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  1. Yes I was referring the load sheet printer in the center pedestal or maybe someday even looking at simulating the company page from ACARS. This is just a thought, but it would be interesting to see if we could ever develop code, that might work with some of the V. Airlines, to simulate ACARS communications. Kyle do you remember for the FS9/FSX version of the PMDG 747 and FS2crew, you had to go into their app before launching FS9 or FSX and fill in several boxes of data. Then once the program was loaded, it gave you data directly from the loadsheet printer. It was just a thought to add a little more touch of realism.
  2. Hey, Rob curious if you have any thought or if you would like to share in reference what looks like an industry-wide abandonment of the queen of the skies, except for a loyal few? Whis United would be one of them Second this may seem trivial but could you guys develop the United Paint themes of old, with the tulip for your paint schemes. One other thought, what would it take to develop a minor program where if you put in specific data like the FS2Crew of the original PMDG 747, it would give you a print-out like the ones received from the on-board printer on the aircraft. May be silly, just thought it could add to the overall realism of the aircraft. V/R K. Plummer
  3. Thanks for the help, but no luck. I disabled all items in both the exe and dll and disabled all scenery. The sim loads fine, sometimes you can do flights no issue. I just can't figure out why it Sporadically ctd's with that error, or why each time I shut down I get that error.
  4. Hello all, I could please greatly utilize some assistance. I have been having sever issues since upgrading to v3.2 that I even did a complete reinstall of windows and P3D. I would go back to 3.1 but I can't find my installers. P3D keeps having issues where it will crash mid-flight, doesn't matter on what aircraft what scenery or weather etc. It also crashes every time I turn P3D off, even if I close it through the main menu. Each time it says that it is due to a G3D.dll. I have rebuilt the CFG from scratch, I have remade both the exe and dll files with the original settings, all with no luck. I am now in the process of re-downloading all of my current addons which are suppose to be working with P3D. If anybody has any thought or ideas, I would be greatful. Prepar3D.exe 56df48ce g3d.dll 56df4861 c0000005 000b7f8d 520 01d19d90694477ac D:\P3D\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D.exe D:\P3D\Prepar3D v3\g3d.dll 5ce111a1-0984-11e6-8409-e03f49b46571 - <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> - <System> <Provider Name="Application Error" /> <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID> <Level>2</Level> <Task>100</Task> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-04-23T18:51:18.000000000Z" /> <EventRecordID>6240</EventRecordID> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>Home</Computer> <Security /> </System> - <EventData> <Data>Prepar3D.exe</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>56df48ce</Data> <Data>g3d.dll</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>56df4861</Data> <Data>c0000005</Data> <Data>000b7f8d</Data> <Data>520</Data> <Data>01d19d90694477ac</Data> <Data>D:\P3D\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D.exe</Data> <Data>D:\P3D\Prepar3D v3\g3d.dll</Data> <Data>5ce111a1-0984-11e6-8409-e03f49b46571</Data> </EventData> </Event>
  5. Yes you are right about continental not existing anymore and while it inst the greatest livery in the history of the airline, it is sure a hell of a lot better than what they are currently using right now.
