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Everything posted by shally17

  1. Thanks for the replies. I now have hope.
  2. Just wondering if the likes of PMDG, Fenix or Flightsim Labs realize just how much money there is to be made by producing a long haul airliner for MSFS2020. Something like a B777, B 787, A330, A350 or A380. We simmers are crying out for it!!! I know Captain Sim have done a B777 but lets not go there. Steve Shallcross.
  3. Which program can be used to open a *.opt file?
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. That makes 3 folders I have. Just wondering which one I should point to when entering the folder location for Data in the settings.
  5. Hello All, As a relative newcomer to MSFS2020, I hope this is not a stupid question. I installed MSFS2020 on a different drive to Windows 10 and as a result I think I have inadvertently created two package folders with add on installations in both. I have one at C:\Users\Stephen\AppData\Local\Packages and one at F:\MSFS2020Packages\Community. Is this a problem? Regards, Stephen Shallcross.
  6. Hello All, For some reason, several of my airports now have no runway markings and in some cases the runway is shiny and reflective even though conditions are dry. Furthermore taxiways look more like dirt tracks. Any thoughts? Regards, Stephen Shallcross.
  7. Hello All, I hope this is not a stupid question but is there any way to have the external view without the instruments being displayed? Regards, Stephen Shallcross.
  8. Hello All, Apologies if this is a stupid question. After many years enjoying P3D and FSX before that, I have finally started exploring MSFS2020. Is there a way to pan around the cockpit, and around the aircraft when in external view, using the hat switch on the CH products yoke? Regards, Stephen Shallcross.
  9. Hello Everyone, When downloading and installing the massive update, I get several files then it just keeps downloading the same file over and over again without progressing to the next file. has anyone else experienced this? Regards, Stephen Shallcross.
  10. Hello, I am currently still using a GTX 680 with 2GB of video ram. At times I have objects only partially drawing such as when looking at my plane at the gate I only see wings and wheels. Would upgrading to a card such as a GTX 970 with 4GB of DDR5 RAM improve this problem and/or improve frame rates? I have my i7 3770 overclocked to 4.0 GHz so don't think I can make much gain with a new mobo and CPU. I should have mentioned this is in FSX.
  11. Hello, I have been an avid user of Active Sky 2012 for many years now and enjoy being able to load a flight plan and have the weather for each sector of the flight. Can Active Sky next do this? Can somebody please outline the main differences between the two?
  12. When installing a new version of the PMDG 777, is it necessary to uninstall previous versions or can you simply install over the top of your current installation?
  13. I think I just figured out the answer to my own question. Is it a safety feature that the park brake cannot be released in an overheat situation? When I went to maintenance on the CDU and "cooled brakes" and "replaced tyres" the brake went off. My question now is how can I have overheated the brakes sitting at the gate? When exiting slew the plane shot forward until I turned slew back on and replaced the plane. Could this have done it?
  14. Hello Everyone, This may sound stupid but I cannot release the park brakes on the 777. Pushing the brake pedals does not work neither does the period key. My brakes are now red hot (great animation) and my tyre pressures are somewhat down. I used the slew key to align with the gate. Could this have done something? Regards, Stephen.
  15. After years of happily using the Thrustmaster HOTAS when flying Airbus aircraft in FSX it suddenly developed a mind of its own. When controlling the pitch using the stick the throttles move in unison with the elevator axis. When you ease back on the sick to rotate, the throttle comes back as well and if back pressure is maintained long enough, throttle reaches idle then the reversers are deployed. (Not great for take off!!!) All axis are set properly in the Controls menu. When all axis assignments are deleted, imput via sideways movement of the stick (ailerons) and theHOTAS throttle do nothing as expected, but moving the stick forwards or back still moves the elevators and the throttles. If I disconnect the Thrustmaster HOTAS and connect my CH Yoke and TQ6 throttles all is well. Furthermore, my system is dual boot (both Windows 7) and my Thrustmaster HOTAS behaves in FSX in the other installation. Seemed to happen when reinstalling Aerosoft Airbus X Extended but this could be coincidence. Could I have messed up a file in FSX? Could it be FSUIPC (I don't use the axis function)? Please help!! Regards, Stephen.
  16. I am having the same problem. I have a dual boot machine with FSX installed on both Windows 7 and Windows 8 and it only does it on windows 8. Not sure if this is the reason though. What OS are you running? Also I have an ASUS P8Z77-v Pro Mboard and have heard the ASUS suite can cause hassles. What Mboard do you have? Between us we may be able to narrow down the cause.
  17. Thanks Bimmercop and TechguyMaxC. You two guys always reply with good advice. If either of you are ever in Melbourne, Australia I'll buy you a beer or two! Those who have a preference seem to go for Pro. Its not often in life that the cheaper product is also the better product. For that reason I expected everyone to tell me Ultra is better.
  18. Is there anyone out there who can give me the final word on which is better - Liquid Metal Pro or Ultra. Some say Pro is harder to use but so far I have found Ultra almost impossible to spread evenly so I went with Pro which I used much more easily. If there is no great difference in terms of performance I will stick with the Pro. Others say Pro is better for flat surfaces like lapped IHS's and cooler pads. Any thoughts?
  19. Hello All, I finally bit the bullet and went for it. I successfully de-lidded my i7 3770K using a razor blade, got rid of the old stuff and applied my Liquid Metal Pro. However, being such a thin layer when applied (regardless of how much is used) the die doesn't seem to reach high enough to make solid contact with the IHS. I took the IHS off to check the contact patch and the Liquid Metal has only been disturbed in a few remote places. ( Obviously doesn't need to be as close with thicker heat paste). As if this wasn't bad enough, after carefully lapping both the IHS and the H100 plate they also appear to meet in some areas only. I don't know how to get them any flatter! I kept cleaning the Liquid Metal off and sanding the areas that were making contact to flatten them off, but after 4 attempts I had only improved the contact patch marginally before I ran out of Liquid Metal. (I now have to wait anther 2 weeks for more to reach Australia from Germany! Am I being stupid puuling things apart again looking at the size and evenness of the contact patch? Does the Liquid Metal adhere to both faces and even leave a tell-tale mark? Do I need to get them flatter and how? Has anyone else found the die hardly touching the IHS? Please help! Regards, Stephen.
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