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Posts posted by xxJohnxx

  1. Hi,


    As you noticed, the MD-11 autopilot logic is diffrent than what most simmers are used to from Boeing aircrafts.

    Basically you preselect where you want to go and then tell the autopilot to go there.

    If you followed the flight plan and ATC gives you a heading (vector) you simply dial it in with the heading selector. Now you tell the autopilot, thats where you want to go by pulling it (right click).

    The same thing for the altitude selector. First, preselect to which altitude you want to go, and then applying it by pulling the altitude selector.


    As you noticed, you can also push the heading and altitude selector. This is another handy feature of the MD-11.

    Basically if you follow a flight plan in NAV mode, you can push the heading selector. This will make the autopilot follow the actual heading.


    Best regards,



  2. Hello,


    Today I have a little update for you.

    First of all I tried to minimize the problem that the "Insuficient Fuel" Message is shown by the FMC. I found a little calculation error in my fuelplanning programm which I could fix. Now the message shouldn't pop up anymore.

    Additionaly I did some design tweaks.

    Also new is a little manual/readme.


    As always you can download it from here.


    Have fun!



    Don't know if it's a lot of work or even possible, but could you make one for FS9 aswell?


    Hello John,


    Sorry, the FS9 version didn't made it into this update, however I try to add this feature in the next version.


    @Jonathan When i select set button then can't see fsx.exe in the pop-up windows.


    Hello Jia-Hsing,


    I tried to fix this within this update. Please check if it works.


    Best regards,



  3. Hi,


    Do they actually work? I mean if you press PA system what happens? Any announcements build in?


    They do actually work.

    E.g.: If you set the frequency 122.000 MHz on your captains radio, and the frequency 123.000 MHz on the first officers radio, you can choose on which of the two frequencies you "communicate" on.

    For example your captains radio is set to the tower frequency and your first officers radio to the departure frequency. Now as you climb out and want to change the frequency, you don't have to dial it in on the captains radio, you just have to select the MIC to the VHF 2 on the captains audio panel.

    This works for FSX default ATC and also for online platforms like IVAO.

    You can basically fast hop between 3 frequencies, with a single button push.


    And no, there are no audio files as you are the captain, you have to talk.

  4. As far as I can remember this is a problem of FSX. As soon as you are out of radio range of any of the FSX ATC stations the displays will freeze. Next time your displays freeze check the FSX ATC menu, and you will see that the list is empty.

    Wiebe allready said how the fix to this.

  5. Hi,


    Do you have rudder paddels or any other controller mapped to your toe breaks? If yes this could be spikes of the pottentiometers wich cause FSX to think that you pressed your brakes. If you have such paddals try to increase the nullzone.

    It could also be some keybinding that messes up the parking brake.


    Best regards,





  6. In a 787? I wouldn't worry about to cold fuel, but instead prepare a fire extinguisher. :D


    But back to topic. Well, I am not an expert, but for instance in the MD-11, the fuel system controller starts to transfere fuel arround to creat heat and exchange warmer fuel from the center tank with colder fuel in the wing tanks. Other aircraft may have similar procedures to keep the fuel warm. If it doesn't help you have to descent.


    There is absolutly none advantage of cruising at FL380 instead of FL340, when your fuel freezes.


    And I don't asume fuel could ever get that cold as -65°C. In the standart atmosphere the coldest temperature a modern jet could theoretically fly through is -56°C. Above the altitude it has -56°C temperatures climb again.

    But even if it had -56°C, which is our Outside Air Temperature (OAT), I don't expect that your fuel will reach -56°C even on a long flight. The reason for that is quit simple. As you move through the air your plane get's warmed up by friction. Your Total Air Temperature (TAT) is higher (e.g.: -50°C) and your fuel will only cool down to -50°C, not to -56°C.


    The PMDG MD-11 simulates this, and I expect the NGX does that too, but I don't know about other developers.


    If you know you will fly trough low temperatures (as you can see in the briefing you make before the flight) you will have to consider if it's worth to tanker JET-A, JET-B, or whatever. Else you might want to change your route or fly below optimal cruise altitude. It's always better to burn more fuel than to burn no fuel.


    Best regards,



  7. This is a very interesting topic, though I don't have any (really none, nada, zero) clue about musics, instruments and notes and that stuff.

    Still it is very interesting to see what music is about and what all of you here can do and know.

