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About thea330flyer

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    I currently fly for British Airways Virtual.

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  1. Recently I went from the HDD to an SSD and the performance is great. I also moved FSX to the 128GB ssd as well so that it loads faster. I would like to know how to fix errors that pop up everytime I start FSX that do with add on scenery not being in the scenery.cfg. I get a message like this: Local scenery directory (G:\Games\FS10\...\FlyTampa) in scenery area.129 not found. I looked at the scenery.cfg multiple times and did not find that entry. Please bear in mind that I get this error for the following sceneries: -Fly Tampa Athens -Maldives X -Fly Tampa St Maarten -Fly Tampa Dubai Rebooted My other add on sceneries like Heathrow X or Frankfurt etc are all ok.
  2. Nevermind, I found my solution. What I did was to go to where the FSX folder was and set the permissions for that folder so that I, the user have full control/rights of FSX. Then I started and made a flightplan, no crash. :lol:
  3. Recently made the move from FS9 to FSX I wanted to just to test out a few things. I wanted to create an IFR flightplan on FSX, after everything is done and saved, everything stops and crashes. I have deleted my fsx.cfg a couple times and restarted fsx to let it rebuild the cfg file but nothing has changed. Any solutions to this?
  4. Thanks for the feedback. My FSX settings are not on ultra anyway, my weather settings are pretty high but nonetheless my CPU can handle it. If I can just push it to 3.7Ghz it should get more out of it. One question: does AI affect FPS? I use World of AI on FS9 and it did not affect performance, not so sure on FSX but I will use World of AI as well.
  5. I would like to know before I upgrade my video card, how does the GTX 560SE model do in terms of FSX and my Phenom II X4 @ 3.6 Ghz? My current ATI card is wearing out and cannot handle FSX very well and keeps overheating. My lowest constant FPS I recorded is when I load aerosoft Madrid scenery, my average is 3 FPS. I am also planning of putting FSX on an SSD but thats another subject. I ask specifically for this Nvidia card because the 550Ti is on the weaker end of things and the GTX 560 is a little over my max budget and I do not want to stay with AMD/ATI. Reason is, that Nvidia seems to be choice card for FSX over AMD, so I am not willing to take chances. http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814500241 Cheers.
  6. Ok, then it looks like it is worth investing in an SSD, what do you think of this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227812 Also, I want to ask if going to a GTX 550 Ti can smooth things out on FSX as well?
  7. From what I have read so far, SSD's help a lot with stutters in FSX. I want to know why that is though? Yes it loads things faster but should only the OS and FSX be installed on the SSD or can add-ons like aircraft and sceneries go on there as well?
  8. I was going to ask the same question on this forum concerning SSD's. Having never owned one before, I want to look into one as I am currently suffering from constant stutters, since the whole limited writes issue is no that big of a deal. Currently I have two HDD drives, one is C:\ and the other is G:\. My FSX is installed on G:\ which has more space but nonetheless I get stutters. I am planning on upgrading my video card to a GTX 550 Ti but I do not know whether that will be enough for more FPS. And yes, I do understand that SSD's increase loading times but not FPS.
  9. How is the GTX 550 Ti? Good enough? Kind of on a budget here.
  10. Understood. Because there is the possibility of bottlenecking. Mine is @ 3.6Ghz while yours is 4.9Ghz, a big gap in speed/frequency. Guess I will give it a go and upgrade. I am fully aware of that. Going from 32-bit to 64-bit always requires a clean install. Lets concentrate on performace.
  11. I have two hard disks, one is C:\ and the other is G:\. I installed FSX on G:\, will that make an impact on performance? I have the directory set to G:\Games\FS10. I am really considering going for Nvidia however I have an AMD CPU and I have heard that Nvidia video and AMD CPU creates a few problems, but I am not so sure on that claim.
  12. Yes, I am planning on upgrading soon, Nvidia or AMD? But more importantly, Vista or Windows 7? Really wanted to get an answer for my question above.
  13. I recently made the move from FS9 to FSX and as I went from a constant 60+ FPS to around 20-40 FPS I started thinking: what if Vista is causing the decrease in performance? Currently, I run Win Vista Home Basic 32-bit and on FS9 I used to get 60+FPS on my current hardware(see signature). Since I do have a copy of Win 7 Ultimate 32-bit lying around, if I upgrade to Win 7 Ultimate will I see some sort of improvement in FPS? I have already tweaked the fsx.cfg a lot to work more efficiently with my current hardware. If you want to know what kinds of addons I use, you can see my profile. If I need to upgrade to a 64-bit, will there be any changes or not? I do plan on replacing my current video card.
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