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Everything posted by RamzessTheGreat

  1. It is not a "don't want" thing... I want them. I want the books but common sense is telling me it is too much.It is less of a complaint more like a frustration. I know that P&P from US does not cost 150USD. PMDG is getting nothing of it. Will just have to wait - maybe one day they will be distributed in EU.
  2. First I should say thank you for such a tremendous work - your aircraft addons are superb! Way to go!I do love your aircraft. I have to admit though, the manuals for the new 737NGX project are EXPENSIVE!!!Maybe if you live in US and P&P cost is down to nothing it is fine, but here in Europe...Captain's Flight Manual Set which is 250USD, here in UK makes up for 160 pound which again dividedby 4 (no. of books in set) is hefty 40 pound per book. I don't remember last time I bought a book THATexpensive. In fact I never had. But well ok, that is some investment (well maybe not for those whofly virtual skies) so you could build up the money and close your eyes on it if not the bloody P&P!Now with all the USPS hassle we are left with pricey FedEX which sets you beck another 150 USD(read: almost 100 pounds!!!! or extra 25 per book)At price of 65 pounds/book I really might better invest this money anywhere but these books.Sorry guys but to get it going I guess you have to find a way to distribute them in Europe. Aerosoft or flightstore.co.uk would be perfect.Sorry about that. And again - respect!
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