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Posts posted by enamel

  1. Hi all, new here.I have been sim racing for quite some time, but never had an attraction to flight sims. Whether real or perceived, the barrier to entry seemed much too high to me. When MS first teased Flight, it was the first time I had an interest in a flight sim, I am firmly in the target market they are trying to attract. If Flight was a $60 box, I would not be playing it, and would be worse off for it. The ala carte model is really ideal for me.I am glad they made this game to appeal to a more general audience, I have having so much fun with it and would have ignored a FS11 release unfortunately. Anyway, I am sure everyone is sick of this topic rehashed over and over so on to my questions!1) "Flare" - In the first Icon landing challenge, you get right down to the runway then you are told to cut power to idle and bring the nose up. Following these instructions will put me into a stall and I drop out of the sky and slam to the ground. Is there something about doing a flare that I am missing?2) Prop RPMs and throttle at cruise - The checklists have you bring the RPMs and throttle down for cruising. My question is if this is something solely to save engine wear and fuel costs? Are mechanical failures modeled in the game? So far I just go 100% all the time because dropping 20 knots for no reason just isn't in my DNA :)

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