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  1. Does anybody from PMDG have anything to say to possibly give all of us REALLY looking forward for the multi crew part of the NGX? It would be so nice to hear an update about it. It was one of the most exciting parts of the product to me. Thanks a lot for any feedback.
  2. Did you read my post? I have used FS-Recorder and it does the same thing. I have FS-Recorder set to record all data as well.
  3. Hey PMDG, First off I would like to say the NGX is an awesome airplane and it has provided many hours of enjoyment so far! I was going to consult to the forum and see if anybody else has had any issues with instant replays? I have used the default FSX replay system as well as using FS-Recorder and both systems do not properly show my aircraft on the replay. The issue that happens is the aircraft is in that total frozen aircraft state during the whole replay. The plane moves in the replay but the engines aren't turning, displays don't show properly, flaps aren't down, spoilers don't deploy or anything. It is like the whole aircraft is just in a frozen state moving along the path the airplane took when I was actually flying it. I would love for maybe some other people to try their instant replay functions and see if anybody else is having this problem with the airplane's state being completely frozen as it moves along the path (in my case I really want to make some approach/departure videos but due to the airplane being frozen in all of the replays it is sort of impossible to be able to do this). Thanks a lot for the help.
  4. Hello DevsI would like to know if you would post for all of us anxious users out there whether or not the NGX will have a multi crew function? I fly multi crew a lot in the Leonardo MD-88 and it really makes the experience even more awesome.The NGX with 2 pilots in shared cockpit on VATSIM would be the most realistic form of flight simulation on the PC.Keep up all of the awesome work PMDG!
  5. These are amazing screenshots, I am just sad that I smell 10 FPS on my comp ;(.Keep up the awesome work PMDG!!!
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