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About RossThomson

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  1. Thanks Danny, I already tried that and put it 1st priority on the list as well, its a bit annoying how its just flat..
  2. Yes, I eventually got the email. Thanks to all! And sorry to keep bringing this topic up, but I don't seem to have any autogen on my Fuerteventura scenery by these developers? Any ideas?
  3. Hi everyone, I just purchased the fuerteventura scenery from these people through paypal, where do you think I would find the link to download it from? I mean, should I get an email or should I check the site or something?
  4. I would buy one, but does it vibrate through the ground? Like, will my parents get annoyed downstairs with the banging or rumbling?
  5. Zach, where do I find the new installer? I could do with that, as I can't fly, I only have CTD's when selecting the plane. Thanks.
  6. Right now, I have to reinstall every time I close flight simulator, not much fun.
  7. Hi Zach, Thanks for that, but unfortunately it never worked.
  8. Hi there, Once I install the aircraft, I can start it up once, then every other time I try to load up the NGX, crash to desktop with fatal errors and everything, its when i click fly now, it comes up with the white box but then after 1 percent it closes again.
  9. Yeah I know that, they were planes that hadn't been shared with us yet.. can't be them.
  10. Hi there lads, On one of the updates on the run up to the release of the NGX (Wooo!) you mentioned two aircraft that you haven't shared with us yet, can you expand on that yet? Thanks!
  11. No problem Zach, I'l give Google a little search. Thanks.
  12. Hi everyone! Does anyone know what this is? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/wierdgreen.jpg/
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