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  1. I have to say though they did an absolutely incredible job with the gauges...considering it was their first aircraft to have 3D gauges!
  2. It's not terrible on my Toshiba laptop get about 24-27 frames...
  3. In the real world the duke had many problems, I used to work at garret aviation and one of the owners had a duke, it's a nice plane but you get more bang for your buck with a Cessna 340. The Continental TSIO series have a longer life span than the Lycomings that the duke was equipped with. Lycoming admitted that there were faults with running turbos on the 540, however there were some improvements made in later years.
  4. It may also be one of those deals where they say it's supposed to come out today but it will actually come out a couple days (or a week) later, which has happened before... nonetheless I imagine that it's gonna be an amazing plane! I just really hope that they fixed the issue with the panel because one of the screen shots on their page reveals issues with the 3D knobs in the VC (again).
  5. Thanks I managed to get it working!
  6. Hello all! Is there a way that I can install FSX without using the discs? The reason that I ask is because over time the discs have become scratched so I backed up the files that were on them onto my hard drive into folders named "disk 1" and "disk 2" and kept the registration number that came with the box. How do I go about installing it? I originally posted in the wrong forum but someone mentioned to me that it CAN be done, but I'm not sure how to do it because I am a complete noob concerning this. I will appreciate any help that I can get. Thanks!!
  7. I agree with Ron, I don't think this will be a feature anytime soon. According to the pics on the Carenado website adding the Reality XP GNS 430 will be easy for the 340. The only problem that might exist is that the gauge lighting will be a little distoreted when flying at night with the rxp GNS on the panel...but that's an easy fix.
  8. I've noticed that there has been a rapid release of planes from Carenado recently...I really hope they get the 340 right the first time around because I'd prefer to not wait weeks for a service pack like a lot of the other planes.
  9. The problem with framerates is due to the wx radar within the vc and not the 2048 textures. You can easily pan around outside the aircraft without any problems, but when you enter the vc all h*ll breaks loose and the framerates drop. I average about 30 framerates locked until I enter the vc then they go down to 15-17 and is very "twitchy". This was all confirmed by an e-mail from Carenado, yet one still wonders why there hasn't been an update released regarding this problem.
  10. In the real world the 340 would destroy a Duke in regards to performance and speed! I hope the VC in this one is more frame-rate friendly than the Caravan is!
  11. Kiwikat- I have no idea how to do that, I'm not familiar with messing around with textures. Is it a simple process?
  12. That's a really good idea! I think this is something that not only Carenado should think about but other companies as well! I have the Caravan and it's very taxing on my system, so the only time that I fly it is when I feel like "dulling" down the sliders a bit (which is something I really hate doing).
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