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  1. Roland, thank you for the previews! Very interesting to see how you are able to control AI. I suppose you use mytraffic or similar? Would this work with the great AI models from FAIB,FSP,TFS and all the other that come freeware? There is a very big community that uses customized traffic using home-made flightplans according to real-time operations as much as possible to 99,9% in the well known traffic .bgl files. :smile:
  2. This sounds really good! Thanks! Cross my fingers that he will manage to create the departure tool as well
  3. Hi, I am presently building my customized P3Dv3 with various add-ons and ai traffic. Do I need the star-technique for the AFD files to enable crosswind runways or does this tool handle the runway selection for the AI traffic? Brgds, Axel
  4. +1 Man, Roland does a great job here and obviously no one before succeeded to override the boring default AI as he does!
  5. Might be you can also consider PFE from Oncourse Software, Proflight Emulator to work with? Brgds, Axel
  6. Hi Roland, do you think you would be able to manipulate the nav light control? In FSX is bit unrealistic and don't know why the logic was changed in FSX from FS9. In reality airliners switch on nav lights on the terminal some minutes before departure during pre departure preparation. Then the red beacon lights shortly before engine start, then the taxi lights, then the strobe lights when entering the take-off RWY together with the landing lights. Well, don't know how far you can go Just a thought! Brgds, Axel
  7. Hi, really don't know why people start complaining here. This is a program the AI traffic guys have been waiting a long time for and now finally someone is creating such and that for free. I think it is a big job he is doing and very time consuming. And he is fixing and fixing faults and gives great support in addition to new features! Best, Axel
  8. Hi, I haven't purchased the add-on not yet and would be very interested to get such effects in P3Dv2.5 also on the Ai traffic. I use AI traffic in a separated folder on another drive to modify AI easily idepentent from default planes. I have assigned the AI folder in the simobjects.cfg and they show up in P3D correctly. But what about the effects? Brgds, Axel
  9. Hi Roland, another question. I read about networked solution so that your tool runs on another computer and manages the AI. Since in FSX and P3D the default AI engine runs on one core where all other jobs are handled (pls. correct me if I am wrong), can I conclude that this networked solution would improve the whole performance? Everybody who uses customized AI traffic knows waht I mean. This is brining down the whole performance when using 100%. I am building up latest version of P3D and considering to run your AI Controller on another rig, maybe a notebook if it makes sense and this combination relieves P3D. Best regards, Axel
  10. Hi Roland, first of all many many thanks to bring us such long awaited tool for AI! Almost too good to be true Haven't installed it yet since I have been waiting for a rather stable version of p3d2. Did you implement an improved procedure that a departing AI aircraft is instructed to "line up and wait RWY XY" while the just touched down AI is still rolling out and vacating the RWY? That was with default AI engine always an annoying thing that departing AI can only line up once the landed AI has fully vacated. Best regards, Axel
  11. Kermit27

    VC Shadows

    Thanks! Went through the manual and found it. Now issue solved!
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