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Posts posted by srcooke

  1.  I'm curious as to how and why it failed for your KEWR-EGLL, however (despite KEWR being a literal black hole pit of despair). Would it not produce a route at all? What did you change between running the two routes? Were you planning an Eastbound flight during a time the Westbound NATs were active and trying to run CFMU conformance checking?




    There appears to be an issue where a SID is not available Kyle, in this instance from 04's at KEWR. A route is not generated at all.


    I posted a workaround on the PFPX forum using the exit points by adding them to the airport file.

  2. After a create a flightplan using PFPX I export it.By default if goes into a folder  c:\FSX\PMDG\FlightPlan\NGX\PMDG\FlightPlan\NGX

    In order to have it work in the PMDG-737 CDU ( as coroute ) I need to copy the created flightplan to a folder



    Therefore I wonder if I could modify the PMDG-737 so that the coroute accepts the plan from



    I would hate to remove everything and reinstall l from scratch


    Thank you for your help


    Hubert Werni


    I posted the answer on the PFPX forum.


    You then created another post containing different data.


    As for c:\FSX\PMDG\FlightPlan\NGX\PMDG\FlightPlan\NGX been the default path that is not correct and would be resolved by correcting your 'FSX Folder ' path as posted.

  3. Really? The last time I tried using Pro Atc with PFPX, the ATC would just disappear mid flight. Also Pro ATC would for some reason change the SIDS and STARS selected in PFPX.


    The disappearance wouldn't happen if I used Pro Atc to plan only the PFPX generated plan so I thought it was something to do with that.


    The reason why I still prefer PFPX is cause of the well documented plans with fuel, payload and weather information, not to mention take-off performance data.


    Never seen this issue and use PFPX for the flightplan 100% of the time.


    SID/STAR's are dynamically assigned by ProATC just as realworld ATC can change your departure/approach. It will not change your flightplan only the departure/arrival procedures.


    If you are having issues with ProATC then raise them on the official support forum.

  4. Disagree. If in real life you are able to track the localizer and glidescope that far down and be that close to the threshold and centerline you would be ecstatic.  That is way farther down and in than is allowed at KPHL.  And despite that even then that is not a call for a MA.


    As shown above correctly setup the 777 can track and even autoland 27L without issue, that is the objective.

  5. Bear in mind that the charts and AIRAC data do not reflect the magnetic declination year on year. The AIRAC and approach charts are using a 10deg variation whereas now in 2016 and with Herve's update the figure for KPHL is 12.1deg.


    The heading of 267 that your seeing is actually correct.


    The FAA ground chart indicates the 12.1 deviation and runway headings of 267.6 ( 267 ), yet the approach plates haven't caught up.


    Your 777 is indicating the correct published approach course now at 265, the indicated heading of 267 is correct as of today.


    What doesn't look correct is your LOC offset to the right of the runway, compared to my straight in approach which is why I suggest checking for another scenery AFCAD.

  6. Not sure why you would be using that for this issue.


    The SunSkyJet scenery has a runway heading of 255, the mag var is -10deg giving the 265 front-course. The ILS of 27L is setup for the same.


    The Navigraph AIRAC has the correct 265 entry.


    It's possible the ARPT_RWY.dat file which should automatically update on scenery change has not done so and contains the 267 heading that your seeing.

  7. Hello Jaap,


    The 777 generates it's own data file located in the PMDG/NAVDATA folder called ARPT_RWY.dat.


    With the sim closed backup and delete this file. Run makerwys.exe whilst your at it, then try the flight again, the 777 will regenerate ARPT_RWY.dat file.


    If I get chance I'll test the route myself.

  8. Nevermind Kyle, I installed again the good old 1502 cycle wich is perfect for me and wait for 1604 to see. You are right, it's frustrating, it's not for 13 euro, but if you download something wich you pay, and specially it's not a new product, you expect to work. Honestly I prefer to pay 13 euro and have the download just with 4 cycle at year, specially for a flightsim, wich is not so important. Because let's say that an airport close One rwy for 30 days to repair it like it was at Dubai OMDB and that airac cycle report rwy closed, but in our sim the airport has still open that rwy, so wat's the point to change this while the add-on in sim didn't change? Because it's impossibil, I know. I understand to add new sid/star procedure, new freq. When they change, but not every month... IMO is a waiste of time every month and think if they even have much time to pay attention to every thing (that's why mistake happend).


    Report it to Navigraph and it will be checked, I suspect as the AIP supplement is still active the shortening is been applied. Look forward to seeing your post there.

  9. I download and install 1603 and the problem dissapeared,but unfortunally I notice another issue: as I almost fly in Europe, making a short fly from EDDM to LROP, trying to Land at 08L at LROP, the lenght of the rwy 08L-24R in FMC was 7883 ft and not 11483 ft like in reality or other airac cycle!!! It's absurd how lately the airac cycle are full of errors! They get even payed for this...

    Correction: rwy 08L-26R at LROP.


    The 1603 AIRAC reflects the published reduced length of 08L " AIRAC AIP SUPPLEMENT 02/15 " so appears to be correct.

  10. Personally I cannot see the closure listed only ref to ILS and ALS:


    LAX 11/180 (KLAX A3588/15) LAX RWY 24L ALS OUT OF SERVICE 1511210800-1610152359


    LAX 11/175 (KLAX A3583/15) LAX NAV ILS RWY 24L OUT OF SERVICE 1511210800-1610152359

  11. I assume that's on the list of bugs to be fixed? After all, it is a specific format selection in PFPX. They should surely match! (And of course both should abide by normal rules for ICAO Flight Plans)



    Hello Pete,


    Unfortunately Jan hasn't stated which flightplan format he tried to import, PRO-ATC/X imports FSX plans generated by PFPX without issue including the NAT waypoints it is not however aware of the active NAT tracks.




    Squawkbox plans do not contain NAT waypoints, only the track designator which PATC cannot interpret

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