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Posts posted by Jet_Airliner

  1. Because it's too easy !! :Whistle:Fred.
    Alright, just to mention that after watching videos from this thread and also couple of hundreds just on youtube, I can tell for sure, that 95% of all simmers complete noobs for which NGX is cool just because of nice VC and so on. I honestly never seen any video with even 80% of procedures correct.So it doesnt matter if it's easier or not if you can't even do everything right on straight-in approach.

  2. My FSX is on the 240Gb OCZ Vertex 3. Loads FSX much more quickly than my previous installs on hard drives. If you use the Vertex 3 (or maybe any drive with the Sandforce controller), make sure the firmware is up to date before installing FSX. I had major problems with the early firmware although no problems since AugustCant say much about Raid although did contemplate it for while until some adverse posts appeared here.
    Nah, I am not going to mess with RAID.Thanks for advice about Vertex 3.

  3. Very nice build Alexey. Do you get better temps with the V8 mounted vertically? normally having it blowing backwards yields better results.I would also add an exhaust fan at the rear of the case. That config looks to be bound to keep all the hot air inside the case. What are your core temps like at 4.5GHz?
    Hi Dazz. Thanks.Its strange. Here is the diagram of where it blows:You can see, that I mounted it verticaly to blow backwards, instead of downwards on the videocard.But, I actually returned V8 back to normal position today, cause vertically mounted it makes weird noise on middle range RPMs.I am thinking about getting exhaust fan, but there is no problems right now, cause i keep the case always opened.I actually got to 4.7 now pretty stable (1.368v). On idle i get 30-40. On stress tests I get 60-70.

  4. Hello guys. Here is my rig for FSX.dsc0027ru.jpgI have -Gygabyte Z86X-UD3P-B3-i5 2500K (@ 4.5 now, but will try to get 4.7 in the future)-Cooler Master V8 CPU cooler-NVIDIA GTX570 from Gygabyte (with 3 Fans)-DDR3 Corsair Vengeance (overclocked from 1600 to 1866. 10-10-9-24)-Wifi card-TR2 RX 650W-HDD 7200 1TB from Samsungall well fitted in small USP 100 from coolermaster.

  5. Don't see anything other than normal behaviour there. If in VNAV SPD the aircraft doesn't keep that closely to the computed path. If you increase the target airspeed for descent, rate of descent must increase. Once conditions stabilise rate of descent reduces to more "acceptable" levels. This is basic physics, nothing to do with a problem with the NGX.Kevin Hall
    What it shows, is that the vertical speed does not jump as high as 5000-6000.So the problem with high vertical speed is weather. On those videos the weather is default.

  6. Okay here is a good example. If you use VNAV for descent with a cost index of 36 its going to descend at 280 knots. If you use some rediculous cost index of 100 or more it's going to descend at 330 knots.So your at Cruise at 36,000 ft doing 260 knots and then it is time to descend. The NGX is gonna dive bomb until you get from 260 knots to 330 knots which is 70 knots faster. But if your at 260 knots and going to descend at 280 knots which is more reasonable then it only going to speed up 20 knots.Just try using a lower cost index like the real world and you will notice an improvement. Just because they use a cost index of 70 to 100 in the MD-11 and 747-400 does not mean this is universal and applies to the 737-NGX as well.
    Each flight CI is different, depending on weather (especially depending on wind). Best you can do, is to use fixed speed of 280/.780 for climb and reversed for descent.thats given in ftcm as econ speed as far as i remember.

  7. Alright since this topic talks about CI - what do BBJ's use? When I fly the -800 I use 1/3 fuel, and usually light payload. I've been doing a CI of 88. And I get these quick/fast climbs/descents. What should I be using? Should I just weigh down the plane more and put a CI of like 30?
    I use CI zero (airline fixed for all routes). No difference. But I enter 280/.780 and .780/280 for climb and descent--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I posted the answers to the vomit thread a bit before.I had the same issue with V/S.Tabs telling that it alright to have 6000fpm in light plane. I say that I had it in 800 with something about 3/4 load.I must argue and say again, that its not normal to have such a big V/S. I am not taliking about rate of change yet. Just a constant V/S.You said that some pilot recorded the video with such V/S, but you didn't show the video. I already told that flew many times in cockpit. You never get above 4000. Maybe just on takeoff stage or fast descent with spoilers due to traffic you can get 4000-4500 biggest.Secondly is rate of change when for example you choose LVL CHG and your speed is 5-15 knots different from the one on the MCP.The autopilot moves the yoke as crazy as hell and chenges V/S from 2000 to 6000 just in 2-3 seconds.In real life you don't get this.And Iknow it from experience. In reall life its very smooth.

