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About Sonosusto

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    Love the outdoors, flight simulation and aviation, motorcycles, fishing and camping...

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  1. No, this is for the original mod that is still on Nexus. Same dev that made it last year. I tried the lossless scaling and it wont allow my exe file for msfs so I gave up with that.
  2. Yeah, I've heard mix reports with this "new" version from lossless. However, the original mod (for this thread) was updated a few days ago. July 9th
  3. Stutters? No. Cursing under my breath because my toddler decides to raise the landing gear upon landing, yes.
  4. Yeah, I have installed all the lasted dlss/dll files etc as well as the autoFPS app. I still haven't learned my lesson and often think I should try expert settings again. Haha. Best app for MSFS hands down. Because of Reset (and the previous devs) making this app.....a lot of us can fly with better FPS than 20 now.
  5. I own both. Carenado because I was wanting the PC12 so I got it. Should've known better. Took them months to patch major issues with it and I shelved it since. SWS for the win. Despite having a bug here/there, it's more flyable, more realistic, handles better and to me it even looks better. Ever since their Kodiak I've followed and enjoyed all that SWS makes. Some bugs/issues, sure but I would rather have that than another carenado plane.
  6. Yeah, I never "fast forward" while simming either. As for the jamming? Meh. Just pretend haha
  7. Yeah, I use AS all the time now. The transitions I barely notice at all.
  8. yeah it sounds like some necessary files were borked somehow. last resort is always a sim reinstall though. I think you're at that point. Also, I would use addon linker for all of your addons (even from orbx etc) as you could easily switch them "off" in the sim. Ie: symlink. Just for future reference. Best of luck!
  9. I think I know what the issue is....Do you meet the requirements for CPU? Has the sim ran fine before this? Also, a lot of these extra steps are typically unnecessary (reinstalling of sim, windows etc). As evidenced by you doing this. What was the last thing that you installed? Were there several? Marketplace: ensure that all the content is installed (city updates, world updates, all of it that you bought). Frankly, if you can't figure all these things out from the above advice, then I would do a fresh install of the sim and every bit of content you bought (world updates, reno races etc).
  10. Those and Nvidia filter ice cream haha. Or my martini. Stirred, not shaken. But seriously, all the different maps out there have their pros/cons. I remember doing color correction for the NW area for a different sim using bing and/or google maps. Very tedious. Ended up giving up after several terabytes of work.
  11. And yeah, every time Im at the hood transition (waypoint) I often cringe looking at how bing maps can be. Even google has odd colors. What did help was changing some of the nvidia filters for me. Your results may vary
  12. No, clearly its pistachio 😁😄
  13. Yeah, the most efficient way is taking every single addon you have, payware, freeware even liveries completely out of the equation. Addon linker is indispensable for this reason. Then your sim will load rather quickly. Though the root cause, you mention...yeah hard to find that. Glad you were able to fix the issue.
  14. Why not Oregon. The Executor is long sinced bashed into the D star. Make a trip from KTTD to KBOI with the Royal Duke. Its a freeware Troutdale Airport to Boise with Vertical Sim's payware.
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