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Posts posted by Sartanius

  1. 2 minutes ago, Noooch said:

    More important, if this is true, that means MSFS will be playable with max graphics on an old computer, probably with a subscription (for XCloud, not for Gamepass)

    That would be a game-changed for access.  They could reach a much larger audience that way.  I like it!

  2. As a kid growing up in Aruba, my father was a flight instructor in the local flying club.  And dad was very adventurous.  Our family of 4 took two long trips in a Mooney Mark 21.  The first was from Aruba, up through he Caribbean islands to Florida, up the east coast to SE Canada, then back the way we came to Aruba.  The second was far more adventurous.  From Aruba to Venezuela, over to Panama then up through Central America the Mexico, over to Baja California, then into Los Angeles, then across the US to SE Canada, down the east coast to Florida, then Puerto Rico then the final leg back to Aruba.  My dad is 93 years old now and during my last visit I photographed his logbooks for those flights.  These might be my first trips in MFS.

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  3. Hey Noooch.  Sure is great to see the gaming industry delivering content to all types of connected devices.  XCloud and now Stadia. 

    I'm curious, though... just how would a MFS session look on my iPhoneX or iPad (or Android equivalents)?  And how would I read the gauges and interact with switches/controls, etc?  And would we use XBox or Stadia controllers, or something new? 

    Game streaming technology is certainly innovative, but I'm not so sure a flight sim is the optimal use case.  But, being an old guy, maybe I just don't have the advanced insight necessary to understand how this would work. 🙂


  4. 4 minutes ago, Baber20 said:

    Hi dmiannay,

    I think you misread. I am just sharing someone else's experience. 

    Regarding performance, he also confirmed in an answer to someone's question that the sim was running at a locked 4k 60fps. 

    Yep, I sure did misread that.  Thanks for clarifying.  Being locked at 4k and 60 fps is going to get a lot of attention.  Thanks!

  5. 1 hour ago, Raymond.Groenendijk said:

    I'll try to keep the list updated somehow, too bad we can't edit topics like these to keep them up-to-date. Maybe I'll upload it to Google Drive and share the link here and post about it when it got an update.

    You might also PM one of the mods here and ask if they can open your post back up so you can edit it.  I really don't know if they would, but it is certainly worth a try.  Again, good job, my friend!

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  6. That's quite a job you've done there, Raymond.  You put a lot of effort into it and it shows.  Really appreciate having all this in one place.

    If I'm not mistaken, we saw a nice rendition of Stone Mountain just east of Atlanta in the new trailer released at XO19 this week.  It is at 1:09 into the video.  If it applies, you might add it to your index.  Thanks!

    • Like 3

  7. 14 hours ago, jaytee73 said:

    my dear wife of 64 years of marriage 

    I too want to salute you and your wife, Jaytee.  That level of commitment is certainly not the norm anymore.  What a great example and a huge blessing!

    Can't answer your question about whether you'll get to see all this, but I certainly hope so.  I'm 20 years your younger and sometimes I wonder if I'll be around to see all this state-of-the-art goodness.  Lord willing...

  8. 4 minutes ago, cepact said:

    Yes there will always be room, the problem is the price. Why would anyone pay $140 for a default quality aircraft ? Because yes it seems like the default quality will be more like pmdg/fslabs quality, the bar has been raised substantially.

    So if they really raised the bar that much, PMDG will be in big trouble with their recent deal/promise. No one will pay $140, they will have to sell it at very low prices, so the people who bought the NGXu would have paid more for nothing, there are going to be a lot of upset customers when they'll announce NG3 for less than $50

    My sense from all that we've heard is the level of detail MS/AS provide may be greater than FSX default aircraft, but I sort of doubt they will deliver PMDG/FSL quality out of the box.  This franchise has always celebrated an open 3PD community where the boundaries can be stretched and complexity explored.  I still think what PMDG/FSL do will have great value for MSFS, but I'm just guessing.  In any event, we're all likely to be very pleased with the direction this is all headed.

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  9. 49 minutes ago, cepact said:

    This sounds very bad for PMDG and others. I wonder how they're going to justify the $140 price tag on their 737 knowing that it seems more and more like we are going to have at least 3 jets (citation, A320, 747) which will be close to study level from the base sim.

    Not necessarily.  I don't believe it is reasonable that MS/AS are going to develop every conceivable aircraft to study-level complexity.  No doubt there will be plenty of room for the 3PDs.

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  10. Yep, have 1909 and latest NVIDIA drivers... all is well.  Several flights already after the update with nary a hiccup.

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  11. 1 minute ago, domkle said:

    Yes, indeed. It is good fun ! 

    Allow me to do some cheap and corny psychology. The Asobo team radiates enthusiasm,  you feel that they want to do good. The positive vibes ripple through the whole flightsim community.

    Your diagnosis is right-on!  They do radiate excitement and it is contagious.  None of us knows what the future may bring, but this ride sure is enjoyable.

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  12. Just now, domkle said:

    Could very well be. My point is that we are at a point where all the pieces of information we have, can lead to different explanations, all very plausible.  Being carried away by the one we wish is a temptation :wink:.

    I completely agree, but as humans we love to speculate.  It is all in fun, my friend.  I have zero insider knowledge, but sure am enjoying this wave of enthusiasm building towards release sometime next year.  Very exciting times for the flight sim community!

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  13. 1 hour ago, domkle said:

    You could draw the exact opposite conclusion. Because it takes years to develop such a plane, there is a chance it is the PMDG bird as it is ready made to be injected in the sim if the format is not too different (we already know that FS20 works with the legacy FSX flight modeling). Don't make me wrong, I don't know and don't say it is the case, but your own logic brings about two opposite conclusions, both making sense :smile:.

    Or... and this is just more imprecise speculation... what if Microsoft/Asobo (MS/AS) purchased/leased the rights to use PMDG's Queen of the Skies as their launch default Boeing aircraft and guaranteed PMDG a small piece of the pie or a significant lump sum.  Would be lucrative for PMDG.  That way MS/AS could market it as their own in the release.  In case you missed it with PMDG's recent 737-NGXu release, they are all-in developing the NGX for MSFS.  It looks a bit like they are already in discussion with MS/AS, so who knows. 

    In any event, this is all good.  We now know a major study-level aircraft developer is committed, and the others are sure to follow.

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  14. 1 hour ago, TravelRunner404 said:

    That was great! But did you also see how the poor guy was trying delicately not to create a back lash for the over reacting simmers? I mean there is going to be an aircraft you can basically push A on a controller and fly just like I do with the f22 in the super ultra realistic not for gamers P3d but he wouldn’t say that! probably bc so many people would run with it on places like here, and others. 

    I think his point was that, in addition to it being a full fledged simulator in the same vein as FSX/P3D, it will also be accessible to all ranges of people with different abilities or even physical challenges.  That's a good thing.  To me it's a both-and type of arrangement.  Hard core simmers will be able to do what we do, but there will be features that let beginners and others ease into the hobby with baby steps. Win-win.

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