    Personally I am more interested in electric stuff as it is easier for me to understand, but I am envy about your knowledge guys (I hope the second part of this sentence does not sound to wrong or angry, it is defintatelly ment in a good way). ;)


    Best regards,



  8. Hi,


    Thanks you Jonathan,i thought i don't do anything for this program,also i use that program to flight from EDDM to ENVA,i set 30min for hold,and then i still remain about 14000kg fuel without any traffic jam.

    Seem very good!!

    And i found can't setting FSX direct,it's still programing?


    Thank you!

    If you press "set" a dialog should open. Does this not happen on your system?


    Hello Jonathan,


    Don't know if it's a lot of work or even possible, but could you make one for FS9 aswell?


    Thx in advance and kind regards,



    You mean to load the payload after you set it with the PMDG Load Manager? Yeah that should be possible. I have just to find out the name of the folders.

    Until then you can manually write the path to your "Airplanes" folder (I don't know if that's the exact name in FS9, however I mean the folder where you can find the PMDG_MD11 and PMDG_MD11F folder) into the "save.txt" file.

    Just open it and write into the second line the path. It then should look similar to this (there probably are diffrences, but I think you get what I mean):



    Best regards,



  9. Hi,


    Thanks to the help of Jia-Hsing Fu (fjsharry) I got the problem with the black background sorted out.

    Everybody who has the problem (or doesn't like the gray background) can download the program with a default-window-gray background from here.

    For everybody who doesn't have the problem see this post (it is further above in this topic. If you already use my fuelplanner you are up to data as this download doesn't bring any new features, as it is only a fix for the color problem).


    Best regards,




    BTW: I am actually working on a printing possibility, so that you can print the fuel plan. I don't know if it useful tough. ;)

    If you have any ideas or wishes or feedback, feel free to post it here. It would be very appreciated.

  10. Hi,


    Referring to the picture you posted.

    In the first line is correct.

    In the second line you enter J146 in the left. Noting more and nothing on the right, just J146.

    In the third line you enter J217 in the left. Noting more and nothing on the right.

    In the fourth line you enter J68 in the left and then PUT on the right as this is the point where you want to leave the airway.

    And that's it. As you have entered departure and destination airports you don't need to enter your direct to destination airport here. Just create the flight plan and then delete the discontinuity on the F-Plan page between PUT and your destination.


    And do the tutorials, they explain this very good.



  11. Hi,


    As far as I know if you pull the speed selector and then hit the speed button within 5 seconds the FMS changes to the speed turned in by the pilot. I know this is for the speed selector, however it might also work for the alt selector. Maybe try to pull it and then to hit PROF within 5 seconds.

    For step climb you enter your desired climb levels in in the INIT page. E.g: 340/360/380

    The FMS will then know when you can do the climb and show it in the flight plan and base performance calculations on that.

  12. Hi,


    There's a good little scenario that they teach about a controller being confused during low vis ops. She cleared a jet to depart when the runway wasn't clear. Luckily the departing crew sensed the confussion and denied the clearance until the controller was able to confirm the position of the other traffic. Could have been bad.


    You mean

    , right?

  13. Hi,


    Today I took my virtual Beech for a ride to Innsbruck. Descending trough about 9000 feet a fog layer (or a cloud) came up and the visibility was reduced. However also my FPS dropped from 30 to 14.

    This can't be normal, or is it? I mean it runs at a solid 30 all the flight until approach where it starts to drop. As I passed below the fog/cloud layer about 300-500 feet AGL I had my 30 FPS again.

    This wasn't the first time I noticed that, but today it has been really bad.


    Did I mess something up in my settings or is this normal?


    Best regards,



  14. It is diffrent for subways which normaly have a low speed but are laid out for fast acceleration and braking, but on a normal train you might not even see a person jumping infront of the train. And if you see him you can't do anything expect pressing the horn and hope that the train will stop within the next 500-700 meters.

    Some years ago, here in the region one train driver had a very bad day. As he got out at a stop because he reached the end of his leg he saw blood on the front of the lokomotive. He tought it may has been an animal, however he still called operations and they send out the police to search along the track.

    Later that day the same train driver had a leg along the same route in the other dirrection. He wasn't told by the dispatcher in Innsbruck (300 kilometers away and not in the same state, a reason of staff reductions) forgot to tell this train driver that he had to drive slower because of policmen working on the tracks. As a reason the very same train driver, which hit a person commiting suicide earlier the day, hit two or three policmen which where removing bodyparts of the suicider.

    Altough he was spoken unguilty (the dispatcher in Innsbruck wasn't) you won't ever forget such an event.


    Sorry for him and the persons who died doing their job that day.

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