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  1. Hi I have a question, what is a flight from a photo radar is and where I can find it?
  2. set the two programs and a lot of fun, on the approach FSrealWX program does not update the weather, moreover, the programs give the same meter so I have no question about the strange behavior of the aircraft,I do not hate no professionalism and no hate in IFR when the rain pours down, and rising to the ceiling globe shows the earth. This got really fly through the clouds and no ground visibility of 30,000 ft
  3. Is not troubel and any problems, you see above result of two programs with weather.Can You explane what trouble i can get?
  4. Hi That is conecting two of weather engine ASE+ FSrealWXWhene desending to arivall is realy pas of claud level Thomas
  5. Hi That is conecting two of weather engine ASE+FSrealWXTomas
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