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Posts posted by flightsimmer747

  1. What is the main reason most people use other flight planners? The reason i ask is because i'm debating between 2 of them fs9 or fsbuild but can't understand the importance or impact it would have on the fmc. I was able to configure both so the fmc can read them but now i don't know which plan to fly, they are both different but all that matters in the end is the arrival airport.One thing i must say that i noticed is that the fs9 flight plans seem to fly a straight line even with vor to vor type of plan. I don't use direct gps because it doesn't seem realistic but then again i may be wrong. Please let me know i'm curious!

  2. Hi thanks for the reply i understand that the atc (RC) has the priority in vectoring and i will need to adjust my fmc to the new waypoint or fix right? Now does Rc call the waypoints by there name so i can type it in my fmc, I don't exactly fly with maps because i fly anywhere in the world. Hope i make sense.As far as the format i'll look into it. I just bought the pmdg so i'm new to it. And i'm also a newbie to Rc.Joe

  3. Hi guys I found a converter from .pln to .rte which will enable fs9 to vector you the same flight plan in your pmdg for IFR, you can use high vectors but i believe vor to vor is easier to manually type in, if needed in case of deviations, intersections seem more complicated. The file is(PLN2RTE) found in the avsim library.Tell me what you think?Until now all i did was create a vor to vor and manually import to fmc but with this tool i can create longer flights and import into the fmc automatically. The good part is proper vectoring of the flight and no flight plan typing in the fmc which can be so long on some flights.Joe

  4. Yes it does make sense now, now any other flight planner like fsnavigator which has a module out to export into pmdg's fmc will give me the same problem with atc communication so back to just filing a visual flight plan then takeoff and call arrival/tower for clearance doesn't sound like much communication. Will radar contact solve this problem? Or maybe fsnavigator can be read by fs9's atc?

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