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About aastolfi

  • Birthday 02/10/1973

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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  1. Awsome. So, I think that the best is wait the Reboot version (I don't have any FS2Crew PMDG NGX product).
  2. There will be also the Emergency package? And, if not, the Reboot version will be compatible with actual Emergency package? Thanks
  3. Hello, I'm looking for the correct procedure to save the company routes (both on documentation and on forum). But I'm unable to find this. Could someone write the correct official procedure (step-by-step) to save the company routes? Thanks. Alberto A.
  4. I'm not at all alarmed! And it's obvious that there is a good reason. I hope that isn't the holiday, becuase, but this is my personal opinion, it's not a good reason stopping the selling of a digital product!
  5. Hello, how do you have solved this issue?
  6. Very strange, because the purchase is an automatic process. And the tech support could have the holidays also if the purchase is active!
  7. Me too, I would like to know the answer! :rolleyes:
  8. Wow, che bello. Avsim in italiano.
  9. Hi simpilots,I forget the shortcut that a friend revealed me some time ago, to show the metar message (the same message that shows when METAR is updated) when I want. I rember is a SHIFT + F6, but this is wrong. Someone knows the shortcut to show the METAR messages?Thank you very much in advance.Alberto
  10. Hello,I missed the last news. Can somebody tell me if the next (#5) PMDG 747 TRC will be released soon?Thank you very much.Bye
  11. Also me,a l b e r t o a 7 3 @ h o t m a i l . c o m Thanks
  12. Hi man,Could I have one copy me too?My email: [email protected] Astolfi
  13. I posted a message with the correct link, some days ago.
  14. Hi Captains, why I'm able to fly with the fuel pump switches set to off?Last time I forgot to set the fuel pump switches to on, but I'm able to start the engines all the same (only I need to set the engine start levers to idle).I'm flying wiht the Boeing 737-600 (but I have also the -700, -800, -900 installed).Any suggestion?Thanks.
  15. Hi all,I'm sorry, but I don't find the webmaster e-mail address.On the download -> documentation page, the link to "PMDG documentation - Cruise Performance" don't work.It seems that the linkhttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/file_libra..._678900_V14.pdfis bad. The correct one ishttp://www.precisionmanuals.com/file_libra..._678900_V14.pdfThanks.Bye bye.
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