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Jeff Nielsen

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  1. I remember when they announced that. I actually thought it looked really good. They had quite a few screenies of that and their ACARS. Wasn't that announced at the first EXPO when FS2020 was announced?
  2. LOL. I think the secret project was the CPDLC thing (not so secret though). Honestly, I'm really happy to see them taking this on with the networks. It's been a long time coming and much needed. If it's another airplane, then, I don't know what to say. I'm also really happy to see them bumping their feature set up a few notches also. So while we razzo them a bit, at least we know the triple donkey should be great. Anyways, they should be making a space shuttle to get him back down to earth. 🙂
  3. LOL...what in the world is he doing? I know he's just trying to answer a question, but honestly, he's light years away from needing to worry about the secret project. They have all the rest of the 777 and ALL its variants to go through as well as the MAX and ALL its variants. Not to mention the 47. He's at least 3-5 years away from worrying about that. #7.2 Mathijs [PMDG] commented Today, 09:17 That is a good question, the PMDG marketing division (aka me) will discuss that with leadership this week.
  4. I wouldn't worry too much....inibuilds will probably have their 777 out soon....for free 🙂
  5. Looking at the bright side: At least all the major airports will most likely be out by then also. The only exception being KDFW, maybe. EDDF, LFPG, and LIMC are the only ones left. LIMC and EDDF are already well into development. Feeling spicey today.
  6. I still think there is a high likelihood that we could go into MSFS2024 before we see a full featured-modern-payware-widebody. You guys need to add about 6 months to a year on to whatever RSR says...lol.
  7. Anyone know if the ini 320 has FINAL mode? (RNAV) (L/DEV/V/DEV)?
  8. Yeah, agree with all that, but it's still all the same info and nothing really changed from the get go. He didn't really nail it down that much. Although from 2022, yeah, maybe...lol, but in 2023 they've pretty consistent on the messaging.
  9. They haven't shared any more details than they already did ages ago. They said a long time ago the MAX was coming out in-between the 777 variants, or around them. Nothing has changed.
  10. I guess there's no option to turn off the 600 million static aircraft at the almost ALL the stinking gates? I just got this, and the statics are way way way out of control here. EDIT: Found a single static aircraft bgl. Seeing if removing it does the trick.
  11. There was another update? I just saw a couple more exterior shots and read that another beta build went out to the testers. ini might have their 350 out before the 777. HAHA, I'll be the complainer for you all. 🙂
  12. What Discord? I don't see any link anywhere on the site or the forums. Thanks. Edit: Found it thanks to google.
  13. Haha, yeah. What FBW calls "alpha" some payware devs call a complete product. I think the goal posts keep moving out. Good on them. Realistically, by the time we get it, it will be fairly "feature rich"
  14. The A320N started off as the default ASOBO aircraft then moved to its own model, so to speak. It was available from the start and the users just downloaded the updates as they made them available. The A380 was started from scratch thus it is not available yet. When they started the A380 they also shifted primary development from the 320 to the 380 for the most part, with a few updates here and there. Hopefully I condensed that down enough. It's kind of confusing if you haven't been following the project from the start.
  15. What's even more bizarre than that? Making a video as a payware dev that puts your product in a bad light. Making a video that was shorter than then countdown itself. Look: most of us here know better. We already know it's going to be a very good product, but that live stream had over 3600 viewers. That's a ton. I can't imagine all of them were hard core repeat customers. In MSFS, you're going to have a ton of new-casual users that may not have purchased a PMDG product. Also, there was no link to the Q&A as far as I saw. The Q&A was far better, IMO. It explained a lot. The Q&A had about half the viewers, so most didn't even see it. They probably just left after the first "reveal", if you could call it that. There's no reason why they couldn't have made a 'good' video showing some more of the features. If they couldn't, they should have just waited a bit. Honestly, even if the video was recorded with low setting in sim, then adding whatever compression, the criticism is probably still valid. While yes, it will probably look much better on the users' sim, I'm not so sure it will be that much better. Good enough for most, yes. Good enough to call it a good product? Yes, just not mind blowing and possibly not up to MSFS standards, so to speak. In the end, this isn't that big of a deal. Stuff happens. I'm not meaning to just slam them here, but it was just strange.
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