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Everything posted by Murmur

  1. Also interesting, can you explain it better? I think I've not understood what you mean.
  2. That's interesting, are those payware addons?
  3. Clogged ram air / unclogged drain is not modeled indeed. That could be one suggestion for Austin, but I think he's already quite busy with other things in this period, and wouldn't probably consider it high priority...
  4. Honestly, just because things went like that while I was testing, and I just shared my sentiment of the moment. But you might be right, in hindsight. Although, from the first day XP12 was released, I remember other threads here which were basically just "I really like the way XP does this", and which often went the same way.
  5. 👆 Aaaannnd Q.E.D. Definitely ran its course.
  6. I think this thread has run its course, it's only going back and forth now, has became exhausting, toxic and nobody is going to change his ideas. For what it's worth, maybe it's better if mods close it, but of course it's their choice.
  7. Maybe yes, maybe not. Certainly I don't think that the MSFS community is less toxic than the XP one. What I read in the last 3 years make me think if anything it is more toxic, not less.
  8. I have a strongly suspicion that, for example, when in the PSX forums someone says: "I love PSX because it models this detail more realistically than PMDG 747", there's not a bunch of MSFS users flocking to the forum to aggressively have an argument about that; And when in the CondorSoaring forums someone says: "I love CondorSoaring because it models this detail more realistically than other sims", there's not a bunch of MSFS users flocking to aggressively have an argument about that. And so on and so on. But then, when users of a flight simulator (always the same one) flock here to attack and argument against another flight simulator (always the same one), it is the X-Plane community to be defined "toxic" and something "to avoid". For things like these, words fail me.
  9. Visibility in MSFS cannot be set to precise values, there isn't any slider for visibility! Pressure altitude deviations due to temperature deviations are not simulated when using manual weather (just try it for yourself, if you know how to do it); Icing, as even other people said here, has been dumbed down by user request, so that aircraft can unrealistically fly in icing conditions for extended periods of times; pitot icing is unrealistically modeled because airspeed reading is simply frozen and not reacting to altitude variations (contrary to what happens in XP); aircraft keep flying with failed engine and unfeathered prop (try the default Diamond, for example); All of these things you can test by yourself in MSFS: I advice you do it before coming here again with your incorrect info!
  10. Nice! True it's buggy, that's why it's deactivated. They absolutely need to debug it, it's spectacular:
  11. Nice videos. I quote the guy in the C172 after entering the freezing clouds: "I was able to maintain 4000 ft for a couple of minutes".
  12. Sure, that's why pilots who fly an aircraft not certified for ice conditions are required to exit icing conditions, when encountered, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Lol.
  13. In the sim you refer, I flew 30+ minutes at max icing conditions in the C172 and it would still continue flying. I have a _very slight_ suspect that would not be the case in real life. So maybe it's you who's making silly assumptions?
  14. Dear @SAS443 I might agree with you, but do you like the attitude of this guy?
  15. Cinque Terre, certainly one of the best places to fly over in the sim! I lived in Pisa, now I'm back in Central-Southern Italy,
  16. I've seen wrong attitudes and patronizing in every flight sim forum. I remember the constant "Another nail in the coffin!" type of jubilating posts in the other forum 3 years ago. But weirdly it's the whole X-Plane community that gets accused of being toxic instead.
  17. Yes, using it rarely. It's a very good product and certainly deserves its success.
  18. Various people, some of them not even XP users!
  19. It's incredible how nasty some people are against those who are here, just because we simply enjoy XP more than other sims. It's like it makes them mad for whatever reason.
  20. XP does not have separate drain clogging, so if pitot clogs, it's both drain and ram air. So the behaviour in XP was correct, provided of course that the airspeed reading reacted to altitude changes.
  21. You're a broken record, mate. 😆 If you compare v11.00 to v11.55 you'll see that it had a lot of improvements, and the same was true for previous releases. If you can't see that, don't know what can I do... And viceversa! Don't know what is your problem if I like XP... 🤷‍♂️
  22. Technically speaking, in the original post I just said that in the heavy icing conditions I set up, the pitot clogged very fast in XP, as it happened in several real life incidents.
  23. Well given that I set maximum icing conditions, the modeling in the other sim seems too slow. In real life, there have been incidents in which the pitot clogged instantly. Also, if airspeed freezes (=both pitot and static clogged), altimeter and VSI should also freeze to correctly simulate that. If you only see improved clouds, good for you, certainly I won't be the one to convince you otherwise. 🤷 We have different opinions on LR updates and development during XP major versions. I'll guess we'll agree to disagree.
  24. If pitot is clogged so that airspeed is stuck (which means static port is also clogged), also altitude and vertical speed should be stuck, and not working like in the video.
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