Oooh-Yeeeah! Now here's a topic I've thought a lot about... Let's see, this list can get long in the tooth, so I'll just say this: I hope Flight (eventually, at least) covers the widest range of aviation, from 'Lighter-Than-Air' Balloons and Blimps to Gliders, Sailplanes, Parasails (powered and Non-) to the Most-popular and Prolific GA (Cessnas, Pipers, Beechcraft... etc). STOL Bushplanes and Amphibians. Turbo-props, Business Jets, Airliners, Fighter Jets and other Military AC including classic and historical WWII Fighters and Bombers (heck Vintage stuff of all kinds, DC-3, Connie, etc), Gyrocopters, Helicoptors / VTOL, Spacecraft (i.e. Shuttles from launch to flying brick landing in one flight). And of course Aerobatic and Racing Aircraft. So if I had to choose say my top five... it would be: Boeing-Stearman Model 75 "Kaydet" (-check-)de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver Amphibian (although I am a big fan of the Maule M-7 260C -check-) Beechcraft Baron 58 -or- Piper PA-34-220T Seneca VDouglas DC-3 (a new and better one, NOT silly a port-over) -or- Lockheed Model 10 Electra (maybe even Amelia's, the 10E)Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner