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Posts posted by jcjimmy

  1. If you go into the .autoortho-data folder and select "downloads" you can see some of the action there. That's in the "users" folder.

    All of the zip files will go there. When done if they do not unzip in a few minutes just select ''run" and it will take a while for the process. In the Custom Scenery folder it will start to show. When all of the files are unzipped a check will follow and eliminate the zip files.



    • Like 1

  2. Hi Mr BitstFlyer,

    It does take a while for the zip files to unzip.

    I found winfsp to be a useful addition. It would go at the bottom of your config file:

    prefer_winfsp = True

    I found at times that autoortho would not load because of a problem with the "na" files. Just starting X-Plane again brings up autoortho ok.

    I have had similar frustrations, but most of my flights with autoortho have shown a marked improvement in ground graphics.

    I hope this will be of some help.

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  3. Hi Captain420,

    Okay, move or copy the folder over to the new location? If you move the original folder, then when you download new liveries using the Fenix Livery Manager, it won't find the folder to download the liveres to I'm assuming.

    All you have to do in the linker is click on the a320 liveries folder and a shortcut will appear in the community folder. Download the Fenix liveries desired. I tried a United livery and it worked fine.

    Note: I bought my B737's direct from PMDG and their updates work the same way.


  4. Hi Gustavo,

    Just a suggestion................. I had improved results when I added "winfsp" to autoortho. And, at the very end of the config text in the users folder add:

    prefer_winfsp = True

    I have had instances of autoortho failing to boot. I just restarted autoortho and then it booted up fine. Prior to that I figured I did something wrong I went through a whole new build.

    Buena suerte




  5. autoortho: I have tried several flights with autoortho 6.1 and the results were, generally, very good. I hope improvements will continue.

    On a flight from Wilkes Barre PA (KAVP) to Millville NJ (KMIV) at 3,500' the views were good until I got to the Allentown PA area and it was all tinted orange - quite ugly. There was also a peppering of black trees in improbable places (these were also visible in high altitude flights). There wasn't too much rubber stamping of fill ins.

    I received the dreaded z_ao_na message and restarted X-Plane 12 and then it worked ok. So, don't give up so fast like I did earlier and redo the whole shebang.

    With regard to the black trees, I'd rather see plain, unadulterated orthos. I'd like to see them eliminated and I do not have any scenery folders about trees.

    Note: I did a duplicate flight on MSFS and Allentown showed up in normal colors. I used Bing imagery in both cases.
    Anyway, autoortho has a very promising future in X-Plane. You might like to give it a go.

  6. Hi Bjoern,

    Thanks for your reply regarding joysticks for helicopters. I am using a Thrustmaster 1600 and the spring tension is too high for comfortable flight. None of my other joysticks have a means of reducing the spring tension either - except, perhaps, by disassembly. I hope some some manufacturer will make an adjustable spring tension for more realistic forces. Helicopters are tricky enough............

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