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Posts posted by Mirtma

  1. Yesterday I've got Clandestine Mission (at last). Soon after I got to 19 lvl.Before I just couldn't find it anywhere. It was really fun. Specially at the end. Low fuel and short and narrow strip. Trees all around. I had to circle 3 times around to decide from where is best to land. I've got almost 18.000 xp (at daylight).What I've been missing is possibility to look at map so that I could decide where to fly before you take off. And we should have map while in route.

  2. Yesterday I took a cargo job. Since the cargo was heavy I took only 20 % of fuel. When near destination I still had about 6 %. Successful landing in military base, just where it was marked with "destination". Nothing happens. Then pop up asking me if I have enough fuel to takeoff or if I'm stuck here (at this airport I couldn't refuel). I was taxiing around to get mission confirmed. Nothing. I took off and left for bigger airport 5 or 6 miles away. Refueled and then return back. Then I get right response and end of mission.Has anyone else had such a problem with low fuel?

  3. Hey Mirtma,You will certainly get some good feedback here, in regards to how a specific controller performs with the Flight program. But do understand, most of that feedback is going to be limited to folks who are currently running the Flight program.If you want a more overall view of suggestions on controllers in your price range, and how they work in not only Flight but other sims as well, you might consider posting similar on the Hardware controller and drivers sub forum.If you are unsure where that is located, just click on the Avsim Forums - upper left - scroll down to the hardware forums, then go to the controller and drivers subforum.Best of luck in your search for a replacement controller,
    Thank you for your answer. Now I mostly fly MS Flight and I think I've got the answer. Hosas X should do since you don't need so many controls on stick like in combat flight simm's. It's really great community.
    Of the sub $50 joysticks, I'm rather pleased with the Hotas X. The build quality is great, no sharp edges, it reminds me a lot of the quality of the old Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro.I'm convinced that the best feature is having the rudder control on the throttle, rather than the stick. It's far too easy to accidentally twist the stick and bleed airspeed, but on the throttle rocker, you only get rudder when you intend to get rudder.One caveat to this stick is it doesn't come with a button/axis mapping software, but I've used Xpadder ($10) to overcome that. I've bound all the axes (pitch, roll, throttle, rudder) in Flight, and bound all the buttons in Xpadder. This gives me the perk of mapping two buttons to Shift and Ctrl, which jumps the button count from 10 to 32 essentially when using button chording. I've also bound the stick twist axis to left and right brakes, which makes taxiing much easier than using the rudder. Again, Xpadder works great here since Flight doesnt have an axis bind for brakes.For $50 or less (I got mine for $35 on sale), I doubt there is a better option.
    Thanks for your suggestions. Is that Xpadder for joystick also?

  4. After Kalo had his Skipping Accident™, I remapped the skip command to CTRL+N, and suggest other people do the same. It makes the tooltip box slightly larger, but there are far less accidents. May want to do the same with the engine cutoff and open door commands too.
    Good suggestion. Will do that!

  5. Yesterday I have time and I've decided to do Hawaii Photo Book mission (only one left). I was enjoining real nice scenery, and learning about Hawaiian history. When on the last leg (about 150 NM from landing) I want to take some more screenshots. And guess what? I press the "N" instead of "V" key. :Monkey: What a bummer. But I must say again. Really nice flight and scenery.

  6. Ozzie Tnx. Will try that. And, I know ... practise. I don't have much problem with longer runways. (Many hours in DCS:A10c. ;) ) There you have higher landing speed, but also flaps and airbrakes.Oh, and tnx for links. Great resource of info.

    Press and hold the brake key, and release briefly now and then on the taildraggers (especially the Stearman) so you don't tip them over on their nose. You really want to touch down at the right speed, and as early as possible (ideally "on the numbers" on paved runways, and roughly the same spot on dirt fields) to give you the maximum distance for your ground roll. The correct approach and landing speeds are in the checklist, hit Q and read it before landing. From memory, the Stearman wants 65mph on final, and you should flare and touch down at 55, with the nose up HIGH.Personally I find the Stearman a bit of a handful to land. Not only does it lose speed VERY fast when you throttle back, so you might have to carry some throttle all the way down, but it also likes to flip over unless you stop braking for a second now and then, AND you'd better be holding that stick back in your gut while on the ground. It also has great visibility in all directions except forwards and down, i.e. the direction you need to see when landing :). I solve that by a curving approach, so I only lose sight of the runway when i'm right over it.
    Tnx Rickenbaker.

  7. A couple of the aerocaches you have to be so close that you have to go on foot. Lava Foundation is easy, Where It All Started you have to walk up and almost touch it.Hook
    I know, I've done that. What i meant was that on some you can't land near. And it's hard to get conformation.

  8. With few caches I have problem to detect me (most of them are on the ground or on the mountain side). For instance Lava foundation (and there are few more). I'm sure that I flew through it (low, almost at ground) but it didn't confirm success. Don't know if it should be that way.

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