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  1. Very nice pictures! What is that scenery in Eindhoven?
  2. Today I found the models: i7 3770, 3770K, 3770S and 3770T. What is the difference between them?EDIT: Anybody heared anything about i9?
  3. Thanks for these, I'll wait for Ivy and maybe overclock before that.
  4. Hello everybody!I'm now little thinking to have uprade to my PC because I want to have more performace when flying PMDG 737NGX. I have been thinking few options.My specs:P6X58D PremiumIntel i7 950@3,07 ghz with Thermaltake FrioPalit GTX580Corsair 3*2GB RAM80GB SSD for WIN71TB Samsung F3 for other apllications like FSXOption 1. I do something with my old CPU like Overclocking, but is the Frio enough for overclocking? Also I would need very good guide for OC, never done it before?Option 2. I buy new mobo like, P8Z68 Premium or P8P67 Premium. Then I could buy i7 2700k and good cooler (what?). With these upgrades I think that i could have 5ghz?Option 3. There is coming something new in this year and i should wait it.And also regarding to this OC, is there any good sites where is good guide?Best regards,Leevi
  5. I have game, Microsoft Flight simulator Deluxe edition. Today I tried to have clean reinstall. Before unistalling the game, I deleted every add-ons regarding it. After everything was done I unistalled it. After the unistaller progrmas had done their job, I deleted the rest of the files manually. Then i restart my computer and put the disk number 1 in. It starts Install Shield Wizard as usually, but it goes stuck when "Preparing to install" appears. What should i do? I also tried it with another computer and installer works perfectly. Also i'm not able to press cancel.Here's picture
  6. I got it work, thanks everybody! First one is not edited. Second is edited.
  7. What do you mean about that calibrate?
  8. Here's my problem. Picture is not edited.
  9. Thanks for that
  10. Hello! I have trying the ENB bloom for FSX. Yes, it's very nice looking bloom with NGX. Somehow i think it puts my texture very black. So i'm requesting that if somebody could send enbseries.ini file that i can test it.
  11. Okay will try that, thanks
  12. What do you suggest me to do? It annoys, that when you are moving with EzDok the autoplot disengage.
  13. Any other ideas? (I think, that i already saw those videos) Is there any options in FSX.cfg that arrows doesn't effect? Or somewhere?
  14. Same thing for me and also arrow keys are moving the yoke :(
  15. Hello all! I know that here may be many topics like this, but anyway... What would be the good settings to run NGX on FSX with good frame rates and also very good looking. I'm now thinking about FSX settings, Nvidia control panel setting and everything what will affect frames and looks. About FSX.cfg1. If i'm right the FSX.cfg should backup2. Delete it3. Reboot FSX4. Use Venetubo's application to build new CFG. Any tips and tricks will be good :) Specs:i7 950 3,06GHZGainward GTX5803x2GB memoryWin7 PRO 64bit
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