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Everything posted by Chrisd6340

  1. I just keep trying and it say to ck internet setting and firewall
  2. every time I keep getting site can't be reached
  3. Does anyone have the P3D v5 patch for Carenado aircraft to work in P3d have plane installed but the FMS just reads navdata loading and unable to do anything please help tried to download from carenado but the link is disabled
  4. Thank You for the Information. All is well funny how 1 little dll can do that
  5. Having same issue but each time I click on terminal charts a blank white page pops up and it will say Authenticating and then a few minutes later the sim crashes and closes.
  6. To all those P3dV4, was wondering if any one had some info on how to obtain a vehicle to use in the sim that can be added to airplanes in simobjects?
  7. Can anyone tell me where to find and how to get to the FSX.cfg I really don't know where to begin just got a new CPU and had FSX with Accelaration and now I am having FSX just stop working in the middle of just flying around or changing locations Please help,
  8. Would very much appreciate if anyone that has FSX steam only, could help me. I use to have DBS walk & Follow on FSX but cannot install on Steam is anyone out there they may have a solution or is there another program or anything you can use to walk around airports and planes without having to be in another sim object.
  9. Did by any chance did you still keep controlling the doors using the FMS or is there a button on the FS2 crew panel to do so or is it still going to happen automatic with the count down like the older version.
  10. Could you please find Donna Jensen, and add the Lines "We Lost The Wheels"
  11. Hi there byork hope all is well? Just wondering have you done any flights yet with the version you are working on? If so how is it so far?
  12. Thanks for that I will give the link a go ahead, & what ever you do Please Don't stop and smell the Roses, The money that you will make with the new Reboot you can pay someone else to do that.
  13. Hi Byork Hope All Is Well. Just recently bought New Equipment & Installed FSX Steam, with New 737 & Aerosoft Airbus 1.30 version, I know that You are Doing New for 737, what about the airbus push button, or could you please point me in the right direction or fly both without fs2crew and wait.
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