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Posts posted by Seank23

  1. @SeanK23, I'm pretty sure I know what you are talking about, I think it's the result of out of date satellite imagery, I remember it being in the SimHeaven package I downloaded after I realised that the latest imagery available had done away with the really bad low res stuff that covered large swathes of the country for a long time. I had been hoping that the SH stuff would use that newer imagery but alas it did not. However, knowing now that there was a chance that better could be had I once again investigated G2XPL for the price of another small donation. I had investigated it a good while back but the imagery just wasn't available then. It is now! With the right settings input to the g2xpl.ini I was able to get the latest imagery for the whole country at Zoom 18

    I can't overstate the difference this has made to my simming. That coupled with W2XP has given me the sim that I've been chasing for many years. I'm not trying to bash as I used the other sims for many years but there is just no comparison to be made now. I had to delete the others after spending a small fortune on them over the years because they just don't come close anymore. Not even in the same ballpark. World2XPlane, G2XPL and SkyMaxxPro (though 10.30 may negate the need for SkyMaxxPro) are the three things I cannot recommend highly enough!



    Yeah, I think I'll give G2XPL a try, especially for the Dublin area as this is the area I fly in most. Have you noticed any performance issues using ZL18 as opposed to ZL17 or 16?




    You've come across one of the major problems in Spain and also in France with OSM to X-Plane conversion, and that's the Corine data import for forests and farmland. The data used is low resolution, so whereas in Ireland or Germany, each individual field has been tagged as farmland, meadow, etc.. In Spain, all fields or forests have been joined together into one huge area, which doesn't exclude the villages, rivers, and roads which are inside them. This looks very unrealistic and simply floods the scenery with trees that shouldn't be there.


    I suppose I'll just have to make do if that's the case, it still looks better than default. :)


    I've got one question: Can World2XPlane populate areas where the buildings in OSM have a different footprint or dimensions to any of the models in the library? For example, would it be able to place a landmark (eg. Effle Tower) if it is not modeled in the library?



  2. Spain definitely isn't as interesting as Ireland in OSM land. Here's some shots:


    First of all, Reus airport seems to be sitting in a 20m ditch, this must be an issue of the simHeaven photoscenery mesh:








    Salou looks decent but there still seems to be something missing:






    Loads of trees:






    It does seem to just cover the terrain with trees here but that must be what is in OSM:




    @User72: Have you noticed in your photoscenery an ugly low resolution area to the west of Weston EIWT? I've only noticed in the simHeaven scenery and it takes away from what would otherwise be very realistic.



    • Upvote 1

  3. Thanks Tony, I agree that the OSM data in Ireland (and from what I've seen, the UK) is not as comprehensive as France, Germany, etc. It does still seem to look filled-in in the sim which is great. Currently downloading the region around Reus in Spain, I'll give that a try later! :smile:


    P.S: I have objects set to Mega Tons, Roads to Extreme and Trees to Overgrown.

  4. Just downloaded the Ireland scenery and Dublin Area photoscenery from simHeaven (took 3 hours!) and did a short fly around. The results are absolutely stunning!














    The night lighting is really good:






    Love the animated cranes!
















    Something I noticed was that with both the photoscenery and the OSM data the frame rate was about what I would have normally got with the default textures + objects, if not even more!

    • Upvote 4

  5. Hi,

    I've recently been flying online in XP 10 via VATSIM in the default 747. The first few flights I had done were fine with no problems, I went on holiday for 10 days but when came back I encountered a problem with the 747. The problem was that if I had the V/S Selector on in the autopilot, e.g. I was climbing. If I tried to turn the Autothrottle on to the SPD Setting while the V/S Selector was on, the V/S Selector would disengage . So I can only fly with either the V/S on or the autothrottle on but it won't let me have both of them on at the same time.


    I use the xFMC plugin but this wouldn't be the problem because I've flown with this plugin before the problem. Also, when I select the SPD setting for the autothrottle the FLCH setting comes on too and I can't disable it without disabling the SPD aswell, I don't know if this is the problem either because I can't remember if this happened prevously.



    Hope you can help.


  6. Hi,

    I recently installed the Face Track No IR freeware addon but I can't seem to get it to work. I've connected up my webcam, I have got simconect.ini as my profile, I have got FaceAPI as my source and I have got simconnect as the Game Protocol. When I click start it shows up the box with my webcam's view in it but I can't seem to get the yellow face cue that I have seen other people have. When I start fsx nothing happens when I move my head but it still lags a lot.


    My webcam is a Sandstorm SW72011 and I have got FaceAPI installed, although I don't know if I have installed it correctly.


    Hope you can Help



    PS: Would be great if you could give my a step-by-step tutorial for installing it for FSX as I have not found any.

  7. I think the Icon is a bit too slow for me, I could hardly take off from short strips without running off the runway and if I was able to get off the runway I'd soon come stalling down or hit tall trees on the path.Thats my experience of it anyway, but other than that it's pretty good airplane, although I found it almost impossible to fly straight in crosswinds as it's so light.

  8. HI, Does anyone have any tips for getting the best performance out of MS Flight?At the moment I'm running MS Flight with this setup:Resolution - 1024x768Vertical Sync - OnShadow Quality - LowSharpness - HighScenery Density - LowScenery Quality - MediumTexture Quality - MediumWeather Quality - MediumBut I want it to run well with a lot of the stuff at high and resolution at 1680x1050.Here's my PC Specs:Ram - 4Gb (DDR2)GPU - Nvidia Geforce 8200 (1Gb)CPU - AMD Athlon II X2 245 (2.9 Ghz Duel Core)OS - Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (With SP1)Hope you can help.

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