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About spearmint_flyer

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    Every moment alive is a gift. Its why we call it "present".
  • Birthday 01/21/1992

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    Behind the cloud that looks like a lion....
  • Interests
    Sleep and the effects on the human body. Airplanes of course!

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  1. Just viewed his stream. Ended it with uninstalling ASFS and called it a “ waste of time” Really looking for some positive feedback before bitting the bullet.
  2. Someone, please walk me through how the transitions are working! Very excited to see how this works.
  3. Thanks for the feedback, Damian. When are we getting some official videos to highlight the questions some have?
  4. Early in FSX and P3D, yes. However later on with P3D and AS Force, we had fronts. It was a major selling point of upgrading from Active Sky Next and Evolution. From what I remember in the later versions of P3D they had jerry rigged the weather engine to provide additional “layers” of weather that allowed for transitions of the current weather, seamlessly. This all changed of course with the integration of TrueSky, because of it being a global volumetric cloud system and you couldn’t do things like towering clouds. Back then I remember they played with the transition model of volumetric clouds. All they had control over was the slowing of the transition. Which combined with no transitions over the descent phase allowed for a low amount of awareness that it was transitioning. I remember it being noticeable for me the same way that I would always look at a scratch on my phone screen after I spot it. Other than a lack of lightning I really have a hard time finding a low variance of weather systems with the MSFS weather engine. I can clearly see fronts and weather systems when I leave them and enter others. I’ve seen icing and see the snow on the ground accumulate. The only complaint I have “which Seb acknowledged on the last dev update “ was the lack of towering clouds up the to stratosphere and lightning . It seems to me that the audience for this is clearly the historical weather community, the local flyer, the person that doesn’t mind the “preset” based weather who may not mind setting things up and changing them up for a new flight. For me at this point it’s not seamless enough. So I’ll see when it releases
  5. Maybe something management can discuss to fill the position. It’s wasted real estate space on the webpage that if used would bring additional traffic. I have some ideas.
  6. Didn't they surprise release 2020 prior to the Xbox event that year?
  7. I like to slowly upgrade. Last year I upgrade mother board and cpu. Year prior the GPU. This year new curved monitor. Slow and steady makes the progress.
  8. That never works for me. I've cleaned the shaders and on the very next flight it happens to me.
  9. Forget all the “we need” I need them to optimize their airports they've already published. Take the JFK version. Compared to the Drzweicki EWR airport I get. 30% decrease in performance. Compared to other major hubs such as LatinVFR Miami its the same performance drop and stuttering mess. This is on a RTX4080 with FG and a AMD7900X3D.
  10. I like how an issue for MSFS 2020 ontbr DX12 Beta is now being shown as fixed for MSFS2024? Like what? What does that mean? Good luck to us in MSFS2020?
  11. Obviously. They're the superior species of all of us.
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