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Everything posted by callegro

  1. I don't know about you guys, but I think Southern California needs a nicely done GA airport for FS9. If you think about it, the only descent ones are from Shez Ansari such as Burbank and Long Beach. I would like to see someone do possibly Van Nuys, Santa Monica, or Camarillo. That would be great and it would definitly get a lot of interest on Avsim. Just a thought, what do you guys think?Chris A.
  2. Hi guys. Thank you for the replys. I'm just trying to stick with the feelthere citation x panel because it has a fully functional fms. That is really important to me. Gus, I followed your instructions and it fixed the autopilot issue. Although now the aircraft climbs horribly. I can barely make it up to fl400. Is there a way I can tweak the cfg file so it will climb better?
  3. Hi Guys,If anyone still flys the Aryus Citation Sovereign that has been off the library for about a year I think, I just had a question. What panels are you using? I am getting this problem with the A/P if I go into a steep turn with the A/P engaged, the plane starts buffeting and eventually goes inverted and starts rapidly losing altitude. I am using the Feelthere/Wilco Citation X panel with it. I'm just gonna take a guess that 3rd party add-ons don't work so well with freeware? Anyways hope you can resolve my problem.Thanks,Chris
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