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  1. Just wondered if the app "AIFlow" is compatible with BATC? Al
  2. Just a general question. As far as is known, will AAO continue to work in 2024? Thanks Al
  3. Hi Just a quick question. Does Pico Connect require SteamVr (in addition) to work on a non-Steam version of MSFS? Thanks Al
  4. Sorry to be so dumb. Could you explain in detail exactly what you mean by the above statement. Many thanks. Al
  5. Hi folks. Thank you for your input, so far. Given that I am completely new to VR and it might not be suitable to myself, perhaps due to motion sickness etc. I would be very reluctant to spend £500+ on a headset to find that was the case. Given that, do you think that the Meta Quest 2 might be a good compromise at around £300 new, or alternatively purchase something else on the second hand market (with it's possible inherent problems)? If the Meta Quest was chosen I assume that a link cable would be required to use with the PC. Would a 3m good quality USB 'C ' be ok, rather than the official one be OK? (for seated use) Again, many thanks. Al
  6. Hi As per the title, given that VR may not be suitable for everyone eg. initial cost, motion sickness, cost etc. I would really like to give it a go, just to see what it's like. Although I mainly fly IFR I assume that VR is much more attuned to VFR flying and sight-seeing. My system is relatively modest (ish) CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5800X-3D GPU Asus Geforce RTX 4070 Memory 32GB Many thanks. Al
  7. Another one of these items that had been working previously. Midi devices enabled is ticked. See attachment. Again, many thanks in advance Alastair McIntyre http://
  8. Thanks, Oliver. That did the trick, much appreciated. I would never have been able to figure that one out!!! Alastair McIntyre
  9. Hi I am running the full version of AAO Up until now AAO has been working without any problems. Everything is ok until I attempt to add a new assignment, the popup window appears, however my mouse and keyboard will then freeze up and I am unable to proceed any further. MFS will still continue to run, and the controls are still operatable, however I am unable to cancel the pop up window and proceed any further. This is the contents of the LAAO_log_20230625114848.txt file on startup. "25/06/2023 11:50:35.19 : Exception received: 3 from send id 50 errloc 50" I don't know if is of any relevance or not. The startup log appears (to me) to be ok. Any help appreciated. Alastair McIntyre I
  10. Can I assume that FSLTL injects traffic based on "Real Time" rather than "Simulator Time?" Looking good so far. Al
  11. FlightPlanDatabase...... "failed to connect try again" Is anyone else getting this message? I have an account with the above, obtained an API key, cut and pasted the API key as required. Checked that Windows Firewall has enabled access to FlightPlanDatabase. Anything else that I should be looking out for? Thanks Al
  12. Apologies, sorry, I miss-read your post. I agree that you were not advocating the Simkit Al
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