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About MikeT707

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  1. Hi Ron. Sorry this is happening. Please submit a support request at https://rexaxis.com/ to get it sorted out. Thanks.
  2. Chris, the tile popping issue in a known Microsoft/Asobo defect/bug and only Microsoft/Asobo can address and fix this. There is a long and extensive thread on the MSFS forum about it. The title of the thread is “Aerial ground tiles changing/popping in”. I do not think we are able to post a link to it in Avsim, but here is the url you can enter into your browser “https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/aerial-ground-tiles-changing-popping-in/547197” All product developers that create products for Flight Simulator 2020 have to work within the MSFS codebase and can take advantage of all of the great things that the MSFS codebase offers. Product developers are also subject to the software limitations and issues that exist in the MSFS codebase, and unfortunately this defect/bug exists in the MSFS codebase, but I am hopeful Microsoft/Asobo will find a fix for it eventually. I just flew around the Bern, Switzerland area (LSZB) that you mention in your post. There are some limited areas where this Microsoft/Asobo tile popping bug occurs and the Bern area seems to be one of those problem areas in the MSFS codebase. Here are some images I took around Bern, Switzerland where I have zero addons installed, so this is vanilla MSFS. These images demonstrate the tile popping defect that is resident in the MSFS codebase and is a defect that only Microsoft/Asobo can fix. As you can see in this series of images that progress past the Bern airport, tiles pop as you move forward. I do hope Microsoft/Asobo find a fix for this issue in the MSFS codebase, but unfortunately, this is not a defect that can be fixed outside of the MSFS codebase.
  3. Hi Sethos. Sorry you are having issues with that. Please submit a support ticket at https://rexaxis.com/
  4. Hi Bob. Go to the Windows System Tray on the bottom right of your screen near the clock and date. Click the carrot and Windows will display a little popup. In there you will see the icon for AccuSeason. Click that and the app will display. Let me know if that works for you.
  5. Hi Steve and Noell. I have sent a message to Reed @rstough so he can assist. Hopefully we will get this sorted out quickly.
  6. Hi StoneDoor. Look in the Windows system tray. Click the icon that looks like a carrot and you should see the AccuSeason icon there. Just click that and the AccuSeason app will display.
  7. Someone earlier was asking for some preview images so I wanted to show some images, as well as an introduction to the new product which released to existing customers yesterday and to new customers today. REX is pleased to announce REX AccuSeason Advanced Edition. This new version brings an array of new features including: Terrain Coloring Weather Scenarios Resilient Coloring option 2 New Enhanced Regions (Colorado Aspen and Larch Trees in NW USA and SW Canada) Lower Vegetation option for many cities and towns 3 enhanced vegetation color tone options In addition to the new features above, AccuSeason Advanced Edition continues to offer the current AccuSeason features, which include: Automation mode which allows you to Set It and Forget It so weekly seasonal changed occur on a weekly basis automatically Large number of seasonal presets Optimized performance Winter deciduous trees Global seasons A modern application Deciduous tree canopy options Tree height options Region-specific crafted vegetation This new version is FREE for current users. For new users, we have not raised the price of the application. For existing AccuSeason users, we hope you fully enjoy the new version and the huge amount of new content. For new users, we want to welcome you to a great experience that will transform your simulator to look much more natural and true to life. For further information, here is a link to the AccuSeason Advanced website: https://rexsimulations.com/accuseasonadvanced.html Thank you and here are some images:
  8. Hi Miguel. You would get the new application for free.
  9. Hi Penta. Great question and a much requested item. Yes, there will be an option to turn on or off the singing birds when automation is activated.
  10. Hi Gerard. We are looking at releasing this week.
  11. Hi FakeWayne. Automatic mode includes Terrain Coloring.
  12. Hi Gilandred. Unfortunately when you click the V key to view the VFR map, you will see a block pattern. Wish that were not the case, but that is related to how the visual rendering works in the MSFS codebase. Thanks for your question.
  13. Hi pmb (Michael). Just heard back from Reed and he stated there was not a way to record the events we had yesterday. I will say that an updated webpage is getting very close to being done and that should have the information you need and if you still have questions, please reach out via this thread or private message me and I can answer your questions. Thanks.
  14. Hi Rick. Good to talk to you again. There is no advantage to having Weather Force and AccuSeason Advanced together, but I will say that Weather Force is a great app and can be judged on its own merits. I have heard many people really like it. Hope that helps.
  15. Hi Michael. I am checking with Reed to see if something is available and will let you know when I find out.
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