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Posts posted by MortenS

  1. No and no.I think the best way is to go in the Tileproxy folder on your start menu in windows, and select "Manage Service Caches". There select the appropriate service and press erase to delete all downloaded tiles. I'm not sure if you'll need to, but I then delete the generated scenery by using the "Cleanup World Folder" under the Tileproxy folder.However if the only change in the new version is higher res textures, I understand it that Tileproxy will download resolutions not downloaded previously, even if you don't delete anything.BTW:Service 1 map version=426

  2. Same thing here at the moment :(But I get extremely slow loading times when visiting the services on the web as well; they way intended. Wonder what's going on.I even get this when flying over a place I've been before and have the tiles for. I'm starting to wonder if this is a slowdown Microsoft may've added in an Windows update or something.I'm on Windows 7

  3. "I'd suggest you try to tweak the cache limits in the proxyuser.ini file." thanks mortens,but i dont know how to tweak it.
    Go into the Tileproxy folder on you start meny in Windows, select -> Edit Tileproxy.ini. Scroll down till you find the lines containing:
    # Maximum number of bytes allocated to BMP graphics tiles in RAM at any time (0 for unlimited)# The value below states 100 MB.cache_bytes_limit=100000000# Maximum number of BMP tiles to cache in RAM at any time (0 for no limit).cache_tiles_limit=100000
    The current settings work for me, but if your memory gets full, you can try to enter a lower value. When you're done press Save and close the editor.

  4. I have been swithing services on the go. The only problem is that, as you say, I get strange behavior with water in strange places, but this will even out after a little while.But thanks for explaining this, makes it easier to get a better result.

  5. So, does this mean that if I use Service 1 (using level 10-17) in an area where there's only level 12 textures, and then change to another service which has level 16 and fly the same area, that Tileproxy will use the created textures from level 12 which was compiled to level 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, so I'll not get better textures. If you know what I mean?

  6. A hint for you on the memory problem:

    # Maximum number of bytes allocated to BMP graphics tiles in RAM at any time (0 for unlimited)# The value below states 100 MB.cache_bytes_limit=100000000# Maximum number of BMP tiles to cache in RAM at any time (0 for no limit).cache_tiles_limit=100000
    Current settings works fine for me.

  7. Have you looked at this in your ini file:

    Recommendation: FSX users: Use water_blending=on, water_smoothing=off# to get soft land/water transitions## FS9 users: Use water_blending=off, water_smoothing=on# to get hard land/water transitions which# Tileproxy tries to match pixel-exact against coast-lines## Combining water_smoothing and water_blending is discouraged.# It's slow and gives weird results.
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