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About arrvoo

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  • Birthday 03/17/1966

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    Crewe, Cheshire, UK

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  1. Just a quick addition on the "Black Tickle" Atlantic crossing. I had flown the leg the previous night, and it was a quick one. However Connaught in Ireland was completely fogged in with some of the worst visibility for a landing I've ever seen. ASN was reporting it at 1.1sm visibility when in fact it was more like 50ft. On the actual race run my brother Bry had decided late on to do a formation flight. The winds, if anything were even stronger and at times we were getting over 700knts ground speed. ASN was showing 5sm visibility at the destination, which was an improvement on my practice run. However, team mates at the field were giving me different reports, and sure enough it soon went down to 1.1sm again. Fortunately the practice run gave me the confidence (the ILS was spot on) and even though i only saw the runway at the 20ft callout i greased the landing. Unfortunately, Bry, in the 727 didn't have the same luck and had to do a go-around as he just couldn't see a thing thereby busting our formation flight Once the baton was gone, he circled around and managed a great landing. We were extremely fortunate to have planners who'd spotted this route, but even they were surprised at how quick it was, with it ending up being 36minutes quicker than predicted and setting us up nicely for the rest of the race
  2. Landed at at PHNY as part of "Beginners Luck" team flight
  3. Participating in "Beginners Luck" team flight PHHI-PHNY in Carenado Beech Bonanza F33A
  4. Flying wingman for Eamonn in Formation flight in PMDG Boeing 747-400
  5. Flying wingman for Travis in Warbirdsim North American P-51B Mustang
  6. Landed successfully at EIKN in formation flight. Formation cancelled Baton free
  7. I have the baton in a formation flight CCE4-EIKN in PMDG Boeing 747-400
  8. Successfully landed at MRCH completing "Beginners Luck" team flight
  9. Flying MRLB- MRCH as part of GA "Beginners Luck" Team Flight in Carenado Beech Bonanza F33A
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