  6. Mr. RS Randazzo, Sir I have been a PMDG fan for years now, and I can't remember, but I believe in one of either your many post and/or videos, that you indicated from your Professional Aviation history, that you were a United Airlines Pilot. If I am wrong then forgive me. As I grew up in the military I was lucky enough to have flown on Pan Am, TWA, and United back in the day of the huge logo on tail. I was both very sad and disappointed, when the company choose to depart from its lineage of the Tulip and instead stick with the Continental logo. While watching TV the other night I saw a show that had, what at the time I thought to possibly be a new paint scheme. After many google searches I was able to find a picture but no new to indicate a new livery was in the development. I was wondering if either PMDG or anybody who knew how to develop repaints, would possibly consider the following as a fictional livery. If the real United were to adopt this paint scheme, I think it would go a long way for those of us who love and miss the livery of the old United, esp the 1980s era. That is when the skies truly used to be friendly. In case the image is having issues displaying, it can be found at the following link: http://www.cardatabase.net/modifiedairlinerphotos/photos/big/00012191.jpg. V/R SSG Kristopher Plummer
  7. Ok was looking for some possible help. After being visited by our unwanted friend, I wanted to see if I am doing something wrong. I have ensured that I have all of the latest updates and that I am running the latest software. Ok we go I continue to get plagues on the following flight. YSSY (Fly Tampa settings to minimal) to KSFO (Flighthbeam). I am using ASNext with Textures from REX. Only have California Central and Northern Photo scenery activated. All other Airports and Photo scenery are inactivated. I have the FO screens shut off. My system settings are as follows: Textures: 1024 LOD: 4.0 Autogen: None Water: Mid 2x AI Cars, Boats, Ships: 0 UT2 AI Commercial: 60 UT2 AI Private: 0 After I depart YSSY my VAS stays steady at approx 2.8-2.9, however as the day progresses into night the VAS slowly climbs and hits the 4.0 mark. This seems to be common only to this area, I can fly KSFO-EGLL with essentially the same settings, only difference is that when I depart in the night I don't run into the same problem and can make it to EGLL. If you require any further information, please let me know, other than that I am looking for any support to resolve this issue. V/R Kristopher Plummer
  8. ALCON I have been getting several window.dll CTD over the course of several days now. It doesn't matter what aircraft I use or what scenery I use. The only thing that I have noticed where it has worked was on short flights under 3hrs. All long flights do not work. I get the window.dll CTD while on approach and under F/L100. I have tried a variety of flights, aircraft, and sceneries, all the same result. I am going to try taking out the vysnc tweak for windowed mode, to see what happens. Additionally I have kept an original copy of the window.dll file from the original install and upon completion of all the addons install. I continue to get the same result no matter if I switch both of those files or not. Any help in this area would be much appreciated, thanks and have nice day. Please let me know if you have any questions. Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64Bit RAM: DDR3 SDRAM CPU I7 3770K OC 4.5GHZ (running on air cooling via Thermaltake Frio OCK, I am active duty and move a lot so using LC is not a good option for me. Stress test show 4.6 obtainable OC and sustainable.) RAM size: 16GB @ 1866 (CL9) Graphics Nividia 670GTX OC Hard Drive C: Main Windows Drive 111GB SD B: 931GB 7,200 RPM Mega Scenery Drive D: Backup 465 GB 7,2000 RPM E: FSX Main Drive 931GB 7,200 RPM My frame rate is locked using internal at 35FPS I have also used both the AVSIM Guide and KOTSA guide for tweaks and setup through the CFG and NI Addons REX, PFPX, Active Sky, Aerosoft PFE Scenery FS Dream Team KLAX, PHNL, KLAS, KJFK, KORD Flight Beam KIAD, KSFO, KPHX, KDEN Imagine Sim KATL, KCVG, KDEN, MYNN Aerosoft EGLL, EDDF Fly Tampa KTPA, KBOS Latin VFR KMIA, KSAN Other KMCO, RKSI, RJAA Aircraft PMDG 737, 747, J-41, 777 QWings 757 Level D 767 Majestic Dash 8 Captain Sim 727, 737, 707, 767 Fell There E-145, CRJ 200,700,900
  9. Hello, I am trying to find out the cause of engine failure while in flight. First it has happened now three times, 2xwith the NGX and 1xwith the 777. Prior to today I never had any engine problems while in flight. I do not have any failures set up to engage, I have plenty of fuel, and both engines are running normally prior to them shutting down, and both happen at the same time. The ENG page, shows an indication of an X factor or something, sorry couldn't write the exact term down, as I was trying to control the aircraft while technically stalling and trying to restart the engines. The NGX I had to restart the APU and bank the aircraft from side to side before I would get enough N1 rotation and the fuel would reengage, the 777 just started up with no problem. I am at a loss as to what is going on. Out of no where the engines just shut down an have to be restarted in flight? There is fuel, no engine overheating or bad readings, I did wonder if maybe the anti ice is need more??? The next time it happens, I will get a pen and write down what the indication or fault is. All I can remember is that its either in a blue or purplish color with an X and outside or source or feed or external I think. Originally I though maybe this is just an isolated incident, but now it has happened on both the NGX and the 777 for three different flight. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.... I used the non normal procedures to restart the engines, and they came back up as if nothing happened, but I would like to try and solve the issues as to what is causing the problem to begin with... I hope that this is enough info to go off of, if anybody has any further questions and or needs information please let me know and I will get back as soon as possible, thanks and have a nice day!
