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About ZaethDekar

  • Birthday 06/02/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Columbia Gorge, PNW
  • Interests
    Motorcycles, computers, and flying.

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. I would like to say that really both games you can make it as easy or hard as you want. I know I have taken off in a 747 from PDX using a keyboard & mouse, a game pad, and a joystick at different parts of gaming....So far in flight I had just used keyboard and mouse but I know the joystick or game pad will both work great.Really it just depends on the end user and what they want. Some days I want to try my hardest at a real flight.. other days I just want to get up in the air and take a look at the beautiful world we live in when its been raining for two weeks straight in the real world.
  2. Looks awesome :) I like it! Thank you for the tip
  3. I haven't been up in the air long enough with a passenger to have to worry about it.... I did find out the Icon A5 can slide down a hill without hitting anything and then take off when it hits the bottom. (Woops!)
  4. Man is it horrible if I just want to head home and start playing some more instead of doing my job? hah hah. I've been on htis form all of 2 hours and have learned quite a lot already. Woo!
  5. Thats good information to know :) Thank you!I didn't even realise I was on the UNICOMM station then in the game as I was voice chatting a bit with someone I was flying with.Must be the default channel the Icon was on.
  6. I will have to try removing some fuel then haha.... Now when you press F for fuel does it pop up a slider or how do you adjust it after the fact?
  7. Thank you for the help, can't wait to make it home after work tonight and try this!
  8. Speaking of HOTAS setup... I use this setup:http://www.amazon.co...30676652&sr=8-1Its moderatly cheap for what you get, and works great (Also it works on a PS3 if you have one)I bought my dad the Saitek X52 Pro as a christmas gift a few years ago and it works great as well but on a whole different price point.Edit: Also the Thrustmaster I linked to can break apart into two peices so if you don't have one large area you can have two smaller footprints for it.
  9. I am not much of an avid flight simmer (I've dinked around a little on take off from my local airport and flew around but nothing serious) but from my limited knowledge it sounds like you are meaning that the airport radio frequency and using that as a 'local' mic post for voice chat?I think that would be pretty dang awesome!
  10. @MVGibbageNow I am thinking I need to get a second monitor.I do have to say though at this point I just have my TV as a monitor (No space for a normal desk with all my crap I have) and I love just looking out the window as I fly along the coast.
  11. I also had a good time on the multiplayer... I was having fun in the Icon while a P-51 was having fun seeing how close we could fly to each other... granted we were chatting on coms the whole time having a good laugh.However through other multiplayer games I do understand thata there will be people that won't be very nice.... however thats where I usually just boot them from the game after giving them a warning (considering I usually always host my own)Do we know how many people max can be in one session?
  12. What altitude were you at?I was trying the same mission, crashed probably 8 times trying to get up over some trees. (One time I even got up and then stalled and slid down the side of a mountain without hitting trees with the landing gear out and was able to take off again, then crashed.)I was on multiplayer and a person told me that the Icon really pitters out around 7.5k-8k so to try the mission at a lower elevation. I ended up having to do a major detour from that airport to be able to complete the mission but staying around 6k it wasn't too bad.
  13. I was enjoying that as well today. Next I'll be plugging in my Thrustmaster HOTAS setup and see if that works well.
  14. ZaethDekar (Go figure.. I use it for everything)
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