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Everything posted by roarkv

  1. .-..at this point - push your heading sel-. button as pilots do in real life - until you are established on the localizer.
  2. ....FSMeteo gives you wind-predictions at every METAR station enroute at different altitudes AGL. regards Roar Kverneng
  3. I dont have this callout at 2500 feet RA in approaches....Is it a bug or is everything OK?
  4. roarkv


    ...check your ZFW...if too heavy - cant rotate at VR.
  5. After installing FSUIPC 3.135 I got rid of that TO/GA warning sound when rolling. - but if I set the throttles to idle, I have a N1 at 20.3 -- pressing the F1 pad on keyboard, I have 19.7. How do I calibrate my joystick in FSUIPC (MS Sidewinder PRO2.)?Many good flights with PMDG!Roar Kverneng
  6. ...sorry - flaps was set to 1 -2 - or 5......
  7. ...I start up the PMDG 737/700, with running engines, open the FMC, select departure, select via/goto, select arrival, select RW ext with 10NM, select ZFW - cost index - temp - FL, select PERF, select V1, VR, V2. Arm spoilers, RTO, setting the FL in ALT sel, press the TO/GA button - and I have a "beeping" sound while rolling until lift-off. Climb to Cruise-level , TC then TD. The problem is that the plane is approaching the ARRIVAL way too high - not locking to the ILS- localizer, - set in the radiopanel - therefore not engage the APP- mode and GS. As an example the aircraft is at 5000 feet 5 NM from the arrival RW, and 3000 is selected altitude at 10NM from RW. Can anyone help me?Roar Kverneng
  8. ...or switch off the APU after engine start.....
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