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Status Updates posted by whitav8

  1. I just purchased a Reverb for my 9700K@5Ghz+RTX2070 sytem and it is phenomenal. I actually was generally happy with the Odyssey+ since recent advances in SteamVR (and maybe WMR Portal??) made it clearer but the Reverb just makes looking at airliner dual cockpits so realistic - I can use the flight management CDU now for longer flights in a 787 (QW in P3D) or q400 (Aerofly FS2 ) and see the engine instruments in the center - plus the terrain scenery looks great. I also fly IL-2, Xplane11 (but it really isn't the best ), Combat Air Patrol2, and DCS World with Kegetys speedup patch.

    If only we can get at least visuals only (similar to P3D support ) soon in MSFS_20202 - it just looks beautiful!!!

    Let me know about your system and flight sim preferences


    Dave W.

    1. SimPlaneDriver


      Hi Dave,

      You can see my specs in my signature.  I am currently flying in X-plane (formerly P3d) and destroying in DCS. So much fun.  Get out on the forum and lend your support.


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