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  1. A few years ago my TrackIR4 died (also after around 10 years). I tried to sim without it, but it was a disaster. So I bought a second one, TrackIR5 this time, and it has been working for me in FSX, P3D and now MSFS. As for the cables, unless you additionally use the TrackClip Pro, there is really no need for cables. I used to sim with the Pro clip and then without, and I wouldn't say the precision difference (as advertised) was really worth it. So now I don't use it any more (its mounting broke by the way). I have wireless headphones (as well as a keyboard and a mouse). So I just use a light (summer thin) baseball cap with the included TrackClip attached to it. Works very well in each sim session with zero cables! Food for thought.
  2. For me it's simply like that: 1. Model interiors with people inside? YES 2. Model empty (no people) interiors? NO 3. Give people an option to switch them on/off YES The argument for modelling interiors must be to increase the immersion of the airport environment in the sim. It definitely does it for me, but only if there are people modelled inside, otherwise the effect does the opposite: some post-nuclear war airports. As for the option to switch it off/on, I read somewhere a developer stating that if you know what you are doing, in MFSF interiors do not cost you a lot of performance. I do not create sceneries however, so maybe a developer could chime in here and confirm or deny it. Anyway, having an option is always good. So I am for it of course.
  3. When it works, it mostly behaves nicely and adds a lot to the airport environment. That's why I finally bought it. Again. And I remember it always being like this - I've had it since day one in FSX and then P3D. An unpredictable follow-me car, stutters when loading destination services, crazy ground vehicle drivers (drunk driving, killing each other or commiting suicides on plane engines), Couatl not starting or - for a change - crashing later, etc. It is my third sim with GSX and... deja vu? But I did buy it because, all in all, for me advantages of simming with it outweigh the problems it has. It is cool to have animated passengers, and a semi-interactive pushback (much better than Asobo's). I very much look forward to full integration between GSX and Fenix, something like I had with FSlabs in P3D. As for performance, I did not find any noticeable difference with or without GSX, so thumb up from me in that aspect. Would I recommend it now? I guess yes, on condition that you do some reading around and know what to expect.
  4. Thank you so much for your excellent review! I've been waiting for a quality LTFM, but honestly hoped someone else would make it. I also don't want to trash TRS, but I had their LTFM in P3D and it wasn't really good. So yes, I will save myself this purchase for now until maybe they make some serious improvements to make it worth.
  5. Sorry for making them six actually. 😊 1. EDDF - Frankfurt Main (Flightbeam, please reconsider! If not, Sim-Wings please.) 2. LFPG - Paris Charles de Gaulle (JetStream Designs, please, you're the French scenery specialist!) 3. ESSA - Stockholm Arlanda (Marcus Nyberg, can you read me?) 4. ENGM - Oslo Gardemoen (Jo Erlend Sund, where are you, when we need it?) 5. EPWA - Warsaw Chopin (Staszek Drzewiecki, hurry up, please!) 6. LTFM - Istanbul Havalimani (I have no idea who could take it. Maybe at least SceneryTR?) I am aware there are quite nice freeware ENGM, EPWA and LTFM, but I would love to pay for high quality.
  6. That one is especially interesting! They want to us to tell them locations and it crashed already in the user interface. 😌
  7. I keep waiting till one poster EVER writes this name correctly. 🤪
  8. As far as I remember from my previous-sims times, they were on a similar level of complexity (iFly even had some features PMDG did not). But I can also recall this issue having always been, for some reason, a sensitive topic, so I will stop here. All in all, I'm flying airbus in the sim. 😁
  9. Thanks for reporting, Paul. One of the main potential cultprits may have just been shot down.
  10. Fenix A320 most of my simming time. When I feel like doing some low-and-slow in my area, GotFriends Optica.
  11. Wow! I've just tried to repeat my last night's flight, the one which CTD-ed. Guess what - another CTD! This time later, closer to the destination airport (on descent the sim froze for a few seconds and quit). One strange thing (might be unrelated though) I noticed on this flight, was my hardware radio's transponder code vanishing for a short moment every few minutes. I've never seen it before, to be honest. Flight: EDDF-EGCC with Fenix A320 and AIG traffic. No GSX installed (refrained from buying for now). MSFS Premium Deluxe on Windows 10. I have been flying like this for 3 months without crashes. And all this is happening at the weekend, just when I have some spare time to fly... 😐
  12. Actually, Aerosoft is mostly a publisher. Their airports are made by various developers on (unfortunately) various quality levels. Some are excellent, like Jo Erlend Sund, some good, like Sim-Wings, and others not-so-good like David R's ones (Ben Gurion or Malpensa - it looks like this time too). But I agree it will probably be the best one available and I guess I will buy it anyway. So far I am using the freeware one from Prairielet and it's okayish. Does the job.
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