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Everything posted by Delmarman

  1. I am having a issue installing the product. Says unable to find smoke files and wont install
  2. Hey thanks buddy. I believe I figured out how to get my name in here. it should be signed now
  3. I am new too the wx radar. I understand function of gain and tilt wheel, auto mode weather or weather and turbelence. What is the GC button do What does the TFR button do and what the MAP but on do ? I'm not sure if I'm miss in out on anything. Thanks for any help
  4. Hey my Fs2crew does not work completely with it. Misses calls
  5. Oh ok thanks so weather on capt terrain on first officer gotcha signed George chiassion Jr
  6. Good question just installed Sp1d get ask error. So I guess they need to tweak some things
  7. It's there downloaded expansion pack downloading basepack now
  8. I'll buy base for pd3 stow it away for when I build computer for my prepared SIM So should I uninstall nubile version of ngx base and expansion then reinstall?
  9. Scandvian13 're champagne is on ice.... To I crack it on side of the 737 or is that only for ships
  10. I think it is released Omg I see change log in operations center yesssssssss
  11. That was my first post. How do I sign just put my name George C
  12. I feel like a child. A grown man feeling like a child.I had to stop myself this morning. I was upset eating breakfast wife ask what's wrong with you this morning. I said I'm waiting for the update for my ngx plane. She cried out in laughter and Said your kidding right? I know you cannot actually be upset and walking around with your head down because of a little game.Yes she called it a little game. I calmly said of course not sunshine you really think a grown man would be upset cause of a game. I just have a headache and was roaming the forum to check on an update. The update will come when it comes then I walked out the room. Lol yea she was 100% right I was upset and no I want the plane now not when it comes it comes.I just couldn't show her that side of me being upset cause of an update. Do y'all think I have a serious Problem ?
  13. hey i have this situation where i get blue and black in the scenery then i hear chimes guessing vas usage is high. I have a i3770k with 12gm ram windows 7 but no video card. I use the onboard hd4000 video from my intel processor. Could it be i am a the limit of my video card. I just order a EVGA GTX 970 ftw+ video card to put in the system. Other question is when flying out FSDREAMTEAM KLAX there is land where the ocean should be. I go in scenery library and uncheck one of the vector scenery and that seems to but the ocean back. Is there something worng with my setup?
  14. sorry may be dumn questin i have alot of flytampa flightbeam and other scenery does that stuff go right below. not sure of the order confused aes basepack ordlibs flytampa flightbeam latinvfr orbx psp orbx jac orbx bzn then everything else sorry may be dumn questin i have alot of flytampa flightbeam and other scenery does that stuff go right below. not sure of the order confused aes basepack ordlibs flytampa flightbeam latinvfr orbx psp orbx jac orbx bzn then everything else
  15. Hey Guys/Girls does anyone know where I can get a repaint of the United airlines new colors repaint of the 777-300?
  16. I think the u3011 is widescreen also if I am correct but the other one is a little wider ultrawide. Will i get the same immerson effect with the U3011. I think I am leaning towards the u3011 dont what strectch edges lol
  17. which is the better monitor the ultra widescreen or the u3011
  18. Hi guys and gals. I am building my first computer and I am having lots of fun and learning alot. I currently fly on a dell labtop dual core 2 megaherts 4 ram machine and it sucks. It overheats voice becomes demonic and stutters fps are 5 it is unflyingable. I already have my motherboard which is asus p8z77 vpro and my intel chip i3770k gonna over clock it to 4.5. I got 16 gb ram at 2133 CL 9. I also have a 850 watt PW power supply and creative lab radeon sound card. My video card is going to be a evga gtx 680 4gb card. My last piece is my monitor. i have been going back and forth between the dell ultrasharp ultrawide screen 2913wm at 21:9 and the dell ultrasharp u3011 at 21:10. One is 27 inch and the other 30 inch. 400 dollar price difference between them. I read all this stuff at about aspect ratio and windwon aspect= false and true and distortion. It really confuses me..I guess 1920 by 1080 i think is HD right. I am sure that is going to look better then anything I have ever flown. I was wondering about going to the next level 2550 x 1600. Is it going to really improve my flight simulation expierence and can a gtx 680 4g handle that on a single monitor. Is there a big difference on the whole 21:9 and 21:10 ratio thing. Is 2550 x 1600 gonna blow me and is it a big hit on FPS. If so is it worth it to fly at that resolution or is 1920 x 1080 going to be the better choice. I will be flying the ngx and 777 only in virtual cockpit mode. I will also use trackir5. THanks alot in advance for everyones help and responses. George
  19. Hi I bought the rxtensed download last Nov for the ngx. My orgonal email was pilotluv737@yahoo.com. I just submitted a ticket for my links to b sent to a different addy. I went into support signed in went to prefrences changed my email to new addy. I get email to validate i cluck link says cant validate or locate email or somethi.g of ght nature. When I sign into the suppirt section o no longer see a link to view submiited tickets anymore. So I cannot see the ticket I submittef earlier today. Pmdg please help. My new email is denisechiassion@yahoo.com
  20. HI I am just inquiring about thte FAIL OPS AND FAIL PASS i notice a diffence there is another button next to the eng, sys buttons next to the autobrakes that appears when i click Fail PASS?Figured it out LOL
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