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Sean H

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Posts posted by Sean H

  1. @Ray Proudfoot

    OS Name    Microsoft Windows 11 Home
    Version    10.0.22631 Build 22631
    Other OS Description     Not Available
    OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation
    System Name    HARRO-DESKTOP
    System Manufacturer    Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    System Model    B560M D2V
    System Type    x64-based PC
    System SKU    Default string
    Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2904 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date    American Megatrends International, LLC. F6, 23/08/2021
    SMBIOS Version    3.3
    Embedded Controller Version    255.255
    BIOS Mode    UEFI
    BaseBoard Manufacturer    Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    BaseBoard Product    B560M D2V
    BaseBoard Version    x.x
    Platform Role    Desktop
    Secure Boot State    Off
    PCR7 Configuration    Elevation Required to View
    Windows Directory    C:\WINDOWS
    System Directory    C:\WINDOWS\system32
    Boot Device    \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Locale    United Kingdom
    Hardware Abstraction Layer    Version = "10.0.22621.2506"
    Username    HARRO-DESKTOP\Owner
    Time Zone    E. Australia Standard Time
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    16.0 GB
    Total Physical Memory    15.9 GB
    Available Physical Memory    7.62 GB
    Total Virtual Memory    25.4 GB
    Available Virtual Memory    13.2 GB
    Page File Space    9.50 GB
    Page File    C:\pagefile.sys
    Kernel DMA Protection    Off
    Virtualisation-based security    Not enabled
    Windows Defender Application Control policy    Enforced
    Windows Defender Application Control user mode policy    Off
    Device Encryption Support    Elevation Required to View
    Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions    Yes
    Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions    Yes
    Hyper-V - Virtualisation Enabled in Firmware    Yes
    Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection    Yes

  2. @Ray Proudfoot thanks for the reply Ray, for some reason I didnt get notified of a reply, hence my delay.

    Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz   2.90 GHz
    Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
    Device ID    EF8F7A08-5002-48DD-9805-C770A6E80669
    Product ID    00326-03100-00003-AAOEM
    System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

    Rebooted and I still get this error

    "Your computer has run out of available memory. Please restart Prepar3D(r) and select different graphics, scenery, or traffic settings."


  3. @Ray Proudfoot thanks for the reply Ray, for some reason I didnt get notified of a reply, hence my delay.

    Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz   2.90 GHz
    Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
    Device ID    EF8F7A08-5002-48DD-9805-C770A6E80669
    Product ID    00326-03100-00003-AAOEM
    System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

    I'm right now following the page you linked, PC needs a reboot, back in 5 min I hope


  4. All of a sudden I’m getting an error while booting P3Dv4 which it then CTD.  Your computer is out of memory….

    it is a high end PC and even with task manager running nothing lifts above 50% in any category.

    i did a clean install and still same issue!

    Is this a program problem or do I need new PC upgraded memory 

  5. Hi readers,

    I’m after some current (2021) advice please on getting a new monitor.  I am currently using a SONY TV 40” however I can’t read any gauges or fmc text without zooming in a lot.

    I am going to buy a new screen.  It will be the main P3Dv4 screen.  There seems to be a suggestion that 16;9 is the way to go.  There is a 49” curved but it is wide and low.

    Any suggestions/comments would help.

  6. I agree with you Jacques.  A lot of systems pre-load the last entry for ease of entry.  It is weird that mine changes regularly without me ever inputting a value.  Each flight it has a different Reserve Value.

    If the computer is forcing it to change each time then it is automation doing it which negates human checking/calculation.  Back to square one.

  7. I have been Flight simming for many years, and whilst not the majority of my flight time, but almost, is in rotary wing aircraft.  

    I hope that MS or someone develops something that is adequate for us rotorheads to enjoy.  Maybe it’s the recent rate of change, but things ten yrs ago were fairly stable.  Yes it was probably no competition, but with our market today, add-on developers don’t know what to target.  I bought P3Dv4 and XP11 after my PC crashed and was unrecoverable.  After jumping between the two, it wasn’t working so I have uninstalled XP11.  Slowly we are catching up with useable helicopters from the FSX days, but it is slow.