  8. If you follow the link in my earlier post you'll see that by forcing FSINN to exclude the use of particular AI models (and/or add-on models) to depict online traffic, you can restore lost FPS. Preventing FSINN from using add-on models makes obvious sense: a sky full of PMDG NGX models will be a demanding place for any CPU to handle. The AI models such as those which come with MyTraffic SHOULD not be a problem, because they ought to be very "light-weight" - and most of them are. Some, however, are not as "light-weight" as they should be. For some reason or another, some of them bring FSX to its knees. This is what I mean by "buggy". What makes them behave this way? I've no idea.Anyway, I have given the link to a solution ( http://board.vacc-sag.org/45/40957/ ) which works in my experience. You are the only one who can judge whether it works for you too.Tim
    Tim,With ICAO tool, I never had addon aircraft showing up by fsinn. If someone iz ZZZZ or flying with callsing of company, which does not have that aircraft - I still get traffic model like MD-11 or something...Only hell knows, what kills our FPS LOL.gifAlex

  9. Was you flying over london at all anytime of that flight ..London is a massive frame killer i don't know why but ever time i fliy into london my frames drop with or without addons in
    That happened when I was above the sea. London was far away. But anyway when I fly above then heathrow Extreme from UK2000, I never get big drop of FPS. It something like 20-30 in VC with view to the airport with traffic from UT2.
    In my experience of VATSIM the problem is ALWAYS that FSINN chooses to depict other aircraft using EITHER a "buggy" AI model, OR a heavy-weight add-on like the PMDG series for a common type like the 737. The AMOUNT of traffic in VATSIM is never big enough to make a difference on its own. It is essential to make sure that FSINN chooses efficient (ie, very simple) AI models which contain no bugs.I do not know what (if any) is the solution for people who don't use FSINN but for FSINN users see here:http://forums.vatsim...pic.php?t=35447If you're not flying online then the problem could well be the AMOUNT of traffic which especially / even with MyTraffic or other AI traffic add-ons can easily overwhelm even the fastest PC near major hubs like EGLL and EGKK. But even here, check that there isn't a nasty "buggy" AI model slowing things down more than need be.Tim
    I sorted it out with my UT2 with ICAO tool from VACC GERMANY. The guy Peter Hornfeck made a tool to get proper traffic showing in fsinn. Here is the link http://board.vacc-sag.org/45/40957/But the thing is that I didn't get big FPS drop on fly-in when there was 20-40 planes. But when I got FPS drop, there was just 2 planes nearby. It definitely a bug.

  10. I don't know. This FSX is very strange. I departed from England to Germany. I had lot's of traffic, but still got 20-35 fps during taxi and takeoff. But after 5000-10000ft I got really big fps hit for no reason. I had just 2-3 planes in my range. But there was pretty big layer of clouds above the sea. If I move camera to pedestal, or overhead, I get normal FPS.Many people tell that NVIDIA is good for rendering clouds versus ATI, but I must disagree. I have GTX570 and sometimes get 5-10fps for whatever reason...maybe clouds, maybe something else...After leveling off and few minutes later, fps came back.

  11. Hi guys. I installed this mod.I changed WaterConstants.xml from archive of this mod with fsx one.I run fsx, then closed it, removed shaders folders and 2 lines from cfg.Started fsx again, and let it rebuid the cache.Ok, before this mod, I had nice dark blue water with cool reflections. Got it from my mate. (I dont have rex)After this mod, i have this!index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=35243Can you please help, to get nice water? Thanks in advance.I really want something like this:enb2010118151550.jpgreposted from here: http://forum.avsim.n...ost__p__2184059

  12. Hi guys. I installed this mod.I changed WaterConstants.xml from archive of this mod with fsx one.I run fsx, then closed it, removed shaders folders and 2 lines from cfg.Started fsx again, and let it rebuid the cache.Ok, before this mod, I had nice dark blue water with cool reflections. Got it from my mate. (I dont have rex)After this mod, i have this!Can you please help, to get nice water? Thanks in advance.I really want something like this:enb2010118151550.jpg

  13. Guys, I'm really close to just locking this - a ton of people here are just posting their opinion on what they think the airplane should do without any evidence whatsoever for what really happens. We do not use the performance of other addons, the opinions of air traffic controllers, etc to design our product.I have several videos sitting in front of me taken by one of our tech team pilots over the weekend. One shows 7000 fpm in the climb on a very light 700WL, another shows the plane getting down almost 0 fpm while leveling off to accelerate. We're not going to entertain the idea that these things aren't possible when we have videos from the real thing showing them happening.
    Can I see the video with 7000fpm. That's some crazy military kind of flying.
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