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About Movieman162

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    EGNX, EGCN, United Kingdom
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    Aviation and most if not all things related to Engineering and Technology.

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  1. Hmm, I will try calling tomorrow and see where that gets me. Failing that I will go back and speak with the medical department and take it from there. Anyway thanks for your help sir.
  2. I could speak to the manufacturer about it. What should I be asking about in particular/what would make it "compatible" with aircraft panels. Thanks
  3. Interesting, the reason I have been asking about this is because I am deaf and as such have to use two baha hearing aids. I have been speaking to the CAA and explained the fact that I have to use the two hearing aids and asked about getting a medical using the direct audio input for my hearing aids instead of a headset for listening to audio, and after discussion they have asked me to take a functional hearing test which is basically just going in a simulator or a real aircraft and using the system. http://www.connevans.co.uk/product/4775992/DCOM50377/Oticon-Medical-Audio-Adaptor This is the system in question. Its basically just a 3.5mm jack that connects to a box to make sure that whatever I plug into doesn't destroy the hearing aid, and then connects to the hearing aid by the three prong part. The hearing aid does have its own volume control, but this will raise/lower the volume of both external hearing and the audio input which is not ideal, usually I rely on changing the volume on the pc/phone to adjust the input volume. Would this system, with an adapter for the plug size work? And since the hearing aids are self powered what would the impedance be roughly? Thanks
  4. Yeah I know about the jack size difference. But say you just had a 3.5mm headset and plugged it in using an adapter would it work or does it need to have its own volume control?
  5. Was looking at some headsets today and though about this. Why do all aviation headsets have built in volume control? Do most aircraft not have their own volume control for listening to communication/atc next to the audio jacks or somewhere else in the cockpit? Obviously with normal headsets you adjust the volume on the pc/phone/whatever so is this not the same in aircraft?
  6. Sorry late reply, busy week. What is the process and requirements for getting equipment tso'd? Wasn't sure if this would apply to my hearing aid audio input since it is literally just a wire with a adapter in the middle. Thanks
  7. Hi there. Wall of text to explain why Im asking this question, skip to bottom for question. I'm currently going through the process of getting my medical to start flying lessons after I finish uni. I have a hearing loss meaning that I have to wear two baha's. Despite this I have been told that I could still obtain a class 1 medical from the FAA with the notice *hearing amplification required*. In order to use the communications systems in aircraft I will have to use a 3.5mm to audio input for my hearing aid. In general aviation aircraft it is not hard to get an adaptor in order to plug into the aircrafts communication system. My question is what standard of audio connector is used in commercial aircraft (e.g Airbus, Boeing, Embraer) and how long are the cable lengths for the headsets that airlines provide for these aircraft. Thanks Tim Heptinstall
  8. How can people actually drive onto the taxiway though? Do they not get a bit suspicious when they get overtaken by a 737?
  9. Just been to tenerife for two weeks, seems like I just missed the 777 release. But anyway I realised something on my return flight yesterday. That is that I should always bring the camera. Usually I film the takeoffs and landings but up until now I have never really done anything with the recordings. So this time I decided to leave the camera at home and enjoy the holiday more, (well I took a stills only DSLR). Anyway two things that I missed photo opportunity's of. First was the new Monarch A320 with sharklets which I didn't even know had been delivered. Saw that pull into the parking space next to us as we were taxiing off. Second rather big thing was that I missed the Thomson 787 Dreamliner.... TWICE. First on the outbound flight and then more unusually on the inbound. The 787 was in Tenerife Sur which I thought was unusual. Not an official flight listing so could anyone give me some more info as to why it was there?
  10. A while back on a return trip from Tenerife to East Midlands on a Ryanair 737 they had the flight deck door open and since half the plane took the L1 exit they walked past it, a few (me included) took a closer peak inside but that's as far as it went. Thinking back I wish I had a really smart question to ask that would get their attention but alas my family were with me and they wanted to get home. I suppose if you are walking past the flight deck after a flight you could ask and most likely get a yes here in the EU.
  11. Yeah but it does not appear smooth, I can usually tell when it drops below 25FPS without the FPS indicator. Usually this happens in the VC of the 737 which uses hi-res textures so I was wondering if changing a setting in buffer pools may help. Currently I am using the following setting. [bufferPools] UsePools=1 PoolSize=8388608
  12. Yeah im not too bothered about it being 30 or 31FPS the difference does not matter however it does when It drops down to 20FPS which is common with the internal limiter since then its not smooth at all irrespective of stutters. I fail to see how the internal limiter can be better when I am loosing 10FPS for no reason at all. I will try it further with a difference range of frame lock settings but it has yet to improve.
  13. I am currently testing the flashing artifacts problem but I think I may have gotten rid of it so... back to the stutters. I was comparing the two frame rate limiters I have available the FSX built in one and the nVidia inspector limiter. The results were a bit confusing. With the nVidia inspector I got 30FPS 99% of the time only ever flickering down to 29FPS at Doncaster EGCN with uk2000 free scenery and the 737NGX, there were a few microstutters present but no major stutters. Then switching to the FSX limiter (disabling the nVidia one) I found that when I got decent frames that it was smooth (next to no stutters of any kind) however the frame rate was all over the place dipping into 20-24FPS a lot of the time. Im not sure whether this maybe helpful to anyone in diagnosing my problems. I am continuing to look into various CFG tweaks and other suggestions. I would just like to say thanks though to everone who has contributed to this topic. It is an overwhelming amount of support and thanks to you guys I have made much progress with my Flight Simulator install. So again thank you very much,
  14. Took another look into the AVSIM guide and few things actually seemed to help. For one Im getting much less stuttering now (still the odd micro stutter but nothing too bad). However now my problem is texture anomalies. Basically I get weird shapes flashing across the screen or onto it when I change my view. BP is at 3000 so not sure what could be causing the problems? Unlikely however I will preform scans overnight just to check. Everything is up to date however and I am very careful with my browsing.
  15. Managed to fix Vsync by setting it in nVidia inspector to standard (from adaptive by default). No tearing whatsoever now no matter how hard I try to make it trip up so that's good. However stutters are still present even with the BP=3000 and AM=14, it is a little better however still for the most part very visible. What else should I try?
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