    Whilst rotaries are not the biggest percentage of the market for a flight sim developer, they are dedicated and keen.  Payware and add-ons for helo’s are a business, and could be supported in any new sim.

    its amazing that back in fs9 or maybe before that, Jordan had payware helicopters that had winches, and other aminiations, yet today nothing.

    • Like 1

  8. Nice work so far.  Any updates.  I've located in the Spratly Islands construction on;

    Cuarteron Reef (helicopters and ships)

    Fiery Reef (Aircraft, Helos and ships)

    Mischief Reef (Aircraft, Helos, and ships)

    Zhubi Reef (Aircraft, Helos, and ships)

    Gaven Reef (Helos and ships)

    Hughes Reef (Helos and ships)

    Johnson South Reef (Helos and ships)

    But so far can't find much FSX scenery, so have been trying my best.

  9. Hi guys,


    Just setup a new system and would like to get the Vol1 evo re-installed.  Currently I have nothing of the Vol1 installed, so the question is what do I need to install and in what order?  I have the following downloads available for the Volume 1;









    Airbus Series v1 Deluxe Upgrade (version FSX) 



    Airbus1 Deluxe Evo Upg FSX v10b


    Airbus1 Deluxe Evo Upg FSX v1.0 

    Airbus1 Deluxe Evo Upg FSX v11 


    I'd like to get it right.

  10. Hi guys,


    I'm a long time user of AS products and have been extremely happy and recommended to countless friends.


    Anyway, I made the jump to a new system Win7-64, and now us FSX. I've been having lots and lots of Fatal Errors, so I did a HD reformat and reloaded everything because I couldnt find the problem.


    Short story is that I firmly believe that AS2012 is somehow causing the my Fatal Errors in FSX when I'm connected to VATSIM.


    Specific conditions are FSX FSInn AS2012 joining VATSIM with any traffic around = Fatal Error. repeatable.


    FSX FSInn and connect to VATSIM with traffic around have not yet had a Fatal Error.


    How could AS2012 be the straw that is breaking my enjoyment, and can it be fixed. As I said I have in the last 24hrs repeated this several times over. If AS2012 is running when I hit connect on FSInn and there is traffic in my mutli-player, I get Fatal Error.


    I am now sadly missing the excellent product that I have used for years, and hope that the reason can be identified.


    EDIT: Build: 4363

  11. Since updating my FSUIPC model, I cant get as much right Aileron and I can Left. I was having same issue as I disconnected AP on final. The aircraft just wont roll to the right no matter what I do. Sitting on the ground looking from rear of aircraft, no matter what settings I use there is 90% to Left and 10% to right. Almost as though it thinks the centre is 40% left roll.

  12. I have just reformatted my HD, and wish to re-install my PMDG products.


    I have the following files;











    PMDG 737 6700 NGX RTM

    PMDG 737 8900 NGX SP1


    In what order do I need to install these files?



  13. Doing a search there is an old topic from 2003 on doing this. I admit that I am a newbie, and that I am jumping into the deep end, BUT..


    What is the best process for importing an FSX .mdl into GMax for editing, and then back the other way?


    I've done some searches, but nothing that seems to make sense to me, and recently posted. I sincerely appreciate anyones assistance in this process. My goal is to edit an FSX B350 by adding some military sensors in an attempt to create an MC-12W.


    I have GMax 2.0.0 installed.

  14. Two fold Question, based on my trying to simulate the BBJ.


    1. Is it possible to modify the 737-700W fuel capacity from 46,055Lb up to 66,444Lb, and MTOW from 153K to 171K?


    2. Is there any rumours comments on whether there will be a actual BBJ version coming in the future?


    I searched but couldn't see any news or comment recently. Sorry if it is there somewhere.

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