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About mfchris

  • Birthday 11/14/1968

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  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    Songwriting, music, Sci-fi and Flight Simming

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  1. haha.. ok getting annoyed w/ the Garmin now. I have the Pilots Manual and it says to change the frequency: Turn the large left knob to select the MHz, and the small left knob to select the kHz of the desired frequency.So.. I can't seem to find a toggle on the GPS to let me change between MHz and kHz? Anyone wanna throw me a bone? I mean, I've figured out how to go between VLoc and Com bands and the left button moves the kHz frequency just fine.. move to the MHz?Thanks for your time.Nevermind.. I'm an idiot.. never occurred to me to move up and down to find the inner and outer.. sorry for the lame post.
  2. Hi Geofa!Good to hear more about the Baron. I've loved this plane since FS2002. Hopefully like you said Carenado will use the fix and make it more true to life. I still like the plane even if it's not 'real'. haha.. but like I said.. not a real world pilot so as a gamer.. the more challenging the more fun for me. :) Thanks again for your insight though!
  3. OK.. I've done a few tests.. I didn't have problems recovering from stalls in either full landing config or regular flying.. I had no problems recovering from a turning or a regular stall within a few hundred feet if I reacted immediately to the stall warning and yea.. if I tried to hold my altitude until the nose went down and I went plumetting like a lawn dart towards the Firth of Forth? Once I throttled up completely, I did need to be at about 140kts before the plane would respond and allow me to pull out of the stall and I'd lost about 1500ft. (I'm not a real world pilot but the way I see it.. it's my own dumb arse fault for not responding sooner to the airplane's warnings). It is a challenging plane to fly and a friend of mine who is a pilot, when I mentioned to him years ago that I've always loved the baron, told me "If I was gonna buy one I'd get a Bonanza.. more stable, easier to fly and safer" and he also mentioned he'd had a friend who'd died because his baron had an engine go out on take off and well.. crash!! I've gotta say.. I love Carenado's planes. I've owned quite a few for FS2K4 and now the 2 that I've bought for FSX I really like (The Baron and the Cessna 182 with retractable gear.. thought I was buying the fixed gear one but oh well.. it was on sale). I want it to be hard.. so yea.. the risk of stalling while flaring for landing and not paying enough attention to your altitude is perfect for me (in my humble opinion). So real pilots, seriously, with all due respect.. cool.. sorry it's not 'as real as it gets'.. but to me.. it's a game.. and the more interesting/challenging the better. Haha! I say thanks Carenado for a beautiful, stable, frame rate friendly plane that yea.. is a little stall prone but you know what? It keeps me on my toes.. kudos.
  4. I've just purchased this plane and when taking off yesterday for the second time got a stall warning on a small runway (Fife, Scotland) but was able to nose down a little and was barely above the trees and had no problem at all recovering. I only lost about 10ft as I was just off the ground and at full throttle already. I had no other stall issues the rest of the flight. I'm looking forward to going home today and testing some stalls to see just what is up. I'm liking the Baron so far. The VC cockpit controls are a little clunky but usable.What is the fix you came up with bstolle? Is it a fairly simple config edit?
  5. Yep.. had to reinstall and it's there now. Flew it last night.. took some reading up on the Garmin 430 to reacquaint myself with it but worked out fine. Thanks Bob, for the info on the mouse wheel for Alt adjust.. would've come in handy last night.. I'll try to remember that one.. the grab and pull control on the Alt is really clunky and it took forever to dial in what I was looking for and ended up stick flying the Plockton approach in Scottish fog because I couldn't get the Alt set for decent. :)Thanks again.
  6. Searched for this.. just bought the new Baron for FSX. Thanks Frog! That's just what I needed... Thanks for making it easy.
  7. I'll check again when I'm back home tonight but I'm pretty sure I would've noticed it unless it looks totally different from normal. thanks though.. starting to think it didn't install correctly and I might try again. Thanks for the quick response...
  8. I'm not sure my Baron installed correctly. (or is there a color/version that doesn't have and AP?). Because I can't find mine on the panel... might be just me being ignorant about the plane as I've just bought it but I've been simming since 2002 and can't find it. chris
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