  10. While I love this aircraft and the many different audio files tht comes with I have noticed one in particular.. Robert as you have said you used to work for United and with the 777.. So my question is this when you request the route of flight from the operations center it goes off.. A few minutes later it comes back and there is a destinctive ding tht goes off in the cockpit alerting u tht you have recieved the route of flignt so tht u can load it into the fmc... now while flying I heard tht ding... I also know which one it is due to a 777 pilot friend and the united 777 from just planes... is there a way when u load a route of flight through the fmc either via the co route or by selecting one... tht when u go to load or when u activate tht route, that same ding or audio file would go off to add a little more realism or effect... I know u cant request a route from an ops center.. but this one little thing would just give it a little more realism... it would be awsome if not its ok... just something I noticed.. Kristopher plummer
  11. I love FS2CREW and primarily use all boeing products the 747 and 767 u have the ability to change the audio files for like cabin boarding decsent cruise etc... I like tht ability to add a little more realism.. example I take alot of audio files for united and have changed them so when the fligbt crew or flight attendants address the passangers they are talking specifically about united... the ngx does not have tht ability.. u cant adjust the audio files.. I was hopeing tht with the 777 we might be able to adjust the audio files if we like...
  12. Side note I want to be oboe to.overclock and the CPU cooler will be the thermaltake drip.
  13. Hello I am getting ready to purchase a new desktop as my previous one was damaged in moving. I am having difficulty trying to decide on 3 things. 1. I7 3930K vs. I7 3820 either of which I can purchase. I want to get the Max performance possible. I want to run. PMDG 737NGX, REX, ORBX, MEGA SCENERY, ETC. 2. Trying to decide on memory 16GB OC 1600, 1866, or 2133. 3. For the GPU trying to decide on GTX 670 4GB OC, or GTX 680 2GB OC. The motherboard will be an ASUS Sabertooth. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
  14. In regards to flight loading. If you recall for FS2CREW you used to have to go into the settings prior to launching FS and starting the program. You used to have to enter information for Clearance Request and Flight Information so when using FS2CREW it would have all the variables pre-loaded. So what if PMDG came up with something similar to act as both dispatch and pre-clearance request. Prior to launching FS you would go into a smiliar Settings Control, to upload a rte. file from vroute etc. you could also enter other information in regards to the flight, weather pre-clearance etc. Then when FS is running and you want to send off a request route it could pause for a couple of sec and come back with the route which has been pre-loaded into the settings. The same would apply for pre-clearance request. Even better it could possibly work with PFE from Aerosoft. Espically due to the fact that you know what freq you will talk on first and you have the ability to create and SID and load them into the route. So i believe that something like could work, and ya there is no actual dispatch or way to make it completely realistic, however it is a start and has the ability to simulate the functions and give you the effect of it being realistic.
  15. nighthawk65

    777 Realism

    Do you plan on adding any fuctionality with the FMC that will be able to allow you to request a flight plan / route of flight?? Will the checklist or any aircraft specific features be accesible through the scratch pad middle console screen?? Will the bells and whistles that you normally hear when operating the FMC or Middle Screen be included?? I.E. Loading a Flight Plan
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