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Posts posted by mongo44

  1. I've been pully my hair our for weeks with a crashing FSX.  I started having StackHash crashes, and I think I that the problem arose from either the way things were ordered in my dll.xml file, or the file was corrupted.  I checked the file in XML Notepad and did not see any errors.  Anyway, I moved the dll.xml file to a safe place, and then reinstalled FSUIPC. By doing this I got a new dll.xml file with just an entry for FSUIPC.  I then copied the entries from the old dll.xml file, starting with FSUIPC, Orbx and other scenery, then aircraft related entries.  It seems that this may have solved the StackHash problem (but FSX always has a way of making a liar out of me as soon as I share what I think is a solution). 


    While I stopped getting StackHash crashes, I started having API.DLL crashes.  Pete Dawson posted on website for FSUIPC that API.DLL crashes are almost always a sign of a corrupted wx or config file.  I got rid of all WX files, and I deleted my fsx.cfg file.  After letting FSX create a new one, and adding a few lines, the API.DLL problem remained.  I then downloaded the latest version of TrackIR, removed the program, and reinstalled, and that seems to have done the trick (and hopefully, FSX will keep me honest about this as well).


    I've got my fingers crossed, and hopefully, I can get back to actully flying something for more than 10 minutes.  Just thought I'd pass this along.


    Mike Gutierrez

    North Hollywood, California.

  2. I am no flight sim expert, but I have learned enough to know that an fde by Bernst Stolle is great and will always be fun to fly. Yet, I can understand why he would want to withdraw from this work, in light of some of the banter I have seen on these forums. I have watched the internet grow from its infancy, and I have always had reservations about it because it removes one important factor in any communications. Responsibility. Some times I just can't believe some of the comments I see posted on these websites because if someone talked to me in person in the manner in which statements are posted on fora, that person would finish their comments from the pavement (lessons learned from growing up in the Bronx, New York). I don't participate a lot on this forum for precisely that reason, even though I own every Carenado plane for FSX. Many of the posts I've read want Mr. Stolle him to stay in the business so they can fly his planes, but with privilege comes responsibility. If you want Mr. Stolle to stay, perhaps its about time that members of this forum take responsibility for what they say, and to also stand up for Mr. Stolle when someone is out of line. Perhaps its also about time for a "dog of the week" award for rudest person to post a comment. As I see it, everyone has a right to make contribute a comment, even if its incorrect or misinformed. I've asked some incredibly stupid questions on flight sim boards from time to time. But, no one has a right to be jackass while speaking their piece. I've practiced law for a long time in California, and I deal with self important blowhards every day. After a while, you learn to ignore the fools (actually, I kind of enjoy needling them from time to time), and look forward to those times when you interact with someone with class. I hope Mr. Stolle sticks with it, but for his own sake, not mine. I wish him well, and I thank him for the countless hours of fun and decompression from bad days that he has provided me. Mike Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California.

  3. Hi Guys: I hope you're holding up OK with all the madness. I tried to get a support ticket to obtain a download link (paypay was charged). I signed up for a support account, but I have not received an activation link email. I therefore haven't been able to submit a support ticket. When you get a chance, please let me know how I can get you the information you need to either set up a support account or to complete this purchase. I understand things are hectic at the moment. So when ever you get a chance. Thank you and good luck. Michael Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California

  4. To the PMDG staff: I want to first thank you for the countless hours of fun I have had with your projects. Next, I wish you good luck with the current spate of problems. I too have not been able to download the 737NGX, though my paypal account was charged. But, this problem is not your fault, and I am quite annoyed by some of the posts that have attacked your company because of the delays. The thing I hate about the internet is the lack of accountability. I was raised in the Bronx, New York where stupid comments usually resulted in a swift (and painful) response. Also, for me, flightsimulator is a game and a welcome diversion after a day of practicing law. Waiting another day, week, or month is not a problem, especially when the delay is caused by something beyond your control. After reading some of the astonishingly immature rants I read on this forum today, I wanted to at least give you my support for your endeavors. Mike Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California.

  5. Hi Guys: I imagine that times are a bit hectic right now. I tried to purchase the 737NGX, and paypal charged by charge card. But something went wrong and I wasn't able to download the file. Also, my account doesn't show the purchase. When you come up for air, please let me know how I can resolve this. My world will not come to an end if I can't get the plane right away. As I said, your hands are probably quite full right now. Just, when time allows. I wish you good luck. Mike Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California

  6. To Ryan Maziarz: Thanks for the information and the suggestion about turning off overscan on my television. Unfortunately, I have been trying to find how to turn overscan off on my particular TV (52XBR-9) without much success. I have been searching around the internet for information on my problem, and it appears from a number of posts on the Nvidia and Evga websites that I am not alone. The problem, however, seems to pop up when you use a DVI to HDMI converter on an Nvidia video card. A have a fairly new GTX 580 installed which also has a mini-HDMI port. I'm going to get a mini-HDMI to HDMI cable tomorrow, and hopefully this will solve the problem. Thanks again for providing such useful information. Mike Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California.

