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  1. I always start on the runway and take off myself. You pick the aerocache you want to find, see which airport it starts you at then just go on the map and click on the airport. On the right side are a list of runways. Pick which on you want and and pick the runway to take off from on the right.
  2. I haven't done all the Aerocaches yet, but glancing at the list, it appears that the only two that are unobtainable right now would be:Curvature of the EarthHigh Flying GliderDoes anyone know if there are other ones you can't do until they release a jet (or F-18 would be sweet :Nerd:)Also, what's the max altitude you've hit and with which plane? Just curious. Happy flying!
  3. IGN - the same site that said Dark Souls would blow Skyrim away in every aspect.
  4. I made the mistake of buying the P51 not knowing it didn't have a cockpit. It's a great plane and even fun to fly sometimes from the chase view, but it upsets me that I voted with my $$ saying this type of thing is ok. I wish there was someway I could "unbuy" it so MS doesn't think this is what people want.I hope they release the full deluxe P51 (why not, they're halfway there already by having the outside done) and let us people that bought the regular one get it for an 'upgrade' price. But I'm not holding my breath.
  5. It's fine for me. You can always see the status of live herehttp://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status
  6. I don't know the answer to this, but since this game is tied into Xbox Live, I'm sure the achievements are stored in your Gamertag just like an Xbox 360. I would guess that if you created a new Xbox Live account, that might reset the game. Even if you deleted the entire game from your hard drive and reinstalled it, if you use the same Gamertag, your achievements would still be there.This is just my guess based on how the Xbox works. I can't confirm any of this as fact.
  7. I found it the hard way too. You can fly the whole Pali Highway from coast to coast and never get closer than 5nm to the thing. Decided to fly northwest and the indicator said 2nm so I knew I was on the right track.
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