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About Skysurfer7

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    DCS World

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    Pilot ATPL

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  1. PMDG 777- 200 + 300 = 90+30 = $120 FSL 100 + VAT (25%) = $125 Check your math!
  2. No it's $89.99 +VAT, for only 1 hour or so & then $100 + VAT = $125. PMDG gives you 2 different variants 200/300, FSL only 1 A320. So PMDG is more for the buck & cheaper!
  3. Kudos to FSL for holding up for 6 years on to development & reaching their goal :smile: . We wanted an high fidelity Bus & now we'll have it tomorrow. As for the price, it's like buying 2 Carenado planes & on par with PMDG , but I get that $100 is allot to many people. Reality is FSL sets the price & that's it, they can't work for free. What makes this interesting for me besides the failures & other goodies, is the FBW. As theoretically we should have exactly same feel as in RL with our home joysticks. Any new beta-testing videos incoming?
  4. No, IFR flying is very possible :smile: Infarct it's a grate & cheap tool, for learning & mantling RL IFR flying skills like procedures, manual raw-data flying, sing.eng emergency's etc. Basically a whole IFR check-ride. You'd be surprised on how much people have saved money on their RL IFR flying lessons (even type-ratings) by peppering themselves in FSX beforehand. If you have trouble holding heading & altitude in IMC in FSX, just practice on doing just that. No matter what, nail that ADI on a stable attitude for heading & altitude.....that's what you'd be doing RL anyway....so even if you are un-trimed, it's you who are flying & no matter what position your joystick is at, again nail that attitude on that ADI. Yes it's harder to do it in FSX, you have to scan more, find the trim, but when you master it flying RL IFR will be a breeze. Many people can do it in heavy's & GA's, it's just a matter of practicing in FSX. I use an x52 & trackIR, also use good addons like ie, RealAir, A2A, and calibrate your joystick trough fsuipc for better sensitivity. Good luck :wink:
  5. When in Tower View use "View track/pan Toggle" & you can pan around with your mouse.
  6. I had to look at some youtube videos to fresh up my memory of why I deleted my IFly in favor for the PMDG 737. Pmdg has sharper & more real looking VC. Better work on the PFD, ND, EICAS, HGS, overhead panel...lets just say it's better overall looking IMHO. But the most important thing is that PMDG has a hot-line to Boeing engineers, they did the 737 & 777 with the help from Boeing themselves. They have a very good relationship with Boeing. If you want "as real as it gets" PMDG is the choice. :wink:
  7. Coolsky DC-9, you can read about it on "Avsim 5 star award".
  8. Hello, There are interactive lessons in "Learning Center" in FSX, The instructor will teach you pretty much everything you are after :wink:
  9. From Carenado H850XP HD SERIES product page: Special Features Version 1.2 Original ProLine21 systems: Primary Flight Display (PFD) Multi Function Display (MFD) Flight Guidance Panel (FGP) Display Control Panel (DCP) Control Display Unit (CDU) Flight Management System (FMS) They are false advertising! their "Original ProLine21 systems" are not even within 5% of the real ProLine21 systems, & they get away with it............ over & over again!
  10. I'm using my Mouse-view pretty much, when I pause my TrackIR view. There seem to be a misconception that you have to HOLD the specebar (or whatever key/ joy-button you use) to get the Mouse-view working. However that's not the case for FSX. By deleting 2 of the 3 "Mouse view-direction on/off" in "controls" so you only have 1 left, you can use 1 single key/ joy-button press to enter the Mouse view & then press again to exit.
  11. For DCS World 2.0 you need the NTTR (NEVADA Test and Training Range Map) that you have to pay for. 1.5 & 2.0 will soon be merged, when the debugging is done in 2.0 alpha. DCS World 1.5 is free, with flyable P-51 & Su-25, that is what you should download.
  12. 1. "Mouse cursor cockpit mode" - will allow you to pan & zoom with the mouse. 2. Assign "wheel brakes" as your brakes button, that will trigger the Gear brake lever on the pilot's flight stick. The 21 uses only this one single lever for braking (not the rudder pedals). Your rudder pedals controls the amount of braking pressure for each main wheel. For taxing, nosewheel brake has to be OFF, vertical position. Get roiling, use right/left rudder pedal & tap or hold the brakes handle, to turn.
  13. Like jcomm said, forget about anything else, go to DCS World if you want RL helicopter realism.
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