  7. I want to first thank the folks at PMDG for sharing this information. I have one problem that developed after installing a new nvidia driver and using the nvidia inspector settings. In full view mode, the screen area appears just slightly larger than the monitor so that, for example, the menu on top of the screen becomes hidden after I hit the "alt" key. I can still move my cursor over to a given menu, move it up until it disappears (it appears hidden behind the actual border of the monitor), left click, and the most of the drop down menu appears. Its almost as if a border around the entire screen, equal in width to the menu line on the top of the screen, is hidden behind the borders of my monitor. This began after I updated the nvidia drivers, and set the nvidia inspector settings suggested on this page. This happened to me once before when I had an nvidia GTX 285 card installed and i upgraded the drivers from the version that could support nhancer to the newer ones that now require the inspector (I don't remember the series numbers). I had to reinstall the old drivers and set it up with nhancer, then reinstalled the new drivers with the inspector, and that seemed to work. Now, however, I have no idea how to solve this problem. It isn't catastrophic as much as it is annoying because in full screen, I have to tuck the cursor and guess where the menu I want to open is located. My specs are as follows: Asus P6T6 Revolution Motherboard; i7 920 CPU (overclocked to 4Gz); 16Mb Corsair Dominator Memory; Creative X-Fi soundcard; EGVA GTX 580 video card; Windows 7 64-bit; FSX w/Acceleration; and I use my Sony 52" XBR-9 television as my monitor. Hope I can find a solution. Thanks Again. Mike Gutierrez

  8. I'm not trying to stand up for anyone who is trying to pirate software. This is a serious question: do I have to supply an order number to post a suggestion to Carenado? I did purchase the C340 (along with every other Carenado plane for FSX), but I must have erased the confirmation email. I can get it from Carenado if need be. Anyway, to Carenado, I've noticed that the C340 tends to float for a while in ground effect. Is this normal for this plane, and it just means I'm landing to fast, or is this something that needs to be addressed in a patch. I love this plane in any event, and thanks for all your hard work.

  9. I love this plane so far. My only quibble is figuring out how to install Reality XP flight instruments. There are no entries that I can find for individual instruments (ADI, HSI, et c.). They appear to be part of a single gauge or something like that. I use FS Panel Studio to swap out instruments, but with no instrument entries to swap from the original panel, I have no idea how to change them. Mike Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California.

  10. For all those trying to install the Reality XP WX500 Radar, I got the solution from Carenado. I appears that your can't remove the default radar without causing the instrument panel to vanish, but you can minimize it. I use the Flight1 FS Panel Studio to replace gauges in virtual cockpits. While it's difficult, if not impossible (at least for me), to create a new virtual cockpit with FS Panel Studio, I can still use FS Panel Studio to "swap" gauges in an existing virtual cockpit. I loaded the Caravan Panel and went to the appropriate virtual window with the Carenado Radar, and using the grid, I determined the location and dimensions of the Carenado radar screen. I then minimized the Carenado radar screen to 1 pixel by 1 pixel and moved it to the extreme upper right corner of where the full radar screen used to be. I then added the Reality XP Wx500 radar and placed it on top of the minimized Carenado radar (after resizing the Reality XP radar to the same dimensions as the original Carenado radar screen and placing the Reality XP screen in the same location where the Carenado screen used to be). I saved the panel, fired up FSX, and lo-and-behold, there was the complete panel with the RealityXP radar. I then shut down FSX, restarted FS Panel Studio, and replaced the HSI, VSI, Turn Coodinator, etc., saved the panel again, and when I started FSX again, it was all there with no invisible panel. Hope this helps. Mike Gutierrez

  11. Re Error Message on Import: I too got the message when I tried to click on the "import" button to change line 1548. The message says in German that it is not a proper import file. I tried adding a return between the top line that reads "points: 10" and the rest of the table i.e. I added a blank line between the two after copying and pasting to notepad. That seemed to work as I got not error message (though I'm not familiar enough with air files to tell of the changes were actually recorded). Mike Gutierrez.

  12. After the release of the Caravan, I sent Carenado an email with suggestions, which -- after reading other posts in the internet -- made observations that reflected my ignorance, rather than any real problem with the plane. They promptly responded and thanked me for my suggestions, even though some were wrong. It seems to me that all the condemnations I have read about Carenado and its customer service have been unfair. Based on some of the open hostility I have read on these boards, it is no wonder that they sought refuge from the "mob." Mike Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California.

  13. Hi: I sent Caranado an email with this observations, and I thought I'd post them here in case they read through this forum. I just purchased your Caravan, and I thought I'd offer you some suggestions. First, I love the plane, and it has instantly become one of my favorites. I also hope that you don't consider this email a criticism, as I find far to much of that on the forums expressed in an unconstructive and hostile manner. Finally, I am not a real world pilot, and these observations are based on flying other turbo props in FSX. The propeller pitch does not seem to control the angel of the propeller blade throughout the entire range. I tried pulling the prop lever back to idle to slow the rate of acceleration on the ground to make the plane easier to handle while taxing. This seemed to have no effect. There did not seem to be a smooth transition between idle and the higher power settings as well. Indeed, there was no thrust at idle, but moving the throttle just a slight bit, and there was a sudden rush of power. I managed to control speed on the ground somewhat by moving the throttle from idle, just a bit, letting the power rush on, and quickly returning the throttle to idle before the plane picked up too much speed. I lined up on the taxi way, pushed the propeller all the way forward, gave it full throttle, and it took off beautifully. Once in the air, however, I noticed that if I reduced the propeller RPM, without adjusting the power, or vice versa, I did not see any corresponding changes in the torque gauge. I may be wrong, but from flying the J-41, you can't reduce propeller RPM too far without reducing power, or you risk over-torquing the engine. When I came in for a landing, there again did not seem to be a smooth reduction of power. There did not seem to be a large enough difference between the throttle advanced 85% forward, and about 55% forward. But, then I found that if pulled the throttle back just a little bit more below about 55%, there was a massive loss of power, and the plane dropped like a stone. Also, after this rapid decent started, it was almost impossible to pull the nose up, even with the up trim maxed out. Pushing the throttle forward solved the problem with another large rush of power, but that created a problem of keeping a slow enough approach speed. Some of these numbers are estimates on my part from looking at my CH Throttles set up, but it gets the idea across. Other than this, congratulations on a spectacular plane. Mike Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California.

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