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  1. Thanks for your response. All throughout my 600+ hrs of real world flight time, I never attempted to firewall the throttle for more than necessary, hence, I only know from books and tales what happens when the engine is under constant load with insufficeint heating. I also have the Turbine version, and I have several times smoked the engines BUt with the piston Duke, I have a feeling that you can practically abose th engine as much as you want - no penalty to be paid.
  2. Hey All It may sound blasphemy at first but I beg to be forgiven. I dont know how to make the V2 piston Duke a "complex" airplane. How is it possible that you can redline the engine for n+1 hours and nothing happens, no overheat, no oil pressure issues, nothing.. What settings do you need in FSX/the plane itself to have a decent airplane which behaves as it should? In addition, is there icing modelled on the airframe, prop blades and engine? It seesm that the swithces are there but the actual icing never happens. Cheers Csaba
  3. Hello By any chance, how did you get a GPS display working on the weather radar screen on the center pedestal? Thanks Csaba
  4. Hi All Thanks for your input. One of you mentioned SimCheck A300? Whats your take on that plane? Is it a thing of the past in terms of graphics etc? Regards Csaba
  5. Dear All, my request might sound a bit weird, but please take some time to skim through it. Basically, I am looking for a complex aircraft to fly. I have flown the following types extensively. I put my remarks next to each one, feel free to comment on them RealAir Duke - superb aircraft, graphics are perfect FPS is great. I dont like the disappearing mouse and the fact the there is only one, non-dimmable cockpit light, ie. dials cannot be lit separately. No system failures, so it is not so good in this respect. RealAir Duke Turbine - same as above, and it has system failures, good FPS, Razbam Metroliner - it would be a cool thing to ride but there are some serious issues, eg. invisible cockpit light switches on the bottom of the central pedestal, no system failures, and very forgiving engines, practically you can ram the throttle and nothing happens, good FPS, PMDG MD-11 - one of the best, excellent flight experience, good FPS, sloppy cockpit graphic resolution, but systemwise a perfect and very enjoyable plane PMDG JS41 - one of the best birds, complex, good FPS, it has the feel i guess. i cannot really recall any negative point, maybe the lack of FMS/FMC. I know Honeywell.. Landing lights are only default FSX though. AS Airbus 318/319 - good eye candy planes but systemwise not as deep and complex as the MD-11. Mediocre FPS at add-on aerodromes. A2A C-172 - very good, impeccable but slow, good FPS, Sibwings An2 - one of the best. Excellent dynamics, splendid cockipt, failures are modelled. Cokpit lights rule as well. Regrettably, the plane is very slow, and has no autopilot, good FPS, Tu154 - my favourite aircraft, logged neary 300 hrs in it. Complex and all, however, graphic-wise not so good, not an eye-candy from the outside, good FPS, Carenado planes - toys for kids, all are the same, i have BE200, C340 and C210. All behave like a default Cessna. So I am thinking about buying Majestic Q400, it would be a fabulous addition to my hangar. Do you think that plane's cockpit has the "feel" the "atmosphere"? I very often find myself embedded in the cockpit as it just transits me to a different dimension, you know How about the Q400? I am looking for an aircraft that cruises around 300kts, and you need to "attend to it", need to be careful with your moves etc. I dont like Boeings. So, please let me know your thoughts on the above. Thanks Csaba
  6. Hi All Has this issue been resolved? What is the ultimate solution? Thanks TCS
  7. Hello I own AS X products, and I am perfectly satisfied with tem. They are not as complex as a PMDG plane or Project Tupolev T154, but will give you a decent amount of fun and to learn. On a different note, does anyone know how to switch off the F/O displays on the Airbus X? Thanks TCS
  8. Hi An update has just recently came out, and there is now a native GPS in the plane. Do you know how to activate it? BTW, is there any way to integrate a RealXP 530 GPS unit into the plane? Thanks Csaba
  9. Hi An update has just recently came out, and there is now a native GPS in the plane. Do you know how to activate it? BTW, is there any way to integrate a RealXP GPS unit into the plane? Thanks Csaba
  10. Hello A new version has just come out. It has a native GPS unit in it. Do you happen to know how to activate it? In addition, is there any way a Reality XP GPS can be integrated into the panel? Thanks Csaba
  11. Sure, God knows why...I reinstalled first RXP and then the plane, and now it goes smooth as silk. Thanks for your input Csaba
  12. Can you please pass me a link? Cheers Csaba
  13. Yes, a recent purchase. The first plane, indeed. How can I install the GT? Thx I just checked, it is working properly. The standalon trainer diplays everyting neatly.
  14. HI I have just purchased GNS 530 WAAS, and attempted to install it. I have RA Duke V2, and upon installation the GPS window is inactive, when I hit Shift+2 the 2D pop-up is empy, only the frame is visible. The GPS unit doesnt even turn on. I ran the Duke config panel as required, and it came with a panel saying that Window003. bmp will be deleted. Do you know what the problem is? Thanks Csaba
  15. Hi I bought Carenados BE 200 a while ago, but it is by far not a complex plane. I wish to have a plane which gives me a lot to do. I flew hundreds of hours on Project Tupolevs 154; but I dont think any of these are a match for it. So, which BE200 do you suggest that I should buy? Cheers Libra
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