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  1. I see no need to tweak anything right now, but everything is also very basic. If they start adding scenery and more complex planes it will be the same tweak nightmare all over again.
  2. Just forget it, i cant even run FSX on my 5000$ alienware laptop, all other games but not FSX, Trying to setup FSX on a laptop wil just get you frustrated, you will not ever get rid of blurries and dont even try with addons.
  3. The steam client was installed against your wishes, how the hell did that happen, im just curious.
  4. Am i the only one who thinks they pulled the plug on Alaska, i remember a long time ago they said spring. Not one word mentioned about it since then, very weird.
  5. If it has a cockpit i buy it, otherwise its just another nail in the coffin for Flight and me, cant believe anyone actually buys them if they dont have a cockpit, whats the point.
  6. I havent played Flight for a month now, its dead for me, to be honest i think its only a matter of month before the plug is pulled on this fail.
  7. Feels the same to me whether i fly it from behind or inside the cockpit, but then again i dont have a full motion simulator so i wouldnt know.
  8. I might buy it, just for the approach plates and landing setups, why not, its almost free.
  9. Just play with people you know, its not different from other online games.
  10. Lol respect for what, its a game if you want to be a wanny be pilot that takes everything too seriously then dont play with others, for all i know it could be a kid fooling around just having fun, dont be fooled be thinking that everyone that download this game will threat it as a simulator, which by the way its not, its a game.
  11. If its an open session then anyone can join an do what they want, theres no rules. Some have fun taking off and landing others have fun knocking people out the sky. Naming and shaming is also not a nice thing to do, the guy can play the game anyway he wants in an open for all session.
  12. I need ATC and AI traffic before i buy anything at all, the multiplayer is the so bad its redicoulus, actually its the worst i seen in a game for many many years. Lets hope they get their act together before its too late.
  13. Flight could have been very succesfull if the "masterminds" behind all this really had gave it a thought, too bad they really look like a big joke now, im not saying its bad if you really like flying, its just not good at all seen from a gaming view point. There need to be a career mode, just having xp makes no sense at all, what is the point with this xp anyway. Maybe they thought oh the big mmo´s have xp lets do that also without any idea what to do with it, you dont even unlock other missions or planes. Do they really think gamers are that stupid, it certainly looks like it
  14. Nope its boring because when you land at PHNL a major airport or any airport, you are the only thing moving there, the world is dead, no planes no cars no ships moving no atc, its all dead. If Microsoft sees that this is the way forward i wish them luck, but it will fail.These things should have been added from the start, its beyond me what they were thinking when planning this and thought it could bring in the gamers. And what about the future, what will be added and for who, what is the big plan with this, nobody knows, seriously that is not the way to launch a game. Why even bother to land at an airport, you might as well just crash the plane in to a building.
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