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  1. I'm pretty sure these are the two most postive things I've ever seen Mr. Skorna say about Flight!
  2. No no no! none at all! And I wasn't crying over any comments, I meant sobbing over performance issues! I'm just trying to stay enthusiastic about Flight, especially the anticipation of improved performance. No worries!
  3. Wow, so much for my stab at poetic license... I was referring to the entire series in reference against X-Plane. And no, I don't think it will really steal anyone away from Flight, but it is the only major contender. Maybe it will just keep some of us occupied while we wait... And one other thing, I've never been the one who shouted/complained about what's wrong with previous versions... more like sobbed quietly in the corner...
  4. Quote from: http://www.x-plane.com/news/ August 25, 2011 X-Plane v10 for desktop is coming! We have now finalized the X-Plane 10 release schedule for Macintosh, Windows, and Linux desktop computers! X-Plane 10 will be available on Christmas of 2011, at which time you will be able to order X-Plane from www.X-Plane.com! Well well, the overdue rival has risen to the occasion... mayhaps our weary beast will rouse it's mighty graces to the cry of battle? Cheers, EDIT: Please allow me to RE-spell: RELEASE. You know, like what MS should be doing... sooner than later. Please.
  5. Hrmmmmmmm..... after considering the aircraft revealed to us so far in Flight, I have an idea, based on the progression of these facts:1) Low & Slow Biplane with great training qualities, Open Cockpit, Taildragger.2) High-Wing-Single STOL Bushplane, Light & Simple, Enclosed Cockpit, Taildragger.3) Modern Low-Wing-Single, bubble-like Enclosed Cockpit, Fixed Tricycle Gear.And so, I think I'll make a prediction, Alain-Flightrodamus style (*insert smiley tipping hat*), that the next revealed AC will be...4) Low-Wing-Twin, Retractable Tricycle Gear.Anyone else like this logic?
  6. Oooh-Yeeeah! Now here's a topic I've thought a lot about... Let's see, this list can get long in the tooth, so I'll just say this: I hope Flight (eventually, at least) covers the widest range of aviation, from 'Lighter-Than-Air' Balloons and Blimps to Gliders, Sailplanes, Parasails (powered and Non-) to the Most-popular and Prolific GA (Cessnas, Pipers, Beechcraft... etc). STOL Bushplanes and Amphibians. Turbo-props, Business Jets, Airliners, Fighter Jets and other Military AC including classic and historical WWII Fighters and Bombers (heck Vintage stuff of all kinds, DC-3, Connie, etc), Gyrocopters, Helicoptors / VTOL, Spacecraft (i.e. Shuttles from launch to flying brick landing in one flight). And of course Aerobatic and Racing Aircraft. So if I had to choose say my top five... it would be: Boeing-Stearman Model 75 "Kaydet" (-check-)de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver Amphibian (although I am a big fan of the Maule M-7 260C -check-) Beechcraft Baron 58 -or- Piper PA-34-220T Seneca VDouglas DC-3 (a new and better one, NOT silly a port-over) -or- Lockheed Model 10 Electra (maybe even Amelia's, the 10E)Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
  7. Well would you look at that... this long-winded bloodbath actually produced a decent and workable idea ripe for application! I really am stunned! *so glad I stuck it out reading to the end...*
  8. I'll tell you what made it look better than FSX (to me anyway), the realisic camera effects! It's a believeable spot view that mimics a cameraman in another aircraft trying to keep a moving target in frame, bobbing, swinging, veering, rising, falling out of his shot. his frame isnt nailed to the subjects center, he's trying to follow it across his field of view. that's what makes Videos by artists like Jaggyroad Films and Jigsaw so enjoyable... of course they're using EZDok and TrackIR and other movie editing tools to create this effect. Games like 'Dirt 2' and 'Wings of Prey' achieve this marvelously on internal replays.
  9. +1 Me too, sounds reasonable.
  10. I agree, I may be wildly optimistic about Flight, but I got beautiful cloud shadows in Wings of Prey... more than a year ago. It's not a technology block anymore, I hope they don't decide against them for this release!
  11. I agree whole-heartedly with every sentiment! (+1.... aw heck, +100) Adrian is my new hero. These last few posts have totally reinvigorated my positive hopes for Flight, and no-one who spells Microsoft with a "$" could knock them down!!! Onwards & Upwards...
  12. I have to agree with this idea, Maybe that's why we haven't had any new screenshots or videos lately. (Or this could just be overly-optimistic thinking... ;-) )
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