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Posts posted by SN737

  1. 2 hours ago, John Fields said:

    Hi, SN737,

    No, I didn't synchronize my clock. Next time I'll do what you say.

    And, yes, I use AdGuard blocker.

    But this morning (I live in Valencia, Spain) I could finally fly!

    I suppose it's something about the MSFS servers, and it's not our fault at all.

    Thank you!

    No problem John. In adguard settings, there's a DNS protection tab, then at right pane, adguard DNS, there i've selected the adguard DNS (Recommended DNS Providers), which has given me the best "anti-freeze checking for updates" solution. Glad you could start the sim now, it for sure has to do with microsoft's servers, but it's limited to certain region.





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  2. 1 hour ago, John Fields said:

    Hi, everybody,

    I don't know what to do. All day long CHECKING OF UPDATES.

    I've done a lot of things (change the DNS; end, restore MSFS, reboots, return the simulator to vanilla state... you name it!)

    But... no way!

    I'm a bit angry, because I remember "ancient" times with the simulator when I had fewer issues (I'm nearly 75 years old!).

    So... I'm going to turn off my computer and see tomorrow if the problem continues.




    I feel you man, I was there 4 days ago, until I reinstalled the sim, it worked for a few hours, then got same "checking for updates" freeze. Did you set this correctly:

    "Synchronize your Time and Region settings.

    Press the Start button on the taskbar, type settings, and select Settings.

    Select Date & Time and toggle the “Set time automatically setting" and “Set time zone automatically” to ON.

    Click on Synchronize your clock to synchronize your system’s clock with an Internet time server.

    Then click Region, and double-check that your country or region is correctly set up (for example if you live in Canada, make sure that the region didn’t switch to USA or vice-versa)"


    I wish I could help, but since I changed DNS servers I had only one freeze. I don't understand why just a limited number of users are having this, maybe location, maybe a windows update. I'm on Windows 11 Pro, Version 23H2, OS Build 22631.3672. Wish you luck John.


    P.D. Do you use AdGuard ad blocker by chance?

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  3. 21 minutes ago, virtuali said:

    We'll surely fix this in the next update which is due very soon but, in the meantime, you can fix it by blocking the EIA.GOV website in your PC this way:

    - Edit this file:


    and add this line as the last line of text: api.eia.gov

    Thanks 4 the quick fix, it works ok now.

  4. 1 hour ago, BWBriscoe said:

    When clicking load aircracft by GSX on the Fenix A320 I get:
    The addon is causing the Couatl scripting Engine to restart.
    Please run Live Update
    Do you want to open log to see error details?

    I ran Live update, no effect.

    The error log is below. Can anyone help? Thanks

    couatl v4.8 (build 5421)
    panic log started on Wed Jun  5 20:57:38 2024

    problem raised by addon <unknown>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File ".\GSX\assistanceServices\__init__.py", line 2955, in getFuelPrice
    TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
    {'Airport': 'EGLL', 'Requested assistance services at': 'Terminal 5|Stand 522', 'Requested parking services to': 'Terminal 5|Stand 522', 'User Pos': (51.46924547930829, -0.4878945737866038, 26.533 m, 2.8495 m, 359.5711262803319, 0.0008691987569099072, 0.001745329238474369, 0.0004479061184506036, 3.18211187210083, 1.0)}

    Exactly the same happens to me with PMDG 737. I'm gonna post in their forum with this linked.

    Update: it's already plagued bug reported in their forum.

  5. On 6/3/2024 at 9:18 AM, MarcG said:

    According to the mods on the official forum you may need to sync your clock in Windows;


    Synchronize your Time and Region settings.

    Press the Start button on the taskbar, type settings, and select Settings.

    Select Date & Time and toggle the “Set time automatically setting" and “Set time zone automatically” to ON.

    Click on Synchronize your clock to synchronize your system’s clock with an Internet time server.

    Then click Region, and double-check that your country or region is correctly set up (for example if you live in Canada, make sure that the region didn’t switch to USA or vice-versa)

    The last 3 days this was driving me crazy, i even reinstalled msfs (this worked till today), your recommendation worked for me fortunately. I had my region set to USA, which was not the correct one, when I switched it to my country's, I had 3 consecutive msfs boots without "checking for updates" freeze. So thanks a lot for posting this.

    Update: it happened again. So what I did was, signed out of xbox and microsoft, rebooted, re-signed in to both. Rebooted again, then it worked.

  6. 7 hours ago, Mace said:

    Also, I would test with an empty Community folder and use a default airplane.  Also make sure nothing is being loaded in the exe.xml.  Goal is to test with a completely stripped-down sim.

    This is crucial, I had stutters and discovered a few add-ons where the guilty ones. One was a mod for taxi, landing and center lights, it made them 3D and introduced lots of stutters. Another one was a tree height mod, all of them free or payware will give you performance issues and stutters (see martinboehme's post in this thread

    ). If you're using one of these two, remove them from comm folder and you'll have no more stutters, that's my experience anyways. Hope it helped

  7. 2 hours ago, martinboehme said:

    I don't think they're stubborn. I think this is a deliberate engineering choice.

    When you make trees less tall, you also make them less wide. This makes a forest look "thinned out", unless you also increase the number of trees - but that is going to cost performance. (I haven't checked out the mod yet to see if it places more trees in addition to making them smaller.)

    And the way it works out, if you make the trees half their original size, you need four times as many trees to achieve the same impression of density. (If you imagine for simplicity that the trees are laid out on a completely regular chessboard pattern., then if you halve the width of the chess fields, there are now four chess fields in the space that was formerly occupied by just one.)

    I think Asobo wanted dense forests but found they couldn't get the performance they wanted with trees of realistic size - so they made the trees bigger than they should be.

    Should they make a different tradeoff - accept lower tree density, tie tree size to object LOD, give users a slider to control tree size? Maybe. But it's not a simple choice, and I assume they've had lengthy discussions about this.

    Don't get me wrong, the unrealistically large trees bug me too, and I'm interested to try out this mod. But I'm pretty sure Asobo had engineering reasons for their choices, and I don't think it's fair to suggest that they're simply being stubborn.

    This is a perfect explanation of why all this mods, free or payware, introduce stutters in heavy scenarios. You pull them out of the comm folder and stutters are gone.

  8. 6 minutes ago, pilotter said:

    my guess also but SN737 is giving me more doubts 🤣 but ok I am in again , crazy about those tiles.

    If you waited till now, you maybe wait for final, that should be very soon, I'm under the impression that this would be the last beta build. But I don't regret joining the beta a month ago at all.

    • Like 1

  9. 18 hours ago, SN737 said:

    It was .16 and .17 only with FSLTL (the only ai traffic I use), I edited my post, it happens to regain loss of performance after a while, strange. Other than, I'm very happy with dx12 texture issue fixed.

    With community folder emptied, haven't had this problem anymore, I'll have to trace which add-on is causing this.

  10. 1 minute ago, btacon said:

    Is your issue .17 or FSLTL?  I ask because I currently have as good as I’ve seen in SU15, perhaps the best in .17.


    It was .16 and .17 only with FSLTL (the only ai traffic I use), I edited my post, it happens to regain loss of performance after a while, strange. Other than, I'm very happy with dx12 texture issue fixed.

  11. 11 minutes ago, jwhak said:

    Loving ActiveSky.  Should I set the turbulence inside the simulator to off now?  I was running the turbulence at realistic inside the sim.



    Don't turn it off, it works in conjunction with msfs. I fly the 73 and have it to realistic, it's working outstandingly well now with latest B8888. (- Re-designed turbulence and air effects injection method for more compatibility, solving low or no turbulence for some users).

    I no longer have those strong bank angles when high turbulence hit.

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  12. 29 minutes ago, mmcmah said:

    He sure takes hyperbole to another level. Also, there must be something personal in his hatred of Damian Clark and anyone who likes the Active Sky products.

    I was thinking the same, and was just about to post it (About the personal thing he must have against the developer).

  13. 8 hours ago, Cpt_Piett said:

    That’s 100% understandable. For some reason I get very little ghosting, at least not at a level where it’s distracting. Very strange.

    Bare in mind that ghosting also is less seen if you are closer to displays or MCP numbers if you wish. The further the distance from these, more ghosting you get.

    • Like 1

  14. 58 minutes ago, Cpt_Piett said:

    I made a video from my first flight with ASFS. I didn't draw any conclusions, as this was the first time I'd tried ASFS, and it was a short flight. I did read the whole manual before the flight, so I had an idea of ASFS features and settings. 

    ASFS settings: Realism mode with download interval 15min and smoothing rate 5. 

    I chose the location based on a search at https://www.badbadweather.com/thunderstorm

    I'd love to hear people's opinions based on the video. It's only 3 minutes long. 

    EDIT: Just remembered, I had turbulence setting in MSFS to low (Fenix suggestion). 


    First, your sim looks great. About windsock presenting almost any wind effect, yesterday i had to edit a scenery (stock) windsock for this reason and replaced it with a custom simobject one (ASFS ON and also only using asobo's live weather wit ASFS closed), it worked as expected after this. My turb msfs settings are set to realistic and ASFS are deafult at 50, i don't fly GA but on the 737 works very good. I love how ASFS sets those presets, when I first tried ASFS, after using asobo's live weather for so long, I was shocked and very pleased to see different type of clouds that brought IMHO a much more real representation of a METAR. As I used historical weather a lot, if not, everytime in the past with p3d, ASFS brings so many more pluses than negatives. Thanks for the video.

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  15. 27 minutes ago, HUSSAR said:

    The user was in a live stream and perhaps flying on IVAO or VATSIM at the time. I heard ATIS from an online source; was his complaint that ATIS did not match ASFS? How could it? They're both from different sources. There were so many apps running, it was really hard to tell what he was doing right.

    Before bashing ASFS, he should have taken the time to configure everything instead IMO. Don't blame ASFS for your mistakes lol.

    Watched his video, he's all over the place with so many add-ons installed and running, as you well said, he can't handle a new product review, even after naming his live video ASFS review. It's a shame that hard work from a trusted developer like Damian has to take this from click bait youtubers.

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  16. 13 minutes ago, RALF9636 said:

    The in-sim turbulence setting still has an effect. Set it to your liking. ASFS was developed with the setting to low. But you can set it higher if you like.


    That's right, I use msfs in "realistic" with PMDG 737's and I'm very pleased with AS turb effect in it's default 50 value.

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  17. 20 minutes ago, Cpt_Piett said:

    Many people say this, but for some reason I don’t get this. Using DLSS in preset F (get ghosting with E).

    Do you get blurring or ghosting (i.e. “fruit machine” effect on fast moving numbers)?

    ghosting numbers is what i get, blurred displays is fixed.

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