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Everything posted by christob

  1. Hi Ben, Yes, do you have an update given that the original post is 8 months ago. Is their still a plan to provide Aurasim as a service? If not, can we assume that this product is dead? That would be a shame.
  2. Problem solved. It seemed to have been a problem with the HoneyComb Config Tool from Aerosoft. Uninstalled that and now everything is working OK. No idea what it was in the tool that caused the issue.
  3. That was the first thing I thought of and as far as I can see, I only control my flaps through my Honeycomb Throttle quadrant. I've also deleted all assignments linked to the flaps.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm not sure whether this is just an issue with the Flight1 Super King Air B200 or a feature in Prepar3d. However, when I reduce speed to below 157kts, the flaps automatically extends fully without any input (uncommanded). Can anyone assist? Thanks
  5. Hi everyone, This is my first ever post, so please forgive if I get it wrong. I've been searching the net about the operation of the Flight1 Super King Air B200's flaps. When my airspeed drops below 157kts, my flaps automatically extends fully without me setting the flaps (uncommanded). Is this something that should happen or is there some setting to stop it from happening. Thanks.
  6. The frame rate hit is the worst I've seen in years. I don't know if anyone else has the same experience. This has been a great disappointment.
  7. Thank goodness I'm not the only one. The frame rate sucks. After all the hype, this is VERY disappointing. Luckily it only cost the price of 2 cups of coffee. Anyway, do anyone have any ideas of what is going on. It's the worst frame rate I've seen in years on any product.
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