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  1. Appliance's post in Adding loading weight was marked as the answer   
    Not free I'm afraid Bill, but you already own it ... FS9!
    Not randomly I admit, but you can change the Payload and Fuel weights of your choice of aircraft under Aircraft\Fuel and Payload.  Because the two are dependent on one another for flight planning purposes there is little time saving involved in randomising the pax and cargo weights. 
    Plenty of free flight planners around eg. vroute.
    Apologies if you already realised this, but sometimes familiarity does breed contempt.  :rolleyes:
  2. Appliance's post in Which 737NG? was marked as the answer   
    OK being serious now for FS9 use.
    iFly has amongst others:-
    Integrated Approach Navigation (IAN)
    Required Navigation Performance/Actual Navigation Performance (RNP/ANP)
    GPWS Terrain Display
    Vertical Situation Display VSD)
    Fail Operational Autopilot  System
    Integration with Topcat
    Integration with Professional Flight Planner X (PFPX)
    A Configuration Manager allowing choice of engines, eyebrow windows winglets, MCP's, short field performance, HUD, etc. etc.
    The other main advantage is your dollar buys the whole shebang.  Yes ...
    BBJ2 and
    BBJ3 variants.
    Hope this helps your decision making.
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