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Posts posted by arsenal82

  1. Waters (all kind) forests in msfs are just an ai guess;  those were far more precise using older simulators as fsx or p3d where far more precise data could be used in the sim even for large areas; and as already mentioned; corrections of areas do take very long time to build; it is all hand made; point by point in most of those patches.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dillon said:

    Yesterday I took everything out of my Community folder and loaded up the sim basically in a virgin state. I did this a few times for good measure. The load time was almost the same as it was with a packed community folder. This is truly a FS specific problem.  To your point some add-ons can affect load times but the bulk of this problem is the sim itself.🧐

    interesting; I empty community folder and loading  time far better than with addon in it.

  3. 11 minutes ago, AnkH said:

    Then, for sure, people would complain because their sim is fired up in 30 secs but it takes another 5min until the "fly" button is available. The sim has to check and then load everything in your community folder. I have currently 483 Addons in there, along with FSLTL and AIG full installations, thousands of planes and textures to be checked and loaded for the sim. I mean, lets put one second for each addon and this would still take 48 seconds to go through. So a loading time of 2mins I consider to be absolutely fine, in my case it is more like 5mins...

    After last update loading time have increased; that is what debated here. Exactly same installation from 2 mins to 5 mins; simmers wonder why. Having said that; some addons might affect loading time more than others; is up to what asobo actually change / break. 😁

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  4. 4 hours ago, cianpars said:

    Yeah, they could have done a better job there, but overall I find it better.  I was expecting to be able to remove Taburet's mesh after installing ORBX mesh, but it seems better with both installed from what I can tell.


    The morphing fix do more than just 'adjust' morphing around coastlines. It includes editing of sea water along south west shores; northern shores; north east shores where water cliffs climbing is widespread. Default mesh do not really show water cliffs climbing but it morph; mesh addons might well introduce water climbing; the morph fix help in both situations as  to block / mitigate this kind of problems. Having said that; it is a huge task to get into every single corner; not because of the lenght of coastlines; but for the fact that the sdk is not really designed to handle vertical polygons; with a distorted perspective of the area edited; to fix this kind of defects precision is required.

    • Like 2

  5. 2 hours ago, Christopher Low said:

    If the mesh resolution is 2 metres, then there should be a big difference. What is the resolution of the default mesh?

    it varies; lidar dtm is been mostly completed non long ago; however asobo been added high res mesh to British Isles for quite some time as the lidar data become available. All south of England is high res mesh; a 1 m or 2 m; this is screen taken over the Portland Bill in Dorset; is on a 1 or 2 m resolution by default.



  6. 27 minutes ago, Rockliffe said:

    I agree. I installed the mesh yesterday and while there aren't big changes, there are enough to make things a tad nicer. Morphing is still there, and I haven't experienced any issues with mismatched terrain around airports. Having said that, it's early days. But at the price I reckon it's worth a punt.

    less mesh resolution = less morphing

    more mesh resolution = more morphing


  7. 1 hour ago, steve310002 said:

    Same in Ireland, you know the land of sheep and cows, but nada...baaaaaa! Only some horses in Connemara National Park and nothing else. I don't really understand their selection of location either and it seems rather limited. I would prefer if they spent more time placing animals in more locations than the 'educational' voice overs which I think virtually no one will bother with. It would be great if they even provided a tool where the user could place animals themselves, a bit like Parallel 42's Camping App allows you to with camping gear. At least then we could apply animals to wherever we want and populate the world.

    The tool is already available; in form of msfs sdk.

    Very likely they choice the route of 'fancy stuff' animated creatures; however it come with limitations as frames rates and loading time take its tool if over done. The other route is a more straight forward direction; static with more animals and less objects polygons.

  8. bit of a long post to follow;

    but let me put across a couple important points;

    I am not here to sell anything; I am just here to ask question about the work I do; some might like some do not; fine for me;  but no misinformation; and yes the videos are up to show what a scenery is; than is up to you to decide. 

    My vision is simple and straight forward and San Francisco is an example;  I write in the forum and also clearly San Francisco show is not pbr;  and come here and say again; SF do not feature pbr textures;  if you like pbr exclusively than is not for you. 

    Again; I am not here to sell anything; I am here to try stop misinformation; and to be clear; the majority of simmers enjoy the work done at my end. That is good enough for me; of course a minority can be more demanding in addons and I perfectly understand;  you do not like ? Nobody force you to buy it; but do not stop with misinformation others that might enjoy it. Subpar or not subpar like many others work out there some better than others from major addons companies; either sold in their shops or marketplace; bought also by myself some good some not good; however I am not going around forums starting telenovelas about a scenery or accusing anybody of anything.

    the rule here is: you need it ? you want it ?  get it

    is not for you:  move on

    Adding too much fancy stuff to scenery as the sim is underperforming due to a bug introduced 5 month ago and with the possibility of more bumps on the roads; not good advice; there is enough waste ware works out there; and yes some are even still on sale.


  9. 2 hours ago, petz_e said:

    It’s Taburet, what do you expect 🙂I have South Oaks FSBirds. They are ok, a bit repetitive though, as their flock of birds is always composed of the same number of birds, flying at the same speed. I only bought the birds for the US west coast and UK (with a small discount) as these are the regions I mostly fly VFR.

    Taburet‘s addon doesn‘t look good. Just another poorly done but relatively expensive product that fits their portfolio. Also be aware that the description says: „some graphic adjustments to accomodate this scenery might be required“ which raises eybrows IMO. 

    that is your opinion; the opinion of somebody that did not even test the scenery; with all respect worthless !

    The addon is light on fps; however it is always better to say 'you might' need to adjust graphics to achieve best performance; you be amazed some do not know that.

    I suggest before comment on any addons; is to actually have them installed first; if do not have installed better not comment as you do not have an idea how anything look or can do.

  10. 1 hour ago, cobalt said:

    This is without a doubt the most unprofessional statement I have ever seen from a developer. You never proofread anything? Ever? Does this apply to your product releases also?

    I understand your point; not that I disagree; the answer is no

    I do not proofread anything I write; I really do not post in forums often; but I believe in this case it was a good idea to go through this conversation about SF scenery.Is either spending time going around forums and fly the sim or do scenery but yes I proofreading addons.

  11. Good day;

    In this coming update V 1.2;  as Benjamin mentioned Mission Bay being sand; I have not checked yet how default exactly depict Mission Bay; however flattened into a sandy area should be a straight forward change to implement.

    Having said that; I suppose; downtowns usually are very valuable spaces; i believe it will developed and not left as sand for long ? 

    Others buildings require 3d modelling; those take more time; however if there is photogrammetry data available; it can be added with google to msfs;  because of google copyrights it can not be included in the package itself; having said that; i believe at some stage default photogrammetry will be updated in the future.

    Most important is the incoming msfs update fix that terrain engine bug or whatever they broke after update 7.

  12. ok

    i had a look at this scenery;  fly over the city; and these are my findings; and how I found the scenery since being checked in January 2022;

    San Francisco area in msfs is a photogrammetry scenery; inevitably this bring fps down;  more specifically after a past update; however as far as i know this photogrammetry 'bug' should be resolved in the next update. This bug also affected heightmaps terrain meshes which started stuttering after the release of such update; this is not the scope of this conversation as such I will not go into details.

    Tested the scenery on ultra settings; with terrain mesh set on 150 and rende scaling also at 125; this on a i9 with a 2080 super gpu untampered machine give me fps of around 20; I only noticed one stutter which is well in norm.

    As I flew over San Francisco frames rates remain mostly stable on the 20 mark; as i move around and at the end of the video i moved away from downtown; frames rates for a few moment dropped; although looking away from the scenery; this default photogrammetry bug causing issue over the region; as said above; this should be resolved in the next update; in facts frames rates are higher over the SF scenery addon than away from it; this is because default photogrammetry is exclude from the area; although downtown is still let say 'embedded' into default photogrammetry; inevitably this has an effect on the general San Francisco area performance, others factor might come into play because of personal circumstances setups such as internet speed and system specifications; also note Vr is being reported to me not be a good choice for Msfs due to lacking of performance; up as I type now; this too might improve with the next update.

    What this scenery will benefit from ?

    Fly over the area of San Francisco with the addon installed; we can see there some flickering on the ground; this where the addon meet the default mesh; this should be on the cards a easy fix; having said my preference would be to make an area of mesh to gain full control of the elevation beneath the scenery; this will also bullet proof the scenery from future misobo default mesh changes in the area as it will sit on top. However; not idea is valid until proved working in the actual sim.

    I checked also the model itself; it benefit the addition of lod to increase performance at distance; i believe this will have little to no change when fly close the model as it will use the original lod.

    Taking in consideration the idea of creating a mesh base for the scenery and have full control of it; and the relative simplicity of this scenery; I can well start to update the scenery in the incoming days; I also expect an increase in default photogrammetry performance after the next update which will surely benefit not only this scenery but all scenery out there.

    and here is the whole thing moving



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  13. 41 minutes ago, bofhlusr said:

    Follow-up... will the scenery work in MSFS v1.26.5?  Any adverse effect on FPS, and where can I see a list or description of at least 10 custom objects? Thanks.

    Good day;

    At first sight I recognize these buildings:

    Salesforce Tower
    Transamerica Pyramid
    555 California Street
    345 California Center
    One Embarcadero Tower
    181 Freemont
    California Street
    Park Tower at Transbay
    Salesforce Tower
    One Post Street

    and of course I see more but do not really know their name.

    I am going through the scenery to see what need to be done for the update; I am also taking a video to show it in more details.

  14. 2 hours ago, mpo910 said:

    This is indeed not respectful und should not be done or appreciated. Understand.

    I think your product would be much more attractive when using PBR. PBR in combinantion with AO (MSFS AO) is what makes the scenery come alive, have depth and high quality looking effect. It´s a bit of a pitty you do not use it, but it´s of course your choice and decision.

    Thanks for your reply!


    You welcome.

    I fully agree with you; you make a good point. There is more than that.

    Flight simulation is amazing; because is everybody life; and not just aviation; 


    from bofhlusr post above   I have personal reasons why I'm interested in this scenery. 

    when we sim we also live our life trough the sim; the place we visited in real life; a place where you meet somebody first time etc etc; 

    I consider 3d design and texturing an art on itself; my hat off to those great 3d artist out there. Personally it was too risky for me to come into msfs and starting working with pbr; with an ever changing platform you have to be absolutely sure that if is broken it can be either repair or replaced; and i was tempted to follow that path; but i always believed that in msfs energy could be combined with data to create sort like real world simulations with energy; this was clear to me after i made the animated oil wells scenery; is at that point i started to look at the sky and created layers of birds to bring the sky alive; with over 60 millions birds fly in the upcoming Usa birds package; with birds flocks unique to each other in form ; shape and movement. You have to believe in what you can do best and follow the path to reach the top of your potential; pbr or 3d design or terrain; but we can also now add a new kind of ramification of terrain design  'dynamic terrain design' and who knows where this will take me or others.

  15. 1 hour ago, mpo910 said:

    One Thing that catches me was, that the dev mentioned this product has not used PBR.

    One thing that really makes MSFS so great and "shiny" is PBR. It was something we asked for for years. 

    And Taburet releases products without PBR? Why is that? 

    I don't like this idea. 

    Also, the tone set here in this thread is pretty aggressive. At least my opinion .

    So two things, not my quality Standard and not my kind of communication. 


    It might be well true; but also some people here are really winding up others; with some of their comments; clearly written to inflame or irritate others.

    Is not a problem for me to have a technical discussion about any products or explain what it is or what is not; or hear some like it some do not like it; it is when become personal attacks that I have to step in as if not it carry on and on; some people here have only one interest of tarnish somebody else reputations. I do appreciate moderating forums is a fine line; but also personal attach should not happen and those who break the rules should receive a warning to stop; sometimes this kind of situations have really gone out of control right here in this forum; and nobody stepped in to stop it.

    Pbr is not what I do; I am more of a landscapes gardener; I leave it for the experts; if I make anything that do not have pbr i will not pretend it is a pbr scenery; and of course I fully agree pbr textures look very good in the sim.

  16. 24 minutes ago, bofhlusr said:

    Looking forward to your update of San Francisco after the MSFS update 10 is released in August. I have personal reasons why I'm interested in this scenery.  In the meantime, is there any way I can have a list of the top 10 custom objects in the current scenery?  Do you need beta testers to identify issues? 

    You welcome

    This is a snapshot of the model; all the area you see has been flattened and replaced with the model; that is what show in the sim..



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