enjoyment out of playing it versus watching it. Especially since watching games being played makes you now want to play it. Even games that specifically request to not record gameplay - like Getting Over It, for example - don't pursue legal action, as it would a) result in less popularity and b) result in an absolute PR nightmare. Tl:dr: Can they? Yes. Will they? No.
  4. This isn't directed at you, but this topic again? The people working on developing these expansions are not usually the same people who would fix the weather. You wouldn't ask a modeler, for example, to program ATC logic.
  5. Oh yes they do! They bought every joystick, yolk, etc. they could off of amazon and tested them individually! Posted on the update page on the very first update, there was a mention that joysticks and everything would work with the game.
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