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About MortenS

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  1. That doesn't seem to work. I haven't tried, but judging by the tile link I doublt it will work:Same zoom different location:http://visu-2d.geoportail.fr/geoweb/mapsUxG893HIIvR.jpghttp://visu-2d.geoportail.fr/geoweb/mapsUxG893HMIyX.jpgDifferent zoom:http://visu-2d.geoportail.fr/geoweb/mapsUxG893HMIyX.jpghttp://visu-2d.geoportail.fr/geoweb/mapsUxGk937nGCd.jpghttp://visu-2d.geoportail.fr/geoweb/mapsUxGk937cG1u.jpgTotally different place:http://visu-2d.geoportail.fr/geoweb/mapsUxGY9Gy2R.jpg
  2. Webatlas is good for Norway, but I've since realized Tileproxy only accepts 4 digits in balance, so the balance can be changed to "balance=1234" http://forum.avsim.net/topic/234565-map-version-update/page__view__findpost__p__1841540
  3. It has happened at different locations, and it doesn't happen at the same location twice. I could try reinstalling as it worked perfectly before I installed it the last time. The intensity has gone down, though.
  4. Doesn't seem to be any memory problems, but this is the error message I get:Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. Thanks, I'll try that. The changes I made to my fsx.ini had nothing to do with it at least.
  6. I just remembered I did something different with my FSX.ini file when I'd reinstalled FSX, so that might be the reason this is acting up. I'll just do some more testing.
  7. After removing FSX and all addons and then reinstalling everything, Tileproxy is starting to act strangely. I runs fine for a while (10-30min) then it just stops with a press any key message. Occationally I even get an Proxyuser has stopped responding or something.I'm running Windows 7 64, and this started after reinstalling using discless mode. Switching to discless mode off improved things, but I still get occational crashes. Anyone got any ideas?
  8. I found I got a huge boost in FPS by just removing FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION all together. I can't really see any graphical problems or lacks either. FSX on Windows 7 64, on Core2Duo with nVidia GTS8800.
  9. I see you mention in your blog, something about failures. In this case I'd like to suggest FSPassengers. It's simply a must in my opinion. You get actual passnger weight added and you can select a default fail chance in percent. I think I have mine somewhere around 5-8%. What happens is that after some flight you'll suddenly experiance a failure. It can be one engine dies due to bird strike, gear can malfunction, brakes, flaps etc. I'm pretty sure there's a demo.I also was so damn tired of the FS weather engine which would never show the correct weather, and the IVAO engine which has a half way weather engine. So after some research I came to that I'd try REX2. It has made FS perfect. The weather is correct and full. I get icing updrafts and everything you can imagine. And the whole FS looks much better with real mist (not the FS milk), and a whole aresenal of texture substitutions, and cloud substitutions.I don't miss anything but great planes now with Tileproxy, REX2 and FSPassengers.Enjoy the tour, it looks great so far.
  10. You could also try using a more up-to-date map version. Don't know how long older versions are kept.And as Loyd says, you're mixing a bit much with LOD numbers, and level mappings.
  11. Tried the water smoothing, but only got strange see-through textures all over, with wather beneath it. Even in the mountains.It's not that big a deal, Tileproxy still beats default by miles, even with concrete water ;)
  12. Have you tried setting Scenery detail to the lowest setting in FS?
  13. Yes, I know that can be done, but doesn't Tileproxy use it's own shoreline? Can I change the shoreline in Tileproxy? FSX's default shoreline is better than the Norwegian shoreline of Tileproxy.
  14. Thanks, I'll give that a go. Just reinstalled TP for another reason, and saw that the water mask was taken from the SRTM data or something, so begun to suspect that.Guess there no otehr way to fix this then? I guess I can't edit the shore